Borderlands 3 - Amara the Siren

Borderlands 3 - Amara the Siren

4384510 [Guide] Top Gear for Amara
3300116 Amara - Master List of Class Mods
3345771 Elemental Amara Build - Do Harm Stacking and Ties That Bind - TVHM M4
2327950 Let's get some Amara builds goin'!
3876026 White Elephant Unforgiven Melee Amara - lvl 60 mh10
3693340 [Guide] Amara's Skills - Analysis and Rating
3437606 Amara Master List: Build Collection
3416237 (BUILD)Mystical Overkill Amara(09-18)
3692760 The Community Amara Guide - All you ever wanted to know
3430906 Melee Amara - Community Megathread
3360046 Amara Flame of The Dragon Melee Build
3816184 [Guide] OLD / OUTDATED
3301453 What would be the best melee weapon for Brawler?
4090066 [Build] Amara - Hellwalkin' Deputy (M10)
4136097 The new class mod is VERY good
3362709 So, when does Amara get good?
2328496 Analysis of Infusion and Tempest skill impact on damage
3830186 Amara the Siren Sheriff: A One Shot Build
4105826 [Guide] Build Collection for Amara the Siren
3628338 Actual Amara Melee Number Statistics! (what does increase the damage, and what does not)
3514816 Where to get Phasezerker COM?
2842076 Arsonist's ABC's (Always Be Casting) Build
4374949 What is the best Amara Build?
3312083 What does and does not proc Samsara?
3484722 Amara Build - Phasezerker - Phaseslam - TVHM M3
3548648 [Guide] Amara's Bugs
2989837 Does Phasegrasp always do some damage?
3279155 [Bug] Anointed gear giving no effect
3476606 Amara build for solo and co-op?
4102824 Nimble Tediore Amara Build (300m+ damage per reload) MH10 update
2321313 Amara and melee combat
3861658 Slif_One's Indiscriminate Binder
2808535 Master of Maya's Melee Amara Build
3168433 Changing elements!
4547528 Show you Amara 4th skill tree builds
3959651 [Guide] Forceful Expression, Infusion and Sustainment - Details and Math
3937361 [Guide] Personal Space - Range, Math, etc - You can even snipe with it ;)
3052117 Which tree for leveling?
3511092 Phasecast oriented build?
4392926 I'm struggling to find an Amara build that I enjoy
3270751 Amara Remnant bugged?
3315023 Is Amaras Sustainment Skill Bugged?
4129263 New Amara Class Mod
4539628 How Phase 2 action skill/melee damage scaling works
3404358 Conflux with Radiation/Cryo?
3900150 Is Amara Infusion skill still bugged?
4384307 [Guide] Soul Sap analysis
2968628 Awakening skill question
2952971 Amara and the Shockra
4504103 Is the spiritual driver build still any good?
4549732 Amara's 4th tree and Kensei formula
3180689 Amara The Siren Op?
4124575 Sleeping giant. The strongest SMG?
3951311 Anointed Weapons and PhaseSlam
4493850 Can you solo Maliwan True Takedown? Yes you can!
4474403 Looking for an updated Phasegrasp + Elemental build
3321391 So Elemental dmg effect is still pretty bad
3767032 AMARA - Elemental Projector + Phasecast Cutsman
3932457 Nimbus Class Mod
4548263 Pure melee Amara build
4544672 Amara Build Recommendations
2940317 If Amara's Action Skill "Gimmick" Is Meant to be Flexibility, She Could Use Some Changes
4466793 Vault Hunter Review Series: How to Fix Melee Amara
4521646 Stacking Spider Amara - M10 solo or coop build
4014489 [Build] Frozen Heart is kinda broken (cool) in a melee and explosive build
