Borderlands Best In Show

Ok guys.

You get ONE choice in a variety if categories.

List answers for as few or as many as you like.

Favourite Character (ONE from all titles)

Favourite NPC

Favourite Weapon (one for each weapon type or just one overall favourite weapon across all titles)

Favourite Shield

Favourite Grenade

Favourite Relic

Favourite Class Mod / COM (one for each character or one overall)

Favourite Action Skill

Favourite Skin (one for each character / vehicle or one overall favourite)

Favourite head (same as above)

Favourite Manufacturer

Favourite Boss

Favourite Enemy

Favourite Map

Favourite Vehicle

Favourite Quote / Line of Dialogue

Thatā€™s all I can think of for now!

Please, give REASONS and SCIENCE!

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Challenge accepted.

  1. Though I love me some Lilith and Mord, when I first player through as Axton, it clicked.

  2. Mr. Torgue

  3. Mashers

  4. Absorb or Spike shields.

  5. Chain Lightning/Magic Missile

  6. Varies per character.

  7. Axton-Impact Grenadier/Front Line Rifleman

  8. Sabre Turret/Derptrap (Fan of pet classes.)

  9. & 10. Mayaā€™s One Eyed Spy head and A Quick Death skin. (Hawt!)

  10. Jakobs/Torgue

  11. General Knoxx

  12. Goliaths

  13. Jakobs Cove/Lynchwood

  14. The Monster

  15. Anything by Mr Torgue in the Torgue DLC.


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Favourite Character (ONE from all titles)
Lilith, Zer0, Athena

Favourite NPC

Favourite Weapon (one for each weapon type or just one overall favourite weapon across all titles)
Bloodrush and Execute. They kill things, therefore they are weapons.

Favourite Shield
Flame of the Firehawk

Favourite Grenade

Favourite Relic
Mysterious Amulet

Favourite Class Mod / COM (one for each character or one overall)
Legendary Ninja, Blazing Dragon,

Favourite Action Skill

Favourite Skin (one for each character / vehicle or one overall favourite)
All White Skin for Zer0 or Maya

Favourite head (same as above)
Nhilism, Handsome

Favourite Manufacturer
Hyperion Forever!

Favourite Boss
BNK-3R, Invincible Sentinel

Favourite Enemy
Badass Goliaths

Favourite Map
Highlands, Eleseer

Favourite Vehicle
Breakneck Banshee Feet.

Favourite Quote / Line of Dialogue
Come, Take the Shiny.
Mister Tourgeā€™s Guitar Solo in Zapped 3.0

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Answers in quote

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Excuse my lack of reasons. Kinda sort in a rush/lazy/have lots of unread posts to check on the forums.

Favourite Character (ONE from all titles)

Favourite NPC
Dr. Zed

Favourite Weapon (one for each weapon type or just one overall favourite weapon across all titles)
Unforgiven Masher from Borderlands 1

Favourite Shield
Alacritous Panacea from Borderlands 1

Favourite Grenade

Favourite Relic
No particular favorite

Favourite Class Mod / COM (one for each character or one overall)
Mordecais Gunslinger

Favourite Action Skill

Favourite Skin (one for each character / vehicle or one overall favourite)
Zeros Dont Get My Dander Up

Favourite head (same as above)
Zeros Murder Of Crows

Favourite Manufacturer

Favourite Boss
General Knoxx

Favourite Enemy

Favourite Map
Kroms Canyon and Eridium Blight. Cant pick.

Favourite Vehicle
Racer from Borderlands 1

Favourite Quote / Line of Dialogue
Smokin Jesus titty cinnamon! That is a mooonster!!

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Favourite Character
Tie between Zer0 and Wilhelm with CL4P-TP close behind.

Favourite NPC
CL4P-TP especially after the Claptastic Voyage. That bot has been though so much crap and still keeps on going.

Favourite Weapon
Argh hard oneā€¦ Iā€™ll just go with Shogun 1340 off the top of my head for making me laugh too much.

