Pre Sequel DLC Level Scaling Problems

So I have run into this problem twice now. My first playthrough of the Pre-Sequel I finished the game, then before switching to TVHM I played through both the Holodome Onslaught (played this first as I’m fairly sure it was released first) and the Claptastic Voyage. During the Claptastic Voyage I leveled to higher 40’s. The problem itself didnt arise until I finished the Claptastic Voyage and started TVHM. I was almost a full 10 levels over every enemy and quest at the beginning of the TVHM campaign.

So, I started a new character. Really didnt feel like playing through TVHM one-shotting everybody in existence. This time I figured I’d wait until I finished TVHM with this new character to play any dlc, figuring that any dlc would scale to my level 50 Fragtrap. So, I’m level 50, I’ve played through all the rounds of the Holodome Onslaught, including one badass round, and have moved on to the Claptastic Voyage. Only now, every enemy and quest in the dlc is scaled to level 40. Once again I am 10 levels ahead.

I thought the problem may be the Holodome, but I only leveled up once, maybe twice during my time there in TVHM. That would still leave me at level 48 or so while the Claptastic Voyage quests and enemies are all at 40. So I guess my question is, has anybody else ran into this problem? Or does anybody know why the dlc isnt scaling to my level 50 character, something I’m pretty sure all of the Borderlands 2 dlcs did? Thanks in advance for any reply, I’m sure the problem is more me than the game but my co-op partner and I are at a loss.

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Did you turn in the final story mission on TVHM? That is what scales all quests you have not started to lvl 50. Even if you turn in the final mission at say lvl 47 the game will scale all enemies and missions to 50.

If that is not your problem have you tried completing the first claptrap dlc mission? I know back in BL2 when I wanted to play a dlc on TVHM, if I started while I was, say, level 40, then the first dlc mission would always be at trivial challenge. But once I turned in the first mission it always scaled to my current level.

If that is not the case either why not just start the dlc on UVHM?

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Thanks for the reply! Been all over the internet trying to figure out the problem and it seems as if nobody else is encountering the same thing. But yes I did both of those. As far as I can tell I’ve done everything like I should. Seems giving it a run on UVHM seems to be my last option available to me.

You aren’t the only one. I just had it happen on my Nisha. Completed TVHM, turned in the final quest. Even tried killing the sentinel for the raid quest a few times (unsuccessfully).

Started up the Claptastic Voyage DLC for the first time, and everything is running at level 41ish. On File Search right now, and it’s only set to level 41.

Strange thing is that things worked fine with my Jack, and I’m running through it with him at level 50 in TVHM.

I should also note that all the other side quests that I skipped in TVHM have scaled to level 50 now.

Yeah it seems like the vanilla game doesn’t take into account the dlc. I could swear bl2 wasn’t like this with the dlcs, when you start TVHM the game scaled up to your level or close to your level. It seems to me that whatever your level is when you defeat the sentinel is the level it scales to.

Can anyone else recall if bl2 is like this as well? I. E. Beat the normal game then beat one of the dlcs and switch to TVHM. I’m curious if the same scale is used.

It was the same in BL2.

Reminds me of a the headhunter pack, son of crawmerax for BL2. For some reason, even though I had beat TVHM, that headhunter pack was level 40 or 45. I ended up going to UVHM for it.