Who is the BEST and 2nd BEST Character TPS?

Who is the BEST and 2nd BEST Character TPS? I’ve heard Wilhelm is good and some people say he sucks. Then I heard Athena is epic melee, but how good to tank raid bosses? And I heard jack wipes out the whole room by doing nothing so maybe I don’t want him :confused:

There is no such thing as “Best character,” only who is best for you. For example, I main as Nisha, but I know people find her cheap and boring, as well as people who ignore her Action Skill because they don’t like it. Or even though Aurelia is known for not being the best at boss fights, some people love her because she is a great mobber and has a great co-op tree. And Wilhelm doesn’t suck. Anyone who says any character sucks isn’t worth listening to.


What ACN said they are all the best in their own ways, its about which one suits you the best.

Also I have no issues with bosses as Aurelia.

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in terms of offensive and defensive balance, Jack and Athena probably provide the most user friendly mix. I couldn’t properly say that they’re the ‘best’, but those are my top 2 picks as a solo player. I can easily see why others may prefer Nisha, Claptrap, or Wilhelm. Aurelia… Very interesting co-op tree, cool sniping and crowd control skills,not at all a class I would want to roll solo.

Yeah but you’re good at her. Not everyone is good with bosses as her. Like FlamesForAll. He dominated the mobbing portions but I had to carry him through the boss fights… Not counting the Sentinel since he got perma cryo’d during that fight, but still had to carry him through the other ones.

These word are great advice, I’ve said similar things often.

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it all comes down to personal preference. for me, its nisha, then athena.

Must’ve forgotten me by mistake! Cause I’m obviously the best.

Like that time none of you showed up to my birthday part. You guys are SOOO forgetful.

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Nisha, because…REASONS!

Then Claptrap I think.

There’s not really any “best” characters, just the ones you enjoy playing the most.

  1. Claptrap
  2. Claptrap


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I am planning to go with Athena and my girlfriend Nisha. I heard Athena is epic but I am not going melee which I’ve heard some people say it’s amazing.

I use melee more as a utility than a damage dealer. Tear gives a multiplicative 35% damage bonus (70% for me because of my com choice) and Blood Rush can knock badasses off cliffs. I’ve never tried a proper melee build with her, so…

I concur 19172946881%.

I played mainly Athena in melee, while my boyfriend took Nisha - we surely had a blast of a good time!

Athena is alot of fun in a combined melee skillset, but the true fun starts at highlevel. So you´ll be needed to shoot good anyway in a big part of gameplay. After then - slice and smile!

I had trouble picking at the start as I was not drawn to any of them and this put me offside with the game from the start. What good is the game if I don’t like the character I am play as (yes I guess I am picky but that’s just how I felt at the time) The best for me was Nisha as I really liked the wild west feel to her play but after a while her gameplays style felt a bit boring. Aurelia was my pick from all the characters, she was quite fun to play and I loved the ice play she has going on. If they started the game with Aurelia, Nisha, Athena and clappy. They could have called it Borderlands : Clappy’s Angels :slight_smile:

Overall, Athena and Jack. They can do everything without relying too much on specific gear, have great survivability, and are noob friendly. I never had issues with Claptrap or Aurelia either, but they have a greater learning curve, and Nisha’s my least played of my high levels so I can’t say much aside from her absurd DPS. Never played Wilhelm beyond lv. 9 or so.

The game is so well balanced there is no distant best or distant 2nd in TPS. I have mained Nisha and Athena. Between these two, with her defensive and offensive potential Athena is the best one in my opinion. But from other aspects like character, style and ease of play I like Nisha much more.

It is personal preferences but jack and claptrap are my top two choices. Jack is very strong and Claptrap is mostly for fun.