3624482 Shortcut for switching action skill element
3885997 Does wildfire even work?
3800180 Amara > Moze at Slaughter Star 3000
4449271 STONE class mod - badly broken. BADLY
2777713 I trust the Skill Tree Team and all But WHY?!
4246256 Phasezerker has been ninja nerfed to 2% damage and 1% cdr
3719303 Amara Gun Damage Formula
4540321 Wait, is Amara weak now?
2859090 Reverberation. I know you're curious too
3826105 What's the best grenade for Amara
3950535 The Problems with Amaras Legendary COMs
4512681 [Guide] Personal Space / Tempest
3922450 The issue with amara, or, why phasecast is the worst ability in the game
2767895 What kind of Amara are you making?
4141592 NEW COM is scary! Maliwan Takedown M4 / TVHM in 13:15:15
4164918 Will "Fakegrasp" be removed?
4190955 Can Spiritual Driver mod drop for other characters solo?
3586621 Amara multi-purpose build thoughts - 9/23
3246966 I find myself sticking to phasegrasp no matter what spec
4540257 Phaseslam Build M10?
3707458 Does Personal Space affect the Facepuncher
3218851 PhaseGrasp is trash!?
4537585 M10 Sniper Amara Build with Nimbus COM
4548244 PHaseflare Feedback
3943493 [Build] Racing Nucular Warhead - A face-tanking gun build
3403145 Melee Amara - Normal+TVHM Mayhem 3 gameplay vid
3007018 Amara - 100 % melee/AS focused build - Viable? Improvable? What you think?
2303591 Ties that Bind mechanics
4187299 How bad is the movement speed nerf to Amara
4213528 (Spoiler) DLC Siren Class Mod
3764413 Phasezerker not working properly?
3874314 Has anyone seen any good anointed Hellwalker shotguns?
3859857 Melee or elemental gun dmg build?
4513466 What are the best anoints for my element Phasegrasp build?
4300980 Golden Handcuffs Amara build
3508998 The Shocking Vampire - A tanky hybrid Build
4555343 Why is amara’s dps trash
4387447 Spiritual driver build
4539653 Mayhem 2.0 has pretty much killed BL3 for me
4177702 Amara build/gear suggestions for M4 TVHM?
3019453 Avatar "bugged"
2971690 My Theoretical Pain is Power Amara Build
4546724 SATF (Facepuncher) Amara Build
3772035 Amara Head List
4149882 Amara kills Wotan in 1 minute - no exploits
4147702 [Guide] Sustainment Analysis
4551564 Amara build guide for end game newbie
4560204 How to Completely Optimize the New Blade Fury Gun For Amara Builds
4154579 Most fun build?
3402881 [Bug?] cooldown reduction doesnt seem to stack properly
2326551 About the Amara the Siren category
4551578 An Amara build? (Help needed)
2989951 What is amara’s special weapon of choice
4538639 Rough Rider Build
3293139 Amara's "Find your center" doesn't work in online co-op
4548204 Anyone having luck on non-melee builds with Amara's 4th skill tree?
4113182 Amara Cryo Build in Progress
3443721 My guns got nerfed!
3307170 Should We Keep Infusion Once We Get Forceful Expression?
4369773 Why does Conflux even exist? And why is it on so many Class Mods?
4540819 It was only a matter of time until someone broke Amara even further
4553059 Melee is just not interesting with amara
3366380 [deleted build guide]
