Please take note that whatever I say about Items in TPS are just based on my experiences and opinions only.
I myself am tired of grinding away useless Legendary items (Like ZX-1 and Min Min Lighter) with 210 Moonstones just to get back Legendary items I hate (Like the Longnail, Invader, Fragnum, KerBoom, Flakker, Rolling Thunder… Wow I really dislike Torgue Legendary items lol… ).
Does anyone know Recipes for Jakobs, Maliwan, and Hyperion Legendary items because what I really want are the:
Maggie (I love that Pistol To death!)
Hammer Buster II
& Viral Marketer
Does the Purple rank gun you use affect the resulting item?
I mean the DLC ones are a special case because there’s only 1 legendary dlc shotgun/Launcher/Pistol (Flayer/Kanedas/Prole) and there’s special rules for the DLC4 weapons.
I thought it was two legendaries plus a purple of the type of weapon you want, e.g. a purple pistol for a Maggie, a purple SMG for a Hellfire, etc. Three purples give a random weapon back.
Not a big fan of grinding, but it seemed that using a weapon of the brand you want helped determine what you get… Not 100% accurate but more likely, at least for me…