The Single Best!

Choose one.

Choose wisely.


(if you feel you MUST list more than one, REASONS, SCIENCE, EPIC!!!)


Action Skill:

Weapon type (class of gun with best and / or most variety of deadly weaponry):

Gun (not just weapon type, but the single best gun of them all):



Oz Kit:

Class Mod (one per character, if you feel like taking the time):

Choices are not limited by Rarity color. List a piece of white gear if its (it’s? its? I have added / removed this damn apostrophe 6 times now! Does it belong or not?!?) parts and stats make it excel!

Looking forward to any and all replies.

Also, please let me know if I have forgotten any important categories.

EDIT: Be creative!

I already know Lasers! Bulwark! 3DDIE! Celestial COMS!


Feel free to list any of the items / types I mentioned in the first edit…just don’t be lazy!!!


Holy hell

That REALLY depends on a lot of factors… I don’t think there is a “Best” anything, but I’ll try

Character: Since figuring out that Tombstone can proc a chain of Hot leads sparks as long as they all crit, I now have to agree with @Exotek …Nisha is broken as F**K

Action skill: Aspic. Because total invulnerability is hard to beat

Weapon type: Lasers. I LOVE shotguns the best, but if I had only one gun type to use, I would pick lasers. They offer equivalent alternatives to Shotguns, Snipers, ARs and SMGs in one weapon type, their ammo pool is huge, they have no downsides, are always elemental, almost no parts to farm and they work great on any character. Their legendaries are also pretty good.

Gun: Can’t tell. On Nisha the Luck Canon is in a class of it’s own, but it’s just average on anyone else…
The Flakker can be great on anyone.

Shield: Again, this is very dependent on your character. Overall Adaptive shields are rarely a bad choice

Grenade: The Quasar does everything right

Oz Kit: Eddie is the best all-around OZ kit to me, even more so with Lasers

Class mods: Chronicler of Elpis on Nisha, Sapper on Claptrap, Storm on Athena, no clue about the rest.

If you mean “it is” then it’s “It’s” ex: “It’s possible that i’m wrong”
If you mean “that thing/person’s possession or characteristic” ex: “List a piece of white gear if its parts and stats make it excel!”

(English isn’t even my first language :stuck_out_tongue: )

You ask for the “best” …not gonna change my answer just to be different.

Maybe you should make a thread about “the most underrated things in the game” with the same format… those answers might be more interesting :wink:

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Thank you @Chuck80 !

Your new thread idea is much better!

Created, in your honour, o wise one.

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for my playstyle I choose:

Athena - asspiss with bloodrush
shotguns - fast firing hyperion, torgue or jakobs
longbow quasar
cryo nova shield
oz kit - arctic strafing or voltage bomber
mod - Athena: purple dominator or cannoness on Nisha : purple the kid variants
all purple gear…I’m not much on farming for orange

*note, those are the only characters I’ve spent any amount ot time with…so…yeah.


Shotgun 1340 is the greatest weapon of all time. OF ALL TIME! Everything must DIE.DIE.DIE! SUCK IT! Robot Heaven has never been so good!

Athena. Simply because she is the most versatile character in TPS.

VaultHunter.exe. Love it or hate it, no other Action Skill has ever offered such diversity, made me laugh so much, and manage to get cheers and jeers in co-op.

Shotguns. Greatest utility, most forgiving, and crank out the DPS in pretty much any character’s hands.

Fatale. Cryo crit machine that is simply incredible at every level for every character.

Shield of Ages. Now that shield tanking skills mean something in this game it makes Turtle shields the absolute best for defense. Shields of Ages is the best of those.

Quasar. Crowd control and shield stripper. The two most useful things for every character.

Bomber Oz. Who doesn’t benefit from free grenades and bonus grenade damage?

Class mod: blue Storm, Crapshooter, Sapper, CEO of CEO. Each of these share one thing in common, they transform their character into a DPS machine.

Character: Lilith, Zer0, Athena: one per game

Action Skill: Aspis, Decepti0n, Bezerk: One per game.

Weapon type (class of gun with best and / or most variety of deadly weaponry): Pistol

Gun (not just weapon type, but the single best gun of them all):Pepperbox. Rare, badass, overpowered and Jakobs.

Shield: Kinetic Aspis: Or for the sissies, Antagonist.

Grenade: Quasar: Amasing croud control, second only to the Norfleet. Dual norfleets. With the grog nozzle effect, and a green glitch.

Oz Kit: Cryo Acrobat: because it’s awesome for Melee.

Class Mod (one per character, if you feel like taking the time): Indistinguishable Projection, Legendary Ninja.

OK, I’ll bite –

Character: Claptrap
Action Skill: Pirate Ship!
Weapon type: Shotguns (wish we had twice the ammo for them)
Gun: tie between Glitched Practicable Thinking & Glitched Blasters
Shield: Shield of Ages
Grenade: Quasar
Oz Kit: 3dde.1
Class Mod:
for Clappy – Sapper
for Athena – the ‘Storm’ mods (minus Arctic Storm)
for others – generic Chronicler

Gotta ask. You do know it’s called the Aspis, right? hahah. Anyhow, first time I’ve seen that spelling of it. Thumbs up to you.

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Why do I feel like you’ve done this kind of thread already?

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This is why you don’t get a Thread Constructor impaired. He went on a thread construction rampage.

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Because i have. But that was FAVOURITE, not best!


Thank you for not judging. Sometimes I am embarassed about how much alcohol i consume on the weekends!

Character: Sal. High damage, high fire rate…high everything. I think half of my 30 characters in BL2 are Sals played up until at least lvl 50.

Action Skill: Maya. Sure, the above relies on Sal’s action skill but Maya’s is more practical in general between immobilizing (most) enemies and getting a clutch revive. Or doing A to help B.

Weapon Type: Pistols. Really wanted to give it to shotguns but I find myself using more pistols so I guess they have to win.

Gun: DPUH. Sure, you could do the same thing and probably better with an elemental Sandhawk, but you can get multiple of a DPUH on every character, be it from a vending machine, Savage Lee, Loot Midgets, chests, random drops. And is not hindered from not ADS. Plus, there’s nothing better than buying one and then being told “Now go punch some bad guys in the dick!”

Shield: Bee. Sadly. For the difficulty BL2 presented, it’s what made it king. After 1700 hours, I’m only just now getting better on UVHM without it. Though that may just attest to my poor ability to play FPS or crappy computer. I dunno.

Grenade: Storm Front. It’s like 6 grenades for the price of one! The bonus package can drop 20 grenades for one? Shut up, nobody asked you! Look, a potato!

Oz Kit: EDDIE. Personal favorite is the Oxidizer but in pretty much any situation you’d be better off with the EDDIE. Plus, the EDDIE makes summoning Nel infinitely easier.

Class Mod: Any mod that boosts Maniacal Laughter. Elemental weapons AND health regen? Moo hahaha, hah hah, hoooo.

There’s an edit button you know. Unless that was intentional and not auto correct on your phone.