3685318 Stillness of Mind
3007723 Spreadsheet for Infusion comparisons
4550570 Video: Mayhem 10 Astral Projection Build that Shreds (Uses new skill tree)
3510354 2 second action skill cooldown - A lot of fun
3669585 Simple Amara build
3790848 New Hotfix - huge Melee damage nerf?
3983971 [build] Amara the Thorncaster. A Slaugher shaft mh3 capable build
4534594 Phasezerker build, feeling like a glass canon. Where do you get your defense?
3545584 Brainstormer + Infusion
3694365 Are you sure melee life steal relics exist?
4520200 Self inflicted damage problem
4190546 Does Sylestro still drop Driver after 12/5 hotfix?
4557187 Needle Gun + Light Fantastic = Billion Damage Easily Level 72 Amara Build
4540601 Stinging Smasher Amara - M10 solo or coop build
4379805 Best class mod for phase grasp? Also phasegrasp tree help
4545086 Nerfing Ties that Bind and Revelation - a Plea
4538554 Missing shock element on Amara (PS4)
2337493 Skill Tree Idea I Tried Making for Amara, the Phase Fighter
3883896 Question about interaction of Transformer, Elemental Projector, and Infusion [Answered]
3456693 For the love of god fix amara
3475864 Amara's Infusion Skill Doesn't Work With Sustainment, On Purpose Or Not?
3742106 Amara final form melee build
4544434 Amara, a good siren but not a good Amara
3668272 Amara Action Skill Augment "Allure" Not Working
3421544 Phasezerker Amara and Restless (Spoilers, it's bad.)
4210352 Post Patch Recursion
4413231 Astral Projector Amara build (Gun Goddess update)
3535484 Fist Over Matter bugged (only hits if you watch)
4417643 [Tool] Gun Anointment Calculator
3785067 High status effect weapons
3795437 Face puncher questions?
3588385 Amara Head & Skin Customizations?
2967550 Amara “Relentless Fisting” Build
3930264 Amara Class Mod "carpet elementalist"
3908852 Soul Sap and Phasegrasp
4558822 Is Melee build good?
4085335 Which Facepuncher would be better?
4467981 Amara Cooldown always wrong
3612923 Vigor Stacking - Melee
2326703 BL3 Amara The Siren's Skill Tree!
4368284 Boosting dot damage with amara
4548307 Anyone figured out specifics for Atman skill in 4th skill tree?
4557256 Berserker Banshee (Level 72 Mayhem 11 TVHM Phaseslam Build UPDATED)
4207215 Questions on ASE Elemental Anointments for Amara
3929614 Double Dragon Amara
4192914 Not sure I'm playing Spiritual Driver Amara correctly
4539704 Groundbreaker + Fish Slap + Ties That Bind
3976296 Question about Do Harm and Violent Tapestry stacks
4551947 Mayhem Scaling?
4554619 Death's Blessing Nerf
3787256 Catharsis literally killing me
3937432 Laid bare skill with ties that bind?
2826062 Indiscriminate Binder by Slif_One
2326926 Amara's Cosplay Guide
3709626 Legendary Dragon class mod potentially bugged?
4513749 Need a solid solo Amara build
3948757 Amara's Sustainment
4453543 Melee Build Worth It Without Crits?
3970429 Help Needed! Phasecast elemental build
4405502 Looking For an Amara Build
3667015 Amara skill Do Harm ability not working
4239611 Dont Fakegrasp, Just Pre-Grasp!
4331709 Any good phasecast build viable for M4?
