New heads with the patch?

Did anyone else obtain the turkey and snowman heads for their toons this morning with the new patch? Trying to crowdsource proof that I didn’t cheat for them lol.

Yeah, but it also gave me two other heads for Athena.

Okay, everyone except Nisha got 4 heads after the update, Nisha only got two, one of them was the quest head from the Claptrap DLC.

I got the turkey and snowman heads on some, but not all, characters. I also received other heads. I could discern no order to what was received on which. I also re-received a number of heads that I had already unlocked, in that they appeared in the customization station with a [new] annotation despite having already been unlocked by Bestest Story Ever Told etc etc.

The patch also seemingly unlocked most of the skins that the Loot Bugs now drop. And other skins besides. Aurelia no longer needs to farm Crouch Potato kills, huzzah.

I now have those holiday themed heads unlocked too, also like others have said, some of the things I’ve already unlocked are showing up as “new”.

The customization system is so buggy in this game, I never saw this with BL2. I wonder wtf happened this time around.

Alright so I just now checked, but I have both holiday heads for whilhem the turkey for clappy and a completely random head for Nisha so…what heck is going on gearbox… I at least want them for the characters I play as lol


New heads and skins for all of my toons. Some I’d already unlocked are marked as being new. 2/3 received turkeys. Only 1 has a snowman head.

Surely, this was intentional.

I wonder if the holiday-themed heads were supposed to be tied to mini-events that never happened? Regardless, they’re fun. I’ve collected the most heads on my Nisha toon and after this update am only missing one. Thanks GB!

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@hidoggie same here. Now I just gotta get that trickster one.
@makalaka haha ok, I’m glad to see it was just a random happenstance. I wonder if we should be able to unlock them on the toons that are missing them now…


Two Holiday heads (Snowman, Turkey), a Trickster Grille, and Special Enforces heads for my Willy post patch, bet there’s new ones for my other toons, too!

Bunch of new skins, too!

Yep, new heafs / skins acrosd the board!


(Id still rather have moonstones and bullpup though)

eh, that was a poor amount of moonstones. I think you will at least be more entertained in the long-run if one of the suggestions in your other post works out.

You should also be able to grind a Flayer more easily too. I may give it a few tries tomorrow if I can farm a couple leveled Legendaries.

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The Flayer is my personal unicorn!

Why will it be easier now?

More DLC recipes + Denial Subroutine.

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If I read the patch notes correctly (and sometimes reading is hard) the recipe was added to the regular grinder pool. Hopefully I’ll have some time to test it out today.

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Regular grinder pool meaning you can now grind one with “regular” legendaries as opposed to having to throw DLC legendaries into the mix?

I believe so, but anyone with better information should correct me if I’m wrong.


Update: either RNG hates me today or the chances for Clappy legendaries are practically nil, but I only received the usual suspects in the grinder over about 20 runs using regular legendaries. On a more positive note I picked up a new Moonlight Saga, Fatale and Hammer Buster in the Concordia vending machines, so that’s nice, although I’m ignoring the fact that they’re all 1-2 levels below my toon. :grin:

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Crap - guess I still have two left then. Having a hard time getting the VooDoo Doll drop without farming myself into insanity. Where does the Trickster head come from?