Favourite Shield
Iā€™ll go with the one that tends to be used quite a bit during playthoughs: Anshin Adaptive. Can never go wrong with one in a pinch!

Favourite Grenade
Quasar hands down.

Favourite Relic
Bone of the Ancients: Dat cooldown reduction!

Favourite Class Mod / COM
Legendary Killer and Celestial Enforcer.

Favourite Action Skill
Vaulthunter.EXE because of the lmaos!

Favourite Skin
The Plaid one you get in Claptastic Voyage because its so STUPID XD

Favourite head
Zer0ā€™s 3ng31 head of sooooooth

Favourite Manufacturer
Tough one againā€¦ may have to go with Tediore because of how wacky those weapons can be.

Favourite Boss
Ancient Dragons of Destruction. I found this fight extremely fun with the right amount of craziness. Also a nod to 5H4D0W-TP and his forms. No one expected him to be THAT tough lol!

Favourite Enemy
You can probably guess xP

Favourite Map
Tough one, but Opportunity pops into my head for how hectic that area can get. Caustic Caverns can get the same way too! But in the end, it goes to Digistruct Peak. One map with many optionsā€¦ of HELL.

Favourite Vehicle
That boat thingy in Captain Scarletā€™s DLC because I am the best at parking it!

Favourite Quote / Line of Dialogue
Doc Mercy is a Dick - Tannis. That line make ALL of us burst into giggle fits the first time we heard it on Digistruct Peak.

Dr. Ted for all entries. He guides me, protects me, and shelters me. He stops my enemies in there tracks, and heals my ailments. Ted lays his body down, so that i may tread on the muscle of his body.I am Dr. Ted, but I speak of him as though i am another body.

My favorite Dr. Ted Quote:

ā€œThe blood of my body may be spilled upon the stones of the earth, my bones turned to ash and cast upon the sea, and my mind cast in to the darkness of death to wander for eternity, but when you strike against my brethren, we will rise to match your power and slay those who stand against in a crusade that will sweep across the land and cleanse it from even the greatest of evils.ā€

  • Dr. ā€œGreasy Broccoliā€ Ted, 2015

Ill answer seriously later, when Iā€™m not on my phone.

Ok, here we go:

  1. Mordecai

  2. Marcus

  3. BL1ā€™s Plague, BL2ā€™s Butcher

  4. Big Boom Blaster, any elemental shield

  5. Pandemic, Magic Missile

  6. Bone

  7. Assassin, Blast Master, Impact Grenadier, Audacious Sapper

  8. Berserk, Sabre Turret

  9. Salvador SMASH!

  10. Chopper Topper, Sledgehammer, Beany Badass

  11. Torgue

  12. BNK3R

  13. Goliaths, gravediggers, BA psychos in BL2

  14. Opportunity, The Subconscious

  15. Catapult Technical

  16. Ice Cream Day, OH SNAP! Itā€™s Ice Cream Day! Rocky Road, a la mode! Oh Iā€™m in the mood for Ice Cream Day!

Favorite Character: Sal
Not necessarily for the exploits or power, just because the inherent awesomeness of two guns, even without their abilities affecting the other gun.

Favorite NPC: Tiny Tina.
No science needed.

Favorite Weapon: Torrent/Ravager
Torrent has all around good stats (as far as Iā€™m concerned) and EXPLOOOOOOSIONS! and if you have boosted accuracy most of those pellets will hit what you aim at.

Favorite Shield: Rough Rider
That little bug you get in BL2 if you try and avoid so many of the BA rank bonuses that leaves you with only max health? Yeah, play as Krieg, put points in Feed the Meat, get a health relic, equip the Rough Rider. You are now Meat Sponge who has more health than everyone else on the team COMBINED.

Favorite Grenade: Storm Front
I donā€™t really like the variety of shock weapons and you basically get 5 grenades for the price of 1. That and the area it covers is marvelous.

Class Mod: Hoarder
Need that ammo regen.

