Amara skills bug

Basically in my build i’m using Deliverance ability that deals damage to enemies hit by It to trigger the Laid Bare skill wich should activate when an enemy Is damaged by an ability, and on top of It i’m using Stillness of Mind wich will grasp all the enemies that are hit by the ability, in order to activate the Dread skill . But neither Laid Bare or Dread will activate even if with my ability i’m damaging and grasping the enemies hit by the ability. What’s going on? Why thoes skills won’t activate? Please correct this, otherwise there would really Be only 1 good amara build for end game and that kills the variety of how a character can be played.

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I don’t think those are bugs but rather intentional design decisions. Dread specifically mentions it being available only on targets grasped, phaselock is different. When it comes to Laid Bare, it only triggers on the enemy you directly hit with Phasecast.

Ok so basically to make those skills work togheter it needs an ability which grasp and damage the enemy at the same time, i’ll try Fist Over Matter. But about Laid Bare, the description says :“Enemies take increased damage from all sources for a few seconds after being damaged by Amara’s action skill Damage: 86”, with Deliverance i’ve indeed damaged the enemy, and no where there’s a mention about this skill working only with Phasecast

Both Fist Over Matter and Ties That Bind work for both Dread and Laid Bare. FOM triggers Laid Bare on the grasped target and any enemy close enough to get damaged by the fists as well - great for single target situations. TTB triggers Laid Bare on enemy damaged by one of its links - great for AoE scenarios.
The problem with Deliverence is that the homing projectiles themselves don’t deal action skill damage. Therefore Laid Bare can’t be applied by them

To clarify something on DankRafft’s response: Ties that Bind works by spreading damage among all linked targets. However, because you have to inflict damage via non-Action Skill means, the person you originally damage will not get the Laid Bare debuff. However, all the other linked targets will get it. This is because the original target isn’t being damaged by the Action Skill, and Laid Bare requires the Action Skill to inflict damage to the target for Laid Bare to apply.

Easy solution, of course, is to just shoot two targets. first won’t get Laid Bare, but will apply it to everyone else, then the second target will apply Laid Bare to the first target.

Also, how do you quote on these forums?

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Ok tried with both FOM and TTB none of them trigger the Laid Bare icon of the skill to be displayed on the bottom of the screen like It happens with all’ other skills. how’s that? Also swk3000 about the easy solution u provvided to activate Laid Bare also on the first target, well the Avatar skill that lets u use an ability 2 times in a row still has a delay, in fact u can’t spam them one right after another, cause u have to wait for the first ability to end its effect before using avatar and so activate the ability the second time

Also now i’m testing TTB and the Soul Sap skill wich says “A portion of damage dealt by Amara’s action skill is returned to her” get triggered by TTB, but at the same time TTB doesn’t trigger the Samsara skill wich has the same activate condition of Soul Sap, that’s Samsara description :“Whenever Amara deals damage to an enemy with her action skill, she adds a stack of Samsara.” WTF??? Have they wrote those skills description wrong? Or do they want people to play Amara only with melee ?

As far as I can tell this is because the effect applies to an enemy, not to you. When I made some tests a few days ago the enemies I damaged through TTB links seemed to take more damage afterwards. This probably needs some more testing.

Yes but what about the Samsara skill?