Have They Improved The Game Since November 2014?

I played The Pre-Sequel for about a month from release until mid November on PC.
It was pretty good and i finished the game with a friend and solo.
I’d say 7.5/8.0 out of 10. a bit buggy but nothing game breaking.

I got busy with some other games.

Returning back to the game it seems substantially better… like 9/10 now.
its still buggy, however, the mix of mobs and spawning enemies seems more challenging.
Deadlift was stupid impossible solo when i played in October/November.
Now Deadlift is tough but not impossible to beat.

Combat in general seems tougher , but not impossible to beat.

What has changed? or am i just going nuts?
I can’t read through every line of teh 20 patches looking for a needle in a haystack.

if any one has any insight … thanks in advance.

If nothing else, the Claptastic Voyage DLC is very well done (second, in my opinion, only to Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon Keep).

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thanks for your insight.
i didn’t buy the DLC. i meant changes to the base game.

More respawning enemies, some balancing stuff, numerous bug fixes and, as @Adabiviak said, the Claptastic Voyage DLC is a very nice way of completing the game. It’s got to be one of the largest single DLCs I’ve ever seen. The new glitch weapons (equivalent to pearlescent) are great fun to play with!

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Could it just be less negative noise. When the game came out a fair amount of people really enjoyed putting I down.

Sometimes removing yourself from that can help just enjoy the game and not care what people say.


You should check out all the patch notes. There really was alot of fixes and changes since november.

Because too many internet denizens seem to get their kicks from putting things down, putting people down, putting ideas down and just generally being negative. People don’t behave like that in real life because they’d be told to shut up or get punched in the face. Also real life isn’t nearly as bad as said types would have people think.

On topic: The game has had many little tweaks to improve the experience. Notably the recent frame-rate fixes and DLC release. I wasn’t playing it much on PS4 because it wasn’t nearly as smooth as BL2. Now it’s as smooth as butter.

i went through the patch notes and couldn’t find anything about a change in how they decide the #s and types of enemies that spawn at certain locations.

i swear i’m seeing different mob packs and different enemy compositions than i did in November 2014.

maybe i’m losing my marbles.

i noticed the same thing. I remember when i first played through in october. Alot of areas seemed like there wasnt enough of enemies. Now theres a good amount of mobs every where pretty much. There is something in the patch notes that says. Various CPU performance optimizations. Maybe the better enemy spawns is apart of that. And theres other notes that say general improvements or something along those lines i believe

i remember going across that Lava bridge unimpeded by anything.
this is no longer the case.

i’m thinking they made improvements to the formula for spawns and enemy mob compositions in preparation for the “Handsome Collection” and applied the changes across the board on all platforms.

that’s just a theory though… like the mysterious man in the dark cap spotted by the grassy knoll…