Obviously this issue isn’t limited to just Borderlands The Pre-Sequel but IMO it is something that should be addressed and given that TPS is the latest Borderlands game I opted to post this topic here rather than in BL2 or the original Borderlands or even Tales from the Borderlands although it doesn’t really affect it much. In Borderlands 1, havings gibs let you feel OP and somewhat more immersed in the Borderlands universe which IMO is always an awesome thing. It was also a good thing because it made the game much more fun/entertaining by changing up how the enemies could die, and you could see a visible difference between certain types of guns and or elements.
With the removal of gibs, guns seem much more bland even if they do have shiny effects and by extension the world of Borderlands seems a bit more bland. This isn’t to say that it’s boring and should be discarded, as I have invested a fair amount of time into all BL games regardless of them having gibs or not, but having gibs unavailable does limit the amount and type of fun one could have while playing Borderlands (series).
What I’m proposing is that the devs either release a patch for current Borderlands games or allow future Borderlands games return mimic the original Borderlands and have the lovely giblets of blood, flesh and electrified skull make a return to the Borderlands universe. While I know that having them removed from BL2 was due to them wanting the rating to not pass into “adult” categories in countries besides the U.S. (too much gore was the reason it would’ve received the higher rating) I believe that for the most part the player base likely already fall into that category so there isn’t much point in removing it to lower the rating.
I guess what I’m really asking and or the “Too long, didn’t read” version is should GBX have giblets make a return to the Borderlands and be like what we see in Borderlands 1?
Edit the 1st-2nd: Grammar edit, nothing else changed. Pretend the edit isn’t here.
Edit the 3rd: Slight change to make it a bit easier to read but still no word changing just format.