I’m trying to use this weapons but can’t seem to find a proper use for them or the adecuate build/character.
The boxxy could be OK to strip shields in a melee build, and the party line… Well I don’t know.
I’m sure someone here can make this weapons shine. I want to believe that the designers made them with a hidden purpose (if not as a big f*** lazy joke).
Will love to see if this weapons can be used even if is in really special situations.
So if anyone seem to use them, please let me know how can I take advantage of them.
(I know most people will say they suck, and for the moment I also believe they do. That’s the obvious part. But will be cool to see if they have some hidden ‘something’)
Really they’re both just kinda gimmick guns, the body gun is useless no matter how you cut it, the party line is okay with nisha (but she can make anything good) and it’s an interesting weapon indoors with low ceilings, but beside being a call back to the contraband sky rocket its not very good (but not horrible either). But seriously stay away from the boxy gun it is s***
The Party Line is basically a really poor man’s Blockhead, with the Blockhead being better in every way possible. But the Blockhead is so f’ing amazing that even a rip off is pretty good too. Try it out on Storm Athena or Crapshooter Nisha, they’re really the only ones that can make it viable IMO. A good mobbing gun that is reliant on enemies being close to one another so the flakk can hit multiple targets to maximize efficiency, so its best paired with a Quasar (to build more Maelstrom and get to that fire on flesh multiplier quicker).
- Fun fact: If you use the Sham and you are close enough for the flakk to hit you, you will regen shotgun ammo.
The Boxxy does a lot of cool things, but in basically every scenario a Torrent, Fast Talker, IVF, or Meat Grinder will be a better shock SMG choice. I’d recommend just sticking to a Storm Front for shield striping.
From what I can tell the only definitively good guns from Holodome are the t4sr and maybe the plunket, all the other ones he cool concepts and ideas but don’t have the power to really back them up, though khimerakiller is right that the party line is good on maelstrom Athena (but almost anything with a shock or fire element is viable in the build)
Boxxy gun i never really messed with. But the party line is a beast. And might be one of the best fire weapons. It literally melts everything with athena, and is so fun to use.
The berrigan can be good but it’s a bit of a paint to get and the pay off isn’t that good, considering the Mongol is probably a better vladof launcher, and while I agree the partyline is good on maelstrom Athena, it’s not better than a glitch Hyperion shotgun or if you use gibbed the heartbreaker
Thanks all for your answers. But I’m using the party line with Nisha and even when it does it job (poorly) I can’t find the ‘beast’ in it. Will like to see some video of someone killing everything with it. I just don’t want to sell it just yet. Everybody says is like the flakker’ learning curve. And I took my time before I finally got how to use it. So I wanna give this gun a chance because it’s probably me the one that is not using it right, therefore I’m not seeing it’s full potential.
As for the boxxy I’m just gonna let other things kill me instead of myself killing me. Plenty of them to add another one😋.
I really like the berrigan and personally think its good. I wasnt trying to compare or say party line was better than any other weapon. Only that, its really good, especially with athena.
I’d give the partyline to your maelstrom Athena if you have one where it’s functional, but I do t think it’s you, it’s just a really niche gun, I don’t know if you’re doing extensive testing or what but I would just move on tbh