It's Borderlands break time :-(

Feeling pretty burned out with TPS right now guys.

Ive got 1 toon to 62, 6 toons to 50-55, and 4 more between 20-43, and, even though Ive been tooling around some in UVHM with Nisha, Willy & Clappy, it’s all just feeling terribly repetitive right now.

The icing on the cake happened last night, when i was transferring some gear between main toons, and I lost a Flakker, Hellfire, Marketer, and Fatale (all with good Luneshines) because my system froze while i had the items dropped on the ground.

So it’s time to replay Fallout New Vegas and finally play its DLCs, which I’ve never tried.

I’ll be back to Borderlands though, not sure which title first, but, for now, I need a break!

I’ll still be around the boards, though, not to worry!

Still, since TPS release, and that break i took from Christmas to February to turn BL1 Lilith into a walking Legendary / Pearlescent warehouse, Ive played TPS for at least a couple hours, sometimes MANY more, each day!

Better not be gone too long. In two months I’ll be buying a gaming PC and getting rid of my PS3. Better hurry up so we can play together again before I leave to the land of Steam!

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You better donate all your gear to me before you go!


I’ll miss ur random articles for the sake of posting articles… maybe…



Yes, ill more than likely not be doing that as much!

Maybe I won’t take a BREAK, per se, maybe just have BL become secondary to Fallout for a while.

But i know I’m going to become obsessed with Fallout, as I always do!

We have a Fallout thread in the Off Topic section of the forums. You could be a regular there.

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Could you provide me with a link, kind sir?


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Splatoon is forcing me to go on a Borderlands hiatus as we speak.

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What is Splatoon?

Man, sorry to hear about your lost loot! Always back up your saves!!!

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let me know when you hit the PC, I would like to partner with you, and maybe I have some old lower level guns laying around.

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Nintendo’s take on the multiplayer shooter genre. Focuses less on killing the enemy team, and more about covering the entire map in your team color ink, so you can hide and swim around in it and other advantages.

Looks and sounds like a childs game.

Addicting as HOLY BALLS.

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Looks awesome!

May have to buy it myself!


I did, but, uh…4 months ago. /facepalm

Don’t worry too much about your legendaries: If you would have kept playing, you would have outgrown them at some point anyway. I’m guessing none of them were level 70 ?

When you get back i’ll have a ton of stuff for you :wink:

The DLCs are fantastic. I need to finish Dead Money at some point (saved the first for last). The scenery in Honest Hearts is amazing, and that’s still my favourite. Old World Blues is Mothership Zeta on steroids - some really cool stuff to loot and bring back. Have fun, and post your progress in the Fallout thread!

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Thanks for the info, I’ll look into it!


I’m VERY excited about them. Was about to play them a while ago after passing the main game, but then Borderlands 2 came out.


Very true! Really appreciate that, man! Thanks!

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You should buy and play through what’s out for Tales from the Borderlands.

Or maybe Skyrim or some other game you like :slight_smile:

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