I’m sure this has been around before, but I personally haven’t seen anyone talk about it. An image of Gortys is in the Presequel. All over the place.
Neat! I’ve never played Tales from the Borderlands before… figured that was more Bandit ramblings.
What’s Gortys?
something/someone important in tales from the borderlands
Not seeing it. Help?
Is it important in Borderlands?
@impala Gortys is a big deal in Tales From the Borderlands. That game has at least one huge story detail that will affect all future Borderlands. It’s an awesome story.
Yeah. I don’t think the legs are part of it, since Gortys doesn’t have legs. It may tho. I don’t know if Telltale developed the character based on the image in TPS or if the character was developed by Gearbox. I think Gearbox had the character in mind and prophesied by the mad drawings on the walls and shared it with Telltale.