Favorite Manufacturer: Tie between Torgue and Jackobs
Gotta have that high initial output.

Favorite Boss: Hyperius
I like that there is a unique way to fight him other than just toss bullets and see what happens but isnā€™t super difficult. Also, his loot pool drools

Favorite Quote: Iā€™m sure I have a specific one but every other line out of Tinaā€™s mouth usually makes me laugh.

Answer: Yes.

(Thatā€™s to all questions on the list)

Engage Fanboy Mode

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But who is wearing the bolo tie!?


Favourite Character: Mordy

Favourite NPC: Scooter - Torgue - Tina

Favourite Shield: Avalanche/ Hide of Terra

Favourite Grenade: was Stick Longbow Quasar but now Sticky Longbow Meganade with the Fire Storm a close second

Favourite Relic: Sheriffā€™s Badge - Salā€¦ need i say more?

Favourite Class Mod / COM: Legendary Hoarder - dat ammo regen

Favourite Action Skill: Gunzerking - because Dual Wield

Favourite Skin: True Turquoise - Because Bikini Bitches Rule

Favourite head: Gynoid Agent / One Eyed Jack

Favourite Manufacturer: Yes

Favourite Boss: Teh Earworm - You got a good looking Mainframe!

Favourite Enemy: Goliath - Ultimate Badass God-Liath

Favourite Map: the Dust - great farming run for many things

Favourite Vehicle: Bandit Technical - because Bikini Bitches!!!

Favourite Quote / Line of Dialogue: Now go punch a bad guy in the d*ck

Some of these were tough to pick just one of but nice thread. are you gonna keep a tally and make an awards section or just wanna see what people think?

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Jeez Flamesā€™ topics poppin up like snow radishesā€¦But Iā€™ll bite

Favourite Character (ONE from all titles): Timothy, probably the most well-designed synergistic kit in the entire game, Kriegā€™s was close but Timā€™s is just phenomenal.

Favourite NPC: Jack, you just really canā€™t compete with him

Favourite Weapon (one for each weapon type or just one overall favourite weapon across all titles):
Fibber, donā€™t even play Gaige, just like this thing cuz of the item card and feeling like a badass for banking shots

Favourite Shield: MORQ, Itā€™s not a good shield but itā€™s a pretty damn good tribute to one of my favourite comedians of all time (Watch that manā€™s stand-up itā€™s amazing)

Favourite Grenade: Longbow Quasar Teleport a Black Hole to target location kthxbai

Favourite Relic: umā€¦ ummā€¦Deputy Badge???

Favourite Class Mod / COM (one for each character or one overall): Iā€™m just gonna say Master Blaster from B1, Brick secretly highest DPS character with the Ajax Ogre and that com.

Favourite Action Skill: Expendable Assets again this is a close one between this and Bloodaxe Rampage, but Jackā€™s kit plays with this Action Skill sooooooo well #synergy

Favourite Skin (one for each character / vehicle or one overall favourite): Salvador had a tuxedo t-shirt, i liek dat one

Favourite head (same as above): Claptarp as the Trash Can

Favourite Manufacturer: Torgue, dat marketing campaign, also itā€™s a workaround to why i didnā€™t put Mr. Torgue in NPC

Favourite Boss: Nayakama, dies like he lived, like a bitch

Favourite Enemy: Mops from Tiny Tina, Dat Fantasia Misson dough

Favourite Map: Shock Drop Slaughter Pit, if only you got a repeatable mission. I wuv you and your combat flow

Favourite Vehicle: The slow AF treasure finder mobile from T-Bone Junction, strictly for trolling purposes on a map full of primarily driving.

Favourite Quote / Line of Dialogue; Catch a RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDE, oh and also ā€œBacon is for sycophants and products of incestā€

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Favourite Character (ONE from all titles): Salvador. Not for the OPness, but for the options and combos he makes possible. Truly a game theoristā€™s delight :blush:

Favourite NPC: TORGUE!

