Unknown mission listed in the echo device! WTH?!

Hey guys!

Two of my friends and me were just playing some Borderlands The Pre-Sequel and suddenly both told me, that they had a unknown mission listed in their echo devices. Something like that:

Funny story though, because I was the host and this mission was not listed in my echo device, only in my friends’ echo devices. Regarding that, the mission description was also in english and not german.

Also, I checked my Athena profile, because there I already completed all missions, but I didn’t find a mission with that description.

What is that? Did someone of you guys experience something similar? Is this a new mission or a small part of new content?

Waaat. That looks like a Dukino quest from BL2.

What the hell?

That’s the second mission of Dukino’s 3 missions from BL 2.

That should literally not happen.

Though, I had this bug once, but it was in the “Trouble with Space Hurps” mission.

… Keep Your Insides Inside

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That’s totally a Dukino mission from BL2 Lynchwood!

And in a strange mix of German and English!

That’s weird…and awesome.

Can you actually get to the quest marker?

Here’s the mission:

Maybe Krieg is in the files too. :flushed:

There’s a LOT of leftover code from BL2 in TPS. But this takes the cake for sheer weirdness.

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Or complete laziness on 2k’s part, depending on how you look at it.

I was getting bl2 speech during science and violence.

Is this the handsome jack collection by chance?

That’s clearly a PC pic (look at the bottom; hit Q for this, E for that, ESC for the other thing).