I have been looking all day, & all i have found were golden key shift codes, and an image + retired code for a halloween themed shotgun. Did gearbox even release any codes other than the two i just mentioned? And on a related note, when i played borderlands 2, they gave a butt-ton of skins & heads in the campaign itself. Now in TPS, i have just obtained Skipper, the Ai for jacks army, and i still have only obtained 3 skins? Not even a head?! Why are they being so stingy this time around?
-.- Seriously not one answer?
I’ve been annoyed about this as well!
Some of my favorite BL2 heads and skins came via golden key shift codes!
The Yellowjacket skins and heads they gave out for all characters in October 2012, for example.
I have literally used every single SHIFT code thus far for TPS, generally on day of posting, and no, there are NONE for skins / heads, and the only weapon one was for a few days around last Halloween, long expired, for the Jack O Cannon shotgun.
I know its only been a mere 6 monthes since the release of the game, but so few awesome shift codes & literally no DLC makes this game feel extremely short for me. it only took me one full day of gaming to beat TPS, while borderlands 2 took me atleast three days, + the days following to beat all the DLC given
You mean the dlc that diesnt even work on some consoles for no radom reason? Yeah im keeping my statement as said before -.-
Be that as it may, there was still a DLC campaign released for TPS. The fact that it may or may not work on certain consoles is irrelevant.
Here’s the thing: you are more than welcome to have your opinion on the DLCs that have been released for the game. Personally, I was only impressed by two of them: Clappy and Jack. But to say there has literally been NO DLC released for the game is patently false and that’s what I have an issue with. It’s not that you’re having problems with the DLCs or that you don’t like them, it’s that you’re being disingenuous in saying there hasn’t been any DLC released. As for your issues, I hope you get them fixed because if you’ve paid for something, you have the right to expect it to work out of the box. But that does not give you the right to spread around hyperbole without being called out on it. I have no problem with you personally, but I do have an issue with your statements.
What do you mean by it not working on every console? Not trying to start a argument but I’ve seen no complaints or threads about the clappy dlc not working
I like how everyone changed my entire topic from the fact that theres NO f#cking shift codes other than goldennkeys -.-
Yeah, took a rather nasty left turn!