Looking for Grinder Recipes

Please take note that whatever I say about Items in TPS are just based on my experiences and opinions only.

I myself am tired of grinding away useless Legendary items (Like ZX-1 and Min Min Lighter) with 210 Moonstones just to get back Legendary items I hate (Like the Longnail, Invader, Fragnum, KerBoom, Flakker, Rolling Thunder… Wow I really dislike Torgue Legendary items lol… ).

Does anyone know Recipes for Jakobs, Maliwan, and Hyperion Legendary items because what I really want are the:
Maggie (I love that Pistol To death!)
Hammer Buster II
& Viral Marketer

Does the Purple rank gun you use affect the resulting item?

No there’s no way to fix anything other than weapon type (decided by the Purple weapon).

Yep. If you want a Magma, use a purple sniper rifle - you won’t get a torgue gun :stuck_out_tongue:

So only the DLC items are determined by the Legendary items while the Main Game ones are entirely random?

I mean the DLC ones are a special case because there’s only 1 legendary dlc shotgun/Launcher/Pistol (Flayer/Kanedas/Prole) and there’s special rules for the DLC4 weapons.

I thought it was two legendaries plus a purple of the type of weapon you want, e.g. a purple pistol for a Maggie, a purple SMG for a Hellfire, etc. Three purples give a random weapon back.

Two pistols - Luck Cannon and Prole.

the point stands, low DLC4 legend pool and their wierd grinding mechanic makes it very likely to get what you want.

Yep - only took 10 tries to get my lv50 doc’s flayer w/jakobs grip. Half of those tries were legendaries, 4 of which were flayers.

Not a big fan of grinding, but it seemed that using a weapon of the brand you want helped determine what you get… Not 100% accurate but more likely, at least for me…

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I was using a scav shotgun and at least 3 of the 5 failures were scav.