Most Broken / OP Gear Combos?

Across all 4 titles, what do you guys consider to be the craziest and most powerful combinations of gear and i suppose skills to capitalize on those combos?

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Whatever Brick & Tina had in mind when they suggested that you could do the raid boss solo “If you’d found some crazy broken combination of gear, and wanted to show off on the echo-net” (or words to that affect.) Excuse me, I think I have a fragment of the fourth wall lodged in my eye… :wink:


Haha i love that line…

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Grog nozzle and anything it completely broke bl2 if you ask me


What exactly IS so broken aboutbthe Grog Nozzle?

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it has like 65% lifesteal or something like that. you throw a grenade and boom full health. or melee anything and boom full health.

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Grog Nozzle is ALL the healths! It’s your oh crap button in the OP levels!

For melee though, it needs a blade on it.

The Twister Shotgun and B0re is also all the lols. B0RENADO! Beware of lag on BNK-3R and Hyperius xD

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Grog Nozzle + DPUH (or hell, ANY other weapon) on Salvador. Throw a Bee in for good measure, but he didn’t need it when Moneyshot chains kicked in. Pretty much easy-mode almost all the way to OP8.

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I think every post in here will be from BL2
Bee+Ricochet Fibber+Close Enough if you’re Gaige
Bee+Unkempt Harold

Noticing a pattern here?
Grog drunk effect+Flakker and various other guns

Here’s some that aren’t broken, just OP (but fun imo)
Ricochet fibber+Anarchy
Slag evisceration Rubi+Love Thumper/Terra’s hide

To be honest I like the Moxxi guns, Grog was too powerful, maybe the Rubi too. Hail is the sweetspot, glad it came back in TPS

Didn’t play enough BL1 to find “broken” combos, but here’s some from TPS just for completion’s sake
Flakker+Flash freeze
Development shotgun+Elemental Barrage

Yeah I play too much Athena. Apparently the doppelganger can do some crazy stuff too, and there’s always Tombstone.

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With a good Crapshooter COM you can do some stupid things. Like if I see red dots behind me I’ll just shoot at the ground until they are gone. I killed Iwajira once without even looking at him. Just shot the walls and ground and stuff.

I never did it but wasn’t there some thing with Sal, a sniper and a launcher that was broke as hell?

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OGRE wielding Brick

Maya… Zombie Maya
Axton… Shooterang Champ!!!

Nisha… Tombstone
Jack… Absolute Advantage
Athena… Maelstrom Stacks
Aurelia… I never miss
Wilhelm… LASERS!!!

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Actaully I’m kind of flummoxed by the “wilhelm is lasers” thing. He has a single skill that improves damage and mag size, the prismatic bulwark and eddie can be equipped by anyone…Granted, he has no other skills that would be useful for specific guns besides a +20% corrode damage…so yeah…

Oh and let’s not forget the Rough Rider: Fleet Maya and Inconcievable, all that good stuff

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I never miss.

Wilhelm is the Yea lol in BL TPS.

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As I am playing Clappy right now, what is SWAB/OLT?

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I never miss is stacker skill… If you can stack skill in the hundreds then definitely OP… Just like money is power… I agree on the Wilhelm now

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Start with a bang, One last thing
Just try 5/5 SWAB with a too scoops to see what he means
One Last Thing is potentially 5x damage, what else is there to discuss


Sounds badass, thank you!

Athena can be very broken if you master her storm weaving, I myself cant but have seen one of my friends crush Iwajira with hundreds of stacks. Following that to me is Krieg I myself love burning everything and bloodsploding lots of enemies, but a RR with Release the Beast is very awesome too. Of course theres Gaige with Slayer Com raising her stack cap to ridiculous levels with a Hail rifle, it can mess with your vision if your not careful the sheer numbers of pellets on the screen. Wilhelm when I get him to 70 with the lasers I farm for him will turn him into a beam of death and Ill want to fight Eclipse to test him out. Thats my thoughts.

[I’ll never get tired of posting/watching this][1]

Off-hand Pimpernel and any rocket launcher on Sal wins this contest.

@FlamesForAll How are you defining broken and overpowered?