3336782 Strong elemental Amara?
4392850 Graveward M4 suggestions?
4553439 [Build Video] 9 New Amara End-Game Builds and General Commentary
3002229 Am I reading this right(sustainment)?
4551925 Spiritual Driver - Post ASE/Fakegrasp Nerf
4169164 Spiritual Driver melee hybrid build?
3579513 Violent Tapestry Proc % (additive or multiplicative)?
3515349 Amara skills bug
4461669 Help phasecast build
4459636 Help with Phaseslam build please
4238577 [Build] Face-Punched (M4) No Exploits
3851939 Glamour ruined in latest patch
4128258 Solo Wotan on Mayhem 4 + new anointments might me OP!
4520938 How many points into Do Harm for Phasezerk build?
4542614 Best melee Amara build "Face Slapper"
4559926 Confusion about Anointments & Builds
4379960 Anointed Siren Brawler Ward?
3569779 Has anyone crunched numbers on the melee imbue artifacts?
4548072 Amara needs a buff
4551118 More Damage and I-Frames on Phaseslam?
3789695 Elemental Projector and Mindfulness Questions + Others
3398552 Amara Avatar talent bugged with Phase Grasp or buff refreshing bugged?
4548014 We all just going to ignore infusion not working with cryo on FP?
4553562 Most Versatile Amara Build
4555630 Any cool Amara builds?
3679256 Guardian Angel nurf
4547165 I don't understand how Samsara works
4229269 Overkill (Guardian Rank) and Remnant Orbs?
4228149 Brainstormer - chaining. what exactly is it?
4080651 What is the Highest Possible Slide Speed?
4542242 TTB double dipping? What all does it?
3933757 Build: The Dragon Of Partali and The Soul Fire Tsunami
4551715 Expedite in Amara's 4th skill tree isn't working?
4362352 Nimbus + Ion Cannon = <3
4547354 Help me learn to love amara
3651018 Anyone know a good weapon to ignite myself with that i can find at low level
4379922 What is the best Assault Rifle for Amara? Single target and AOE?
4327245 Spiritual Driver and builds
4071323 Skull exploding in the phasegrasp Is this any good!
4395640 Breaker class mod - Trash or good
4548708 Purple Tree's Augment and Cryo with existing Class Mods?
4538365 Can you even enjoy mayhem with Amara after patch
3585991 Anyone tried Infusion Jacobs Amara?
3560797 Conflux dmg bug?
4491188 [Guide] Breaker & Phasezerker - Math behind which COM is best
3871186 I want to kill enemies with melee button
4417666 Thoughts on Amara
4552590 Ties that Bind work with Laid Bare/Samsara?
4154512 New Rough Rider functionality vs Brawler Ward
4555876 Cosmic Fist Amara (most OP build in the game?)
3541336 Amara Phasegrasp range
3869463 Gun Build for Amara- Help!
4556987 Some of Amara's skills are not working or a little bit strange
4503559 Spiritual Driver and mayhem 2.0
4364374 BL3 with no gear (NSFW)
4548500 [Quick'n'Dirty Analysis] Amara's Purple Tree
4547160 How well does Amara handle bosses?
4508461 Does ASE 50% rad and ASE 75% rad stack?
4483323 Amara build + annt question
4503491 What am I doing wrong for Mayhem 10?
4276021 (M4) Is Breaker Amara still viable?
4173363 So what does set off Samsara?
4549198 (got no DLC) weapons wont deal serious Dmg in vanilla game?
