The BL:TPS DLC not working with season pass

Is anyone else who has the season pass unable to download the new DLC - if I click on the store it is just telling me to purchase it.

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@aaron_harding. I am having the same problem. I hope we are not the only ones. I have been constantly searching for the answer to no success. This sucks!

The reason is that the DLC is simply not out yet. The compatibility patch added its content to the game, but the “license” to access this content will be granted to you (if you bought the DLC or the season pass) either later this day if you live in the US, or on the 17th if you live anywhere but in the US.

I am not in reach of a PC at the moment, but UVHM is already out, yes? But the 10 levels are not (because it is part of the Holodome DLC)?

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Ok that makes perfect sense - you’re the only person I’ve actually had a reasonable answer from. I wish they’d have just said we get the DLC on the 17th in the first place. Thank you.

It comes out today, on the 16th. Times vary depending on your platform and region.

You know… That does seem kinda smart. Lowers expectations to more closely match the experience. And if people get it 12 to 24 hours early then they would feel like they’ve been given a gift.

Jeff commented on this issues in a thread on the other forums.

JeffSK - Hey folks – looking in issue with Season Pass. Will follow up as soon as I have an update.

Edit - A lot of people seem to be saying its working now.


Steam and TPS both say that I have the holodome installed, but steam hasn’t downloaded a single thing today or last night. Since the patch isn’t out yet I can’t access the new content but I find it strange that it’s already unlocked but nothing tells me I actually downloaded it.

Still can’t access it…

For anyone on this thread – the issue for Steam and Xbox 360 Season Pass owners who were having trouble downloading The Holodome should be resolved.

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Is it even out on ps3 yet NA? Because iI can’t find it. Normally the store would’ve been updated by now.

Cool beans. One of the advantages of having to work today - I avoided all the angst that was filling up the old forums over waiting a short bit for them to get it resolved.

If you’re looking for a fun way to kill the last few minutes of your work day, reread those posts and imagine them being voiced by Dean, who was locked in the closet.[quote=“Jeffybug, post:10, topic:7748, full:true”]
For anyone on this thread – the issue for Steam and Xbox 360 Season Pass owners who were having trouble downloading The Holodome should be resolved.

Should be live now on PlayStation 3 in North America:

The situation was resolved for me last night and it looks like most people have managed to download the DLC now. Thank you for the help @Jeffybug