Claptastic Voyage doesn't scale at end of tvhm?

I’ve recently fished going through tvhm story but finished CV beforehand just to get a few levels and went back to try to farm some gear for the next playthrough and everything is still lvl 46-48 while I’m 52 now. Does the dlc not scale when tvhm is complete? If not that sucks i really wanted to get a nice glitch quad and a flayer.

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none of the dlc’s level up like that. in either game. you have to reset the playthrough.

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In bl 2 at the end of uvhm everything scaled to my level im asking is it just because it’s tvhm ? Or did everything scale with me in bl2 because I hit level cap? And in that case will Tps scale the same at level cap?

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In TVHM everything should scale up. However, a couple of big exceptions.

  1. Any side quest you accepted before completing and turning in the main story will NOT scale up its mission reward; these are always locked when you accept the mission (same in all other modes too)

  2. Dropped items can be up to two levels below, so expect lots of 48-50 gear in TVHM even when you’ve completed the story.

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I know its 4 days but wanted to clarify this, in TVHM everything will scale to 50 at the end, no higher, (OP level 52 at his first post this thread). same with the venders in TVHM, they will scale to whatever level you are up to level 50, this will vary if you have other players in the game, depending on their level.

in UVHM everything scales as it does in BL 2, so need to make sure that you are in UVHM to farm gear at your level


Yeah I just ended up starting uvhm and used whatever I could find I’m about halfway through so far just trying to find decent weapons for bosses