Favourite Weapon: one for each type: Fridgia, Kitten, Pimpernel, Orphan Maker, Topneaa, Splitters, Teapot

Favourite Shield: Evolution

Favourite Grenade: Longbow cryo/slag transfusions

Favourite Relic: Deputyā€™s Badgeā€¦what did you expect ? :sunglasses:

Favourite Class Mod / COM: Salā€™s Legendary Hoarder, Zeroā€™s Legendary Killer, Nishaā€™s Chronicler of Elpis.

Favourite Action Skill: Gunzerking

Favourite Skin: Mayaā€™s Christmas special

Favourite head: Zeroā€™s Nihilism, Salvadorā€™s marshal Mustache

Favourite Manufacturer: Vladof, Vladof, VLADOF!!!

Favourite Boss: The bunker

Favourite Enemy: Loaders are awesome when they blow up :slight_smile:

Favourite Map: Washburne refinery. So well designed.

Favourite Vehicle: Stingray by far

Favourite Quote / Line of Dialogue; That ā€œshark wearing a bolo tieā€ oneā€¦ classic :stuck_out_tongue:

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Favourite Character: Axton. Heā€™s the first character I picked and I enjoy the simple, solid play style.

Favourite NPC: Marshall Friedman. Yeah.

Favourite Weapon:
Assault Rifle: Sawbar. The fiery explosions are just a joy to look at.
SMG: Fridgia. Ice ice baby.
Shotgun: Flakker. 'nuff said.
Sniper: Pimpernel. Hitting that sweet spot hits my sweet spot.
Handgun: Unkempt Harold. It makes my day.
Rocket Launcher: Kanedaā€™s Laser, because Tediore somehow accomplished what Mr.Torgue canā€™t(or wonā€™t).
Laser: Mining Laser. It just feels right.

Favourite Shield: Prismatic Bulwark. Survivability and damage in one package; whatā€™s not to like?

Favourite Grenade: Quasar. Being able to corral enemies and strip shields is so handy.

Favourite Relic: Do Oz kits count?
3DD1.E if they do. If they donā€™t, then Sheriffā€™s Badge. Being able to chuck Buzz Axes that much faster is great.

Favourite Class Mod / COM: Axtonā€™s Gunner. I donā€™t actually use this but itā€™s amusing to see my turret shoot faster than normal.

Favourite Action Skill: Wolf & Saint. Wolf can get pretty powerful, sometimes he will one-shot things before I can even paint them.

Favourite Skin: Torgue High Octane for Axton, Factory Specs for Wilhelm.

Favourite head: Cyber Scientist. Gentlemenā€¦ BEHOLD!

Favourite Manufacturer: Torgue got the boom.

Favourite Boss: Buff Gamer.

Favourite Enemy: Nomads. The things they say will never get old.

Favourite Map: The Dust. Lots of high profile baddies to go after.

Favourite Vehicle: Catapult Technical. Knocking the Cara-Van off a cliff is amusing.

Favourite Quote / Line of Dialogue: ā€œTHAT WILL TEACH YOU TO HAVE AN OPINION CONTRARY TO MINE!ā€

  1. Roland, krieg, athena: roland was my first and hes a beast, krieg perfectly nails being a psycho in my opinion, an athrna is my #1 fav character in borderlands now, cause shes a hard ass, she gets ā– ā– ā– ā–  done, and i love all the laughs she makes in game. Oh anf she doesnt take crap from lilith haha

  2. Dr. Zed: hes so uniquely borderlands and hes hilarious

  3. Maggie/ masher revolvers: shotgun pistols. Need i say more?

  4. The rough rider: the irony of a shield that isnt a shield (irony might not be the word im looking for) and it kicks butt to boot

  5. The fastball/ snowball: hitting people across the map is fun, and its just an awesome grenade

  6. Pssh who uses relics :stuck_out_tongue: i only use acrobat oz kits haha

  7. Probably kriegs legendary sickle, if it came down to it

  8. Bloodwing (because 1 second cooldown and hes a lootapalooza)

  9. Cant really say, maybe torgue speed demon

  10. Too many haha. My fav so far in tps though is athenaā€™s holodome head. Cant think of the exact name at the moment

  11. Jakobs, followed by Jakobs, with Jakobs as a close third: because if it took more than one shot, you werent using a jakobs