4553001 Do developers hate Amara?
4041853 Phasegrasp cheese
4437790 Amara and The Eternal Fist
4559963 Amara being a badly designed character
3909221 Brawler Ward nerfed/bugged?
3842843 Phasezerker mod and Rush stack interaction
4546905 Thoughts on New action skill effect for amara?
4184367 Need advice for spiritual driver
4546374 Do Unto Others Damage Formula
4554083 These Phaseflare builds still effective?
4561229 New Amara build
4540436 Dear Gearbox, Phaseslam's cooldown is too long
4139402 [Updated with build info] I wonder if this is working as intended
3891225 Hellwalker with Alacrity
4120865 Mindfulness+ Red suit?
4548050 Burn Both Ends functionality?
4047090 Any tips on builds during first playthrough?
3992132 Not feeling the love with Amara
3563882 The Eternal Fist bugged?
3611078 Find Your Center Skill Question
2273280 Amara Skill tree
3647240 Phaseslam and slam relics?
3989188 Samsara health regen
4555411 Deaths Blessing feels really weak right now
4541229 Amara Improvements Ideas
4029184 [Build] Amara the Thorncaster v3
3794007 Amara great with any Mayhem modifier?
3918562 Amara AS setup seems...wrong
3952281 Ties That Bind + Allure
4518161 Rogue Life/Guardian Angel
4376533 Infusion Converts Less Damage than Stated
4210705 Is this a little to much damage?
4542083 Ultimate Sniper Amara Build | M10 Viable
4540038 The Golden Rule mod needs a buff
4548395 Slam damage is increased by 100% for Phaseslam and related action skills
3887191 What's Amara's personality supposed to be like?
4560567 Best Class mod for my Amara Build
4454834 Facepuncher not receiving damage bonus from Find Your Center or Illuminated Fist?
3311422 I rarely used Amara's skills
3893362 Phasezerker stacking and avatar, what works and what doesn't
4471235 New Amara player. Conflux and Harmageddon
3591933 Can someone clarify how Avatar works (especially with Phazezerker COM)
4471312 Are the skills Anima and Arms Deal a trap?
4551145 Can Amara punch from 1 to 65?
4472157 Amara "Phasegrasp" Anointment
4542706 Best Sheriff Amara?
4455948 Removing screen shake on taking (self dot) damage?
3469921 Jab cross with Ties that bind?
4541209 Why I don't play Amara
4542147 Siren Radiation anointment bugged?
4097770 Surviveabillity as amara
4185425 Arms Deal: how does it work?
4036951 Problems with Amara Damage output
4368743 So since anoints got now hotfixes, there are two more that need to be looked at
3979857 Requesting Some Build Advice Please?
4484151 Is the Wedding Invitation still the best sniper for Amara?
4550463 Mods possibly needing a buff or rework for Amara
3315920 Amara has tattos on both sides?
4541897 Which +Skill(s) does an optimalPhazerker COM have?
4131812 Amara "Nova" build help/ideas
4548015 Bug with Mindfulness after NOV 9th 2020 patch
4374504 Amara One Punch Build 700 Damage for Mayhem 4
4515851 Violent Tapestry 2020: yay or nay?
4540129 Has anybody succeeded in creating a Phaseslam melee build?
4482503 Amara shut up PLEASE!
4558561 Are status effects broken? 100% death sentence at L40
3979108 Stuck on going rogue mission. Does anyone have any ideas
3624095 Amara's Indiscriminate Skill targets self - bug or intended?
2853619 Bullet Scrooge Amara Build
4414478 Fakegrasp + Driver sometimes dissolves my hp
3229832 [Bug] Deliverance not releasing projectiles
4552834 Amara's Muse Com, is it the best for mobbing?
4560550 Splashy questions about a weird Amara "build"
4475393 Broken Amara Skills- Anyone else notice some aren't working right
4541628 Melee/Phaseslam Amara questions
2980599 [Build] Supercharged Phaseslamer
3975894 Getting destroyed after initial playthrough: what am I missing?
3946040 Please Help Me w/Amara Build
4553705 Need some thoughts on my Melee build
3984110 Catharsis effect clarification
4471907 Is it or the class mod breaker just garbage
3936557 Boarderlands 3 amara deathless artifact build
4079056 Best overall Action Skill Element for Infusion?
