I know this has been done before, but I would like to post my own personal wishlist for future borderlands games and hear what you all want! I would like this to be kept positive so reference things that you might like changed, but keep from being overly negative or derogatory to other players, the games, or the creators of the games. sooo here goes.
1: I would like for there to be some option to “hotswap” gear/ spec. I want to be able to switch from a shotgun loadout/spec to a sniping loadout/spec, for example, on the fly. I don’t care if they make this ability crazy difficult to earn, I don’t care if it still costs the respec money to change between these builds, and I do think that you should be required to have all of the items in your inventory to swap them out. Overall I think this would be incredibly convenient and make the game far more enjoyable for me. For those of you that like to get into the RP a little you can think of it like Zero, for example, sniping away and then enemies finally get close so he takes a more aggressive stance, shoulders the sniper, and takes out his sword. The point of that being that I think it would be mechanically enjoyable and not break the immersion in the game too much. Heck, it could have a cooldown for all I care.
2: I still want more bank space so I can hoard everything I like. And I want there to be some sort of “manager” mode where the guns are formed into a grid instead of a list and all you see are the gun and it’s name, but are able to move things around more conveniently. Think pokemon pc on this one. As an OCD crazy person I want at least enough room to store a single copy of every unique item without having to make another character.
3: I like cryo, and while I didn’t enjoy feeling forced to use it, I like the idea of slag. I think cryo could be somewhat nerfed (we don’t need slow/freeze CC, dot damage, melee buff, crit buff, AND explosive buff all on one element. at least not to the degree in TPS) and slag should be modified so it becomes more fun to use, but you don’t feel like you NEED to have it at higher difficulties. I think both elements should be in the next games.
4: I really love the new play styles that each new game adds and I hope gearbox keeps innovating on the character, playstyle option, and gun uniqueness fronts. These are my favorite parts of the games!
5: I love the story and I think others should be made to love it too! just not every single playthrough… perhaps allow the option to have more story dialogue displayed in text form (like BL1) on second and 3rd playthroughs so that people who have already experienced the story several times at least have the option to get back to the action faster. That being said, I also want an option to not skip any, or at least be able to revisit accidentally skipped (by moving too fast through an area, opening menu etc.) dialogue on the first playthrough.
6: I would like even more customization options as far as appearance goes. Perhaps keep heads as they are and skins as an option, but allow a “create a skin” option even if it is just a selection from an available color grid like BL1 had. I would also like some way to cosmetically customize guns slightly. Think a sticker with your gamertag or character name on the gun or some sort of logo. Perhaps, you could have the option to change out scope reticles (even if it doesn’t change zoom, outward appearance, performance, etc.). Just additional customization and personalization options would be cool to see.
so that is my wishlist, anyone is welcome to comment or add their own. more than anything I am just excited for more borderlands in the future!!!