Im playing as jack who has super high accuracy and crit cause of Company man skill boosted by chroniclier of elpis class mod what prefix of omni cannon is good with the exception of accuracy prefix its typically useless with Jack
you’ll probably want the “auditing” prefix as that will be the damage accessory, “venture” will give an additional crit bonus, and “operational” will provide the highest fire-rate.
Thankz gonna wanna use auditing since it’s an explosive gun
Currently the Omni Cannon is bugged just like all other old hyperion guns, so if you are farming for one avoid Hyperion grip as rn its just as useless as the accuracy prefix (I would reccomend Jakobs or Vladof grip until it gets fixed)
yea it usless as hell with jack he’s already super accurate even the most inacurate weapon becomes accurate with him
Dont get me wrong normally it would be arguably the better grip because of Mag Size and and Reload Speed from matching grip. The bug is that its not receiving that bonus.
I’d suggest either Vladof grip and fire rate prefix or Jakobs grip and damage prefix. Maximise either damage or fire rate.
yea cause when Jack fire it first time any hyperion gun it already accurate. i will go for jackobs grip and damage prefix