4400454 Does Revelation do anyting with phaseslam/varients?
4312492 Anyone die a lot in the Scraptrap Nest?
4097122 Haunted Maggie. Fun mobbing setup (with Slaughter Shaft gameplay video)
4454830 Need help with my melee element build
4261984 Will they ever fix the Phaseslam annointed buffs so they apply to Fracture and Downwell too?
4558152 Any decent Level 72 Phasecast builds?
4118195 Amara's Sustainment skill need2 be fixed
3929283 Asking for advices on skills and synergies
4549811 Ascendant and Expedite
3646082 Infusion is bugged
4505513 Need an Amara build (No guns,love, & tentacles dlc)
4541760 Phaseslam build question
4538095 Did the Mayhem Modifier Slayer change with TTB?
4492668 A gun that can one shot almost anything
4554793 Phazecast Amara vs Hemovorous M10 TVHM (Fast Kill)
4557053 Is Expedite working yet?
4519166 Question about Amara
4548904 Bug with the cryo Augment and the red capstone + Infusion
4542053 Let's talk about Amara's Augments
3339772 Does Amara's DOT sounds bug anyone else?
4554846 Berserker Banshee (Level 65 Mayhem 11 TVHM Phaseslam) Melee/Slam Hybrid Build
4555318 Pinball Girl! One Billion+ Dmg on Graveward Death's Blessing Amara Build
3869537 What are you killin' with Amara?
4560714 Bladed Fury Melee/TTB Build MTT in 6:20
3352993 Short guide to melee tech and scaling. (Please buff melee tech Gearbox :( )
3003464 8/21/10 - A Theorycrafter's Delimma
2946857 Deliverance and Reverberation?
3671741 What skills work well with the Facepuncher?
4543924 Amara Glamour Augment addressing the changes since 7/23
3705192 Firmly grasp it
3404744 Wishing I could replace amara with maya
4269222 I hoard too many class mods
3922269 The issue with Amara: aka why phasecast is the worst ability in the game
4544982 After the recent hot fix does do harm still effect TTB?
3535769 Best bladed guns for meleeing enemies (not face puncher)
3061031 Amara Playthrough 1 guides
3747314 Messy Break-Up Observation
4492087 Amara's Helping Hands skill feels odd and needs a improvement like a rework maybe?
3897515 [Guide]A comprehensive guide for Amara on MH3 modifiers and adapting in multiplayer
3956092 Issue with Amara and Phasegrasp
4466593 Anointed siren weapons (300 weapon damage after slam)
3976405 So since Eridium is "useless" for a lot of people and Amara is a Siren
3632838 Maliwan doing more dmg?
3991672 New anointment (phasegraps casts ghosts)
4548850 My Amara the Siren build
4364359 Amara Witch Build
3914504 Amara helping hand Timer not refreshing
4554074 New Death's Blessing COM
4371687 Anyone seen this anointment before?
3659399 Amara Deep Well skill bugged
4393499 Question about white elephant
4546808 Glamour, the best Aggro in the game!
4225365 Efficient boss farming without anoitments?
3615004 Amara shock dmg w/ melee?
4007389 [Bug] Cryo and Forceful Expression
4461520 I'm new to Amara. I'm looking for an elemental/phasegrasp build
4546963 Samsara still bugged?
3313558 Samsara doesnt give regen
4541481 Root Rave Amara: Guardian TTD Made Easy
4365983 Personal Space + TTB
4553049 What are these elemental explosions with the facepuncher
4556308 New Urad Death's Blessing Build and Sniper Fun
4539774 QoL woes with melee Amara
4530971 Monarch Amara vs the Trial of Fervor + Cartel Event, Mayhem 10
4505377 How old is Amara?
4174574 I love the new COM, but
3783780 Amara Skill Synergy Spreadsheet
4144096 Soul Sap work with Ties That Bind?
4557484 Would Kensei be broken if
4546992 Driver + cryo action skill element (new tree)
4549940 Kensai is it bugged or is this what Gearbox want?
4366025 Is there something wrong with grasp?
4498971 Glamour feels unchanged, still broken
4458486 Freezer Burn Amara Level 57
3955677 Elemental Amara Mayhem help
4543611 Battle of the B̶a̶n̶d̶s̶ Builds
4543216 Chad Amara vs Scourge The Invincible Martyr (True Takedown)
4447604 Amara not Phasegrasping
4359889 Transformer/Driver question
4408811 (DEVS) Guardian Rank and Character class specialization idea!
