Christ oh mighty! I’ve done this stupid Hacker mission over and over again… just to try to get this cool looking head for Claptrap and too this day, I’ve STILL not gotten it. I’ve been hunting for this stupid head since 2015, I’ve seen things… this DLC used to be stupid buggy where it would crash randomly. They thankfully fixed that, but it’s still buggy where the enemies still get stuck in their spawning pods.
Don’t waste your time. I was hunting grille of the trickster for my Wilhelm forever. I have done all modes and never got any of those heads to drop. One other guy who was trying with me broke down and used a cheat engine to see what would drop. After 1000 kills not one of the grille heads dropped for any character. There have been people who got them randomly from shift rewards but that is it. I have asked on these boards forever but have never seen any proof of a legitimate drop. I wish someone could prove it wrong but I doubt it.
Man, I wish I could just give you mine. I REALLY want the stupid SHD0-TP head… v.v I got this randomly while tyring that stupid mission as Athena.
What level did you run and at was it on uvh mode if you got that drop I’ll go farm it at the same level and I’ll farm it till I get both drops. I just need the exact levels you ran to get that drop.
If we can narrow it down to what parameters it dropped at we can all farm together and help each other out.
I haven’t even gone to UVHM lol. A lot of my farming as been in TVHM early 50’s? I don’t want to do UVHM with Athena, but with Clap-Trap I just want that head at the start of the playthrough cause how badass it looks.
so you were just running the leet hax mission in tvhm.
Were you doing level 9 or just any level. Do you remember how many kills it took to get that to drop?
Since 2015 yes There was a point where I stopped cause of how buggy Pre-Sequel was on the PS4. They thankfully fixed it.
As for what levels, I just used what worked for Athena. My Athena is a elemental user so I just used higher jumps and moar dots lol. The level doesn’t matter cause Shadow comes out on any level, it’s just random. So I put my level on 1 just so I can steam roll the BS parts.
As for the kills… it’s honestly just a blur man, I’ve been trying since 2015 lol.
I also have been trying forever. I switch between my PS3 and ps4 to switch it up. I’m gonna take a break from bl2 and start farming with my Wilhelm. I’m level 70 so I’ll just drop down to tvhm and steamroll it.ifi get the shadowtrap head for claptrap I’ll let you know and get it to you. I’ll farm on my PS3 so I can get it to you. If I get my grille I can just transfer a mule to my ps4. I just realized your ps4 too I’ll just fr you if I get the shadowtrap head for you.
If you end up finding it, that’d be sweet I’ll look into that Wilhelm head for you. My luck has been I’ve been getting those heads, but not for the characters I want (like Claptrap lol)
Great thanks! Hopefully we can help each other out. It is the only thing left I need to acquire.