Assault Rifile Challenge playthrough

If you are one of the people who think TPS is too easy then I suggest trying a playthrough where you only use assault riles.

Continuing the discussion from The Most Under-Rated Things in the Game!:

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Considering that I also said “A few exceptions aside” My guess is anyone who will take the challenge will do so with one of the “few exceptions” there are. :wink:

want to make it a REAL challenge ?

Same thing, but you can’t use ANY Unique ARs or Jakobs Gatlings.

…THAT’S more of a challenge :wink:


Standout ARs?

(not just Legendaries)

Does the Hail count? Blue Unique. Anyhow, that’s one of my favorites. I know it wouldn’t be allowed according to Chuck’s rule.

That’s certainly true. But you don’t get access to many of those until later, right? And the legendaries aren’t guaranteed. I do like the ice cream truck assault rifle. Until I don’t want to hear it anymore.

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Who would be the best to try this with you think? I’ve tried a few allegiance runs in BL2 and was looking for something new to try in TPS.

Maybe Wilhelm for extra difficulty.


Major Tom, Shreddifier, Kerboom, Hammer Buster II, that new one from the DLC (can,t recall the name)

Hail, Ice scream, Crybaby, Wallop, Old Painful (Maybe others)

Great Purples:
Torgue spitters, Jakobs Gartlings, Glitched Dahl, Torgue Torpedoes (with the Torgue barrel)

I would remove the restriction on the Crybaby: it’s not that great anyway so it would still be in the spirit of the challenge, it’s a funny and quirky gun, and having multiple people doing playthroughs with it exclusively is a good way to discover previously unknown great things about it :stuck_out_tongue:


Are you suggesting a playthrough where you can only use what you find…but restricted to ARs ?
That’s a pretty hard challenge already. I figured most people would farm their gear ahead of time.


There is a guy on the BL1 section who has been doing a playthrough using nothing other than repeaters.

I sort of figured he meant something like that.

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I think I’m actually gonna give this a whirl. Although I’m not gonna use Chucks non unique part because I’ll probably have a hard enough time without more restrictions.

Does Willy start with an AR? Or am I gonna be punching my way through the first part of the game?

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Well, if you are already restricting yourself to weapons you find in game, there are no reasons to restrict yourself further by foregoing uniques.

My suggestion was for those who would farm their gear ahead of time and do it at level 70

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My god has this ever shown me how little I have used ARs in Borderlands. I’m only level 7 but I just did a mini fist pump after finding a decent Dahl AR in the chests after Deadlift.

Thats a first.


You fiend!


Well. Jack kinda has things easy no matter what gun he uses if you spec a certain way. Maybe this would make him a little more challenging to play though?

Does anyone have good boosts to assault rifles? Via class mod or skills? Maybe someone with good reload speeds. Nisha is good because of her aim skill. That would help with the lower accuracy of assault rifles.

I kind of assumed that the player doing the challenge wouldn’t be using guns from outside the playthrough, yeah. But it looks like we now have at least two or three versions of the challenge. You’d have a good break after beating the sentinel or iwajira because you could go get tons of purples. At least finding a good purple assault rifle. Or possibly grinding extra stuff for a chance at a legendary.

And that’s yet another way to do the challenge.

There is a “legendary challenge playthrough” for BL2 where you can only use legendary gear. And every time you encounter something that has a named drop you have to fight that guy until he drops his legendary in order to move on.

This means you have to go fight knuckledragger a lot until he drops his hornet for example. And you aren’t really allowed to further progress until you do. (I would at least allow you to at least exit that map and renter it from there so that when you save and quit you’re right there).

Point is, you don’t start with a legendary so I think that until then you’re allowed to use what you start with (ok well, in BL2, that pistol in the cabinet). Also I don’t remember if the challenge applied to non-gun gear. That said, how hard would it really be to punch Knuckledragger to death?

I should retry my Jack no-death challenge of trying to speedrun through the whole game in one session with Money Is Power on, but at level 70 with a UVHM reset.

I did go manage to get about 200, 300 and even 400 stacks of Money is Power via a fresh new Jack when I tried this before. I could have done better had I had a good team helping me the whole time. I was hosting it public. I did manage to beat the game in about 12 hours. But imagine how fast you could go in UVHM without having to worry about leveling up first in certain areas.