  12. Sledge i suppose, only cause he drops sledgeā€™s shotgun. Grandma torgue defintely gets an honorable mention though bahaha
    Edit: my brother just reminded me of the best boss ever. Nakayama! Haha

  13. Spideranta circa borderlands 1, buzzards for bl2, bulwarks for tps: spiderants because ā€œbrace yourselves, the hordes are comingā€ buzzards cause im hard pressed to find a more satisfying kill in any game than seeing it blow up and careen out of the sky, hurdling its flaming crew screaming to their demise, and crash into a fiery ball of molten death. Bulwarks cause i like the way they attack and i think its kinda neat they only show up in holodome

  14. Old haven, the dust, pityā€™s fall: old haven cause crimson lance mobbing, the dust causeā€¦ everything, pityā€™s fall cause i enjoy platforming and mobbing through the drakensburg, and find it to be a very cool setpiece

  15. This probably isnt exactly it but ā€œthe little skamp overpaid me. He gave me six thouā€¦ five thousand dollars. You dont need to confiscate that do you?ā€ From dr. Zed because i cant hear it and not still be chuckling about it to myself an hour later lol

  16. oh yah, and id probably have to say bl2 runner, cause i love drifting around in that bad boy

Ok guys.

You get ONE choice in a variety if categories.

List answers for as few or as many as you like.

Favourite Character (ONE from all titles)


Favourite NPC


Favourite Weapon (one for each weapon type or just one overall favourite weapon across all titles)

Plasma Casters SMG
Blockhead Shotgun

Favourite Shield


Favourite Grenade


Favourite Relic

Favourite Class Mod / COM (one for each character or one overall)

Cat mod

Favourite Action Skill

Phase walk

Favourite Skin (one for each character / vehicle or one overall favourite)


Favourite head (same as above)


Favourite Manufacturer


Favourite Boss


Favourite Enemy


Favourite Map


Favourite Vehicle


Favourite Quote / Line of Dialogue

Thatā€™s all I can think of for now!

Please, give REASONS and SCIENCE!

Wht can i not delete that post! i need assistance from an upstanding citizen, or something


Be sure to flag the post you want deleted so they know itā€™s an issue.

hmm, a lot of mine are from the pre-sequal because iā€™ve played it non-stop since release and itā€™s fresh in my memory.

Favourite Character (ONE from all titles)
melee Athena. one of my weakest builds, but i just canā€™t get enough of flying around the map making things bleed.

Favourite NPC
pickle. no, iā€™m not joking. he is lonely, ok. have you no heart?

Favourite Weapon (one for each weapon type or just one overall favourite weapon across all titles)
BL1 hellfire because BL1 dots. also, my first ever legendary. current fav: fridgia. it freezes things.

Favourite Shield
cracked sash and comparable tediore shields.

Favourite Grenade
chain lightning

Favourite Relic
iā€™m going with the acrobat oz kit here, movement speed buffs are fun.

Favourite Class Mod / COM (one for each character or one overall)
banshee, see above.

Favourite Action Skill
bloodwing or Mayaā€™s phase-lock.

Favourite Skin (one for each character / vehicle or one overall favourite)
Zer0ā€™s like clockwork

Favourite head (same as above)
Nishaā€™s bandita brave (shhh)

Favourite Manufacturer
maliwan, although, iā€™m not a big fan of their actual guns. but that logo is sleek.

Favourite Boss
it was terra, but now iā€™m leaning towards eclipse/eos. son of craw was great, too.

Favourite Enemy
rabid stalkers, i love those lil guys!

Favourite Map
caustic caverns and the subconscious.

Favourite Vehicle
sandskiff or stingray

Favourite Quote / Line of Dialogue
any and everything a Nomad says.