3320938 Amara Skill Tree Question
3911680 Amara offline power
4543364 Skill order for Elemental Phasecast Amara?
4180318 Amara: alternate attire
4502414 Blitz + Slayer Modifier is awesome
4554668 Do I understand this correctly?
4374541 What’s Up with the Thump Thump Sound on AS?
4546345 Ties that bind reduced damage
4167988 Ties that Bind build on mayhem 4?
3997796 Brawl Ward 300% after Phaseslam
3331367 Thunder Amara build
4540005 Fight for your life bug
4560305 Borderlands 3 | Amara M11 | Bladed Fury Shreds w NEW Melee based Build
3778171 Are Annointed buffs supposed to be active even when using a different gun?
3967137 Just an FYI about OWN
4559258 Ward vs Stinger Shield for Melee
4546539 Is there a build for Amara that doesn't focus on action skill?
3881304 Siren non melee builds
3929004 Amara the siren
3961178 The Companion and Infusion don't work well together
4554249 Hemovorous The Invicible Raid Boss Fight w/ Phaseslam Amara (Berserker Banshee)
3938049 Does Infusion Work With Deep Well?
3306441 Indiscriminate doesnt work with the other FoE Action Skills?
4315477 Best Heist Gear and Grolls
4089035 [Build] Tediore Amara with Pistol
4381748 Orange tree = use only elemental weapons?
4378788 Bugs, or inconsistencies?
3933162 Amara and ASE anointments on non-graspable opponents
4367126 My Siren melee build
3658236 Beginning Siren w/Phasegrasp & advice
3485823 Family Jewel - Hotwiring with Amara
3387097 Amara Downfall Skill Question
4516822 Is Conflux any better with Harmegeddon?
3607269 Best place to get a “heal on melee damage” relic?
3464179 Anyone played around with mindfulness?
4490361 Can't Punch Wotan. Game sad
4040366 Amara cryo question
3866254 Having 105% constant run speed is great for farming power troopers
4409787 Brawler ward phaseslam
4560282 Am I using Face-Puncher Amara wrong?
3739760 Amara ability Remnant not working?
4542323 Amara can Fus Ro Dah
4478254 How does brawler ward work?
3844576 Amara's anointed rolls more powerful than they appear?
4213596 Another Amara Skill Tree Idea, Kineticist
3693935 Need help building melee Amara
3922454 Any Support Amara builds out there?
4548570 Forceful Expression + Cold Hearted = Bugged
4547443 Phasegrasp/Terror Skulls Anoint Busted?
4055589 Just started a melee Amara playthrough and
4471022 Maya should be able to revive teammates
4552550 HELP Needed: Not dealing any damage - Confused about scaling and one-shots. (Amara)
4546234 Stillness of Mind + Face Puncher
4394318 Need help boost survivability with driver com
4558991 Meele builds vs Skill builds
4389465 Reached ENDGAME
3873843 Looking for input on my build
4538632 Amaras fakegrasp and other repeat button presses made automagic....(hold to initiate skill repeatedly PS4)
3313734 [Bug] Wildfire stops working after some time, restart fixes it
4509224 [Amara] Fist Over Matter Augment damage reduction still not fixed?
