I got the Handsome Jack collection as my semi-yearly video game. I’m currently taking care of a baby with a new one on the way soon. Basically, I’m trying to say that I have no time on my hands.
I’d like you fellas to assist me in picking a character. The only thing I really care about is never worrying about ammo. That’s it. In BL1, I played the siren with the SMG mod that gave you ammo regen. Creative ideas to support this would also be welcome. I’m open to all things: the moxxi drinks, COMs, guns that replenish ammo, melee builds, whatever. (I’ve seen the Admiral Bahroo video that shows the “infinite” ammo build on Jack… the one where he runs out of ammo.) If that is the closest thing I can get, then so be it. Thanks.
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(So long, and thanks for all the fish)
Well Wilhelm does have a perk for one of his drones in his skill tree that gives everyone in the party a burst of ammo and health regen when deployed.
Other than that, though, I haven’t really worried too much about ammo. The same tricks from BL2 also work in TPS (opening a bunch of containers before picking up any ammo, picking up any weapon of the type you want ammo for then dropping it).
All the characters have interesting skill trees, so it really comes down to what you like best. My personal recommendations for starting would be Athena and the Doppelganger.
Jack, Wilhelm and Athena are all good on ammo. I’d say Jack is probably the most fun out of those 3 but that’s just my opinion lol. Definitely stay away from Nisha, she chews ammo like nothing. The moxxxtail is a good choice for when you want to conserve ammo. I always pick up one before heading out to do some missions
Thanks for the help so far guys. I’ve played Wilhelm to level 35 ish thus far and I have to say that he feels a little underpowered. I may just be screwing it up, but I BARELY managed to kill Deadlift in TVHM. Jack is feeling a bit fun, but I’m torn between his pet build and his damage dealing thing. I’m playing Athena right this second and I just caught the skill that gives her a chance to not consume ammo when she swaps weapons. I like it.
P.S. I didn’t play BL2. I was busy
(So long, and thanks for all the fish)