3982190 Avatar + Sustainmant or Personal Space and Clarity
4543234 Amara with Downfall + Allure on Slaughter Shaft because why not
3890121 Phasecast build suggestion request
4411089 Ideal Buttplug anointment for a Melee Amara?
4114800 Build most like TPS melee Athena.?
4109950 About the Legendary Elementalist mod
3976659 Does anyone know
4007513 Infusion mayhem mode question
3390297 Blitz suddenly doing Lightning
4558360 Best various gun builds?
3597040 Remnant Bug... for the love of God please fix
4560464 My Newest Purple Tree Based Build... non-melee
4546989 5th Tree Speculation
4552229 Kensei classmod need buff
4540219 Glamour bugged on PS4?
3944919 Downfall skill build
4173606 I need a leveling build. New to PC :D
4540325 New To Melee Amara
3959225 What exactly is Amara’s class mod?
4432719 Amara - FRACTURE not getting annointment bonus?
4551367 Does ascendant break expedite stacking?
4072464 Just found out emergency response effects brawler ward
4111440 Build help please
3634548 Phaserzerker build viability
4537810 Confused about Amara
4554660 Who do we talk to to fix Amara's gun damage
4561063 Deathless Fury Amara M11 | True Maliwan Takedown in 5:31
4554105 Amara Gun DMG buff Ideas
4545868 Amara ideas for 4th skill tree
4461712 Amara stone classmod still bugged?
4199722 [BUG] [PS4] Amara Guardian Angel & Family Jewel quest
3266420 Build? Amamra with Fl4k skag?
4177280 What killed me?
3762032 Low lvl elemental gun
4553773 Phase grasp and samasara
4553215 M10 Purple Amara (Epic Load Out)
4508106 So just a random idea for a melee mod for Amara
3723332 Pinning important threads
3950098 Flakker testing on Amara
4052179 Amara future updates?
3951054 What is it? Where does it come from?
4558364 Elementalist Damage Formula
4366562 Help w Chernobyl amara please XB1
4553971 Question on Nimbus and Re-volter
4463377 Will Glamour ever be fixed?
4543163 Does Amara COM, Elementalist Has A Specific Drop Or Is It Random
4186761 Seeking advice to progress with Amara
3581692 Trouble With Amara
4553050 Amara's Phaseflare
4081106 Im not a maths guy so anyone mind helping me out?
4474386 Amara build 57 and legendary
4551398 Would there be space for a build around multi-elemental weapons?
4396454 Amara new skill tree concept
4401877 Deliverance.......really?
4220958 Ase weapon damage or Ase elemental damage?
3645022 Passive abilities
4069207 Bug or intented fix?
4374075 Advice on melee build
3736949 The search isn't over (PS4)
4540594 What’s Glamour actually supposed to do?
4536912 Phaseslam Amara - ideas to improve her
4536255 Downfall skill need some love
3922820 Could a Rad Based Amara be a thing?
3957607 Moxxxi Being Creative
4453047 Laid bare and melee
3909136 Revelation Nova
4492794 Spiritual Driver class mod quality change
4152763 Anointed Siren Gear
4555883 Borderlands 3 | Amara M11 lvl 65 | True Maliwan Takedown | Jakob's Bird of Prey | Urad Death's Blessing
3850213 Amara melee works in Offline
3979411 I made my first borderlands 3 video... be gentle </3
4536123 Double Down Monarch Amara vs Slaughter Shaft + Cartel, Mayhem 10
3943996 Question about some skills
4414691 Amara skill change ideas
4181744 Need Shield ideas for a elemental build
3868215 Class mod Nimbus only 2 stats?
4562053 Stinger shield plus Amara
4182688 My Melee Siren build
4554905 Amara phaseslam focused build
4544024 Psyren head missing?
4556120 Phaseflare skill interaction questions
4549835 Help with skill tree
4164632 Question about new mod
4537744 Lucky7 Showcase in M10 Truetakedown
4545820 mELe3 aM@rA bAd (Traunt vs. Pestilence Pistol)
3382781 Bug - Can't crit Weakspots in Phasegrasp
4147208 Is there such a thing as
3560301 Group ammo dispenser setup
4114729 OP Shield? Help with build!
4155067 Deathgrip Shotgun
3610018 Rate my build - elemental close quarters
4079965 Good Amara buld
4560512 Berserker Banshee vs ALL ENDGAME CONTENT (No Commentary) [4TH UPDATE]
4540368 Amara Slam Build
3940397 Need Guidance with amara
3932020 Amara's Infusion Should Give Bonus Mag to Non-Elemental Guns with Deep Well
4098643 Help with gear please
3927670 Class mod or grenade?
3926250 Relic Melee modifier synergy question
3944140 Facepuncher and Personal Space
4498738 Deliverance.........still not fixed
4482010 Skill Phasegrasp
4116926 Spec Help For No Action Skill Build
4476719 Looking for spiritual diver class mod
4537817 Hola a todos, soy nuevo. TAPIZ DE VIOLENCIA
3781437 Why does phasegrasp sometimes lift enemies very high?
4037959 Has anyone encountered this?
4475492 Indiscriminate and Nukem
3575441 Slide/Melee in this game for this class
4138285 Need help with Amara build
4140971 Amara sustainment
4080371 Need some build help for hellborn amara
4556381 Amara M11 Death's Blessing Urad True Maliwan Takedown 7:27
4463511 First Attempt at True Takedown with my Freezer Burn Amara lvl 57
4549098 Phaseflare even kills the audio!
3616140 Need an advice for my build
4438112 I'am need we help
4080936 Does anyone have a melee/slam build viable for Amara on M3?
4550812 A mod that interacts with slam relics (Maybe an update to give phaseslam interactions)
4561954 If I Redesign Amara
3901422 Guardian Angel re-vamp
3520940 Level 42 no perks
4500352 Brawler ward without health regen