So, amara, the siren, the PUNCH siren
shes easily one of the stronger VH’s, but mostly cause she can make elemental weapons hit like trucks due to passive boosts, very strong anointments, and ties that bind
she doesnt really feel like a “punch siren” to me so, in my boredom, i wrote down some changes that i think would spice up her playstyle and make her more than just the Maya 2.0 character, so here we go:
Amara Rework Ideas:
–Inherent Element changes: Amara can change elements on the fly by holding the AS button, either cycling between shock, fire and corrosive in this order, or by opening some sort of quick wheel menu; ALL elements are available from the get go at the top of each skill tree like base Fl4k pets.
edit: Another idea would be to also allow amara to have 2 augments for her AS since element choice would be free, Fl4k has access to a pet choice, skill choice AND 2 augment choices per skill, with the caveat that the augments are tree-specific, whereas amara’s are universal
–Inherent Action Skill dmg: All damaging action skills/augments should have 50% status chance and have the status dmg scale with the ability’s dmg, this includes phasegrasps vs grasp-immune enemies
–Inherent anointment changes: Anointments that proc on skill end should proc on skill activation, duration maybe be increased slightly to compensate for activation animations*(this is a buff for everyone, not just amara, this is REALLY needed and its better than adding more annointments to the loot table to address this issue)*, general elemental damage anointments should have full effect on melee, grenade and action skill dmg(similar to how their bonuses scale with gun damage bonuses) ; Amara’s radiation anointment should get the above benefits and apply to all dmg not just gun dmg; phase grasp nova anointment base dmg and scaling should be increased
–Legendary Class Mod changes:
-Phasezerker: no change, this is the gold standard
-Breaker: flat 25% DR at all times while equipped, doubled for 10 seconds after AS, Using AS causes amara’s shields to go down to 0 and break, good for melee and to force proc on-break shield abilities
-Dragon: add a bonus to Melee critical dmg on top of augment proc, improvements to augments below are enough extra change
-Elementalist: Stronger DoT and bigger AoE for DoT aplication
-Golden Rule: increased the cooldown rate bonus per stack, add critical dmg bonus per stack
-Nimbus: Make the cloud have better base dmg and scaling, remove scaling with weapon base dmg so its consistent, increase cloud size
-Spiritual Driver: Damage bonus applies to melee
-Stone: add health regen based on max health per rush stack as well, about .1% to .2% per stack
–Inherent melee change: better base dmg/scaling(FOR EVERYONE, melee should always do more than tickle enemies or NEED groundbreaker to do meaningful dmg), Roid/Brawler dmg bonuses on other shields must be increased(Ward being the only legendary roid shield with 300% bonus makes it the only attractive shield for true melee in end-game), allow critical hits on weak-spots, reduce melee “auto-aim” to let people aim for weak-spots, critical bonuses apply to melee critical hits; melee attacks should have a good base status chance as they can do elemental dmg via anointments(that would be improved in these changes) + Illuminate Fist from Fist of the Elements skill tree
–Inherent Brawler AS Changes: Cooldown starts right after skill activation, this includes Downfall, Downfall gets the ability to raise its height by holding the jump button, all AS and damaging augments get better base dmg and scaling, augments lose negative effects; glamour no longer makes enemies fully switch faction, instead it should function like the traitor weed from DLC3; Fracture “puddle” base damage and status damage should be increased
-Root to Rise: Same effects + added shield delay INCREASE, melee tree should have at least 1 skill to increase shield delay for better roid dmg uptime
-Personal Space: no change
-Clarity: MAYBE changed to max health based regen instead of missing health
-Arms Deal: Either no changes OR maybe add splash to amara melee, more ranks = bigger AoE, 5/5 = 1m radius
-Samsara: bugfix: currently heals based on missing health instead of max health, this should be fixed + it should proc on phasegrasps, even successful ones and ties that bind chain damage
-Helping Hand(s): Same effects + .4 seconds flat cooldown reduction per rank on melee strike, doubled on melee kill (i.e on 5/5 get 40% DR and reduce cooldown by flat 4 seconds on melee kill, or 2 seconds on a melee hit that doesnt kill)
NO CHANGES to Mindfulness, Find Your Center and Vigor
-One With Nature: Same + half of the elemental resistance to non-attuned elements (i.e if specced into shock, 40% shock resistance and 20% resistance vs other elements)
-Do Unto Others: Better base dmg + scaling, reduce cooldown to 2 seconds or less, better tracking
Jab Cross: doubled duration
-Guardian Angel: No change OR follow GrzesPL’s suggestion and make it work like Zane’s “Old You” ability, that is, instead of ALWAYS procing when going down off cooldown, let the player manually use it by pressing AS button, this way they can save it for when its truly needed, and have its original behavior take place when “Roguelite” mayhem modifier is on
-Blitz: cooldown only procs on successful hits that fail to kill, misses either due to enemy moving or weird tracking/hitting geometry during the lunge shouldn’t proc the cooldown
Mystical Assault:
–Inherent Rush change: Do Harm and Violent Tapestry should no longer have their own stacks, instead they benefit directly from Rush stacks(like Alacrity), Rush stacks should not be consumed after AS and instead slowly decay akin to their behavior with Phasezerker equipped after a grace period of 2 seconds without new stacks; this should make amara a more consistent character and makes her other class mods compete with phasezerker, value per stack of those 2 skills should either be increased or have the max rush stack count be increased
(i.e: Amara has gained a total of 20 Rush stacks from either killing enemies, applying statuses or using Phasezerker/Stone COMs, she uses her Action Skill, gaining all stack benefits, and keeps her stacks , after 2 seconds without gaining new stacks they start to decay)
–Inherent AS Change: All cooldown satrts right after activation, increased base dmg and scaling, augments lose negative effects; Phasecast now works like Rakks/Bloodwing, the projection will home into enemies, focusing enemies at center of cross-hairs on activation time, after reaching the enemies it will “punch” causing a (very) small explosion and dissipate, from there a new projection is created to attack a new different enemy*(maybe have it attack the same enemy if no new targets exist*), at base it can do 3 attacks(original cast + 2 new ones after hitting enemies) and Ascendant and Avatar increase this by 1 each, for tandava these skills increase AoE size instead
–Deliverance Change: see above for inherent change, better base dmg and scaling on projectiles, better tracking and lifetime for projectiles
–Reverberation: see above for inherent change, special effect remains the same
–Tandava: see above for inherent change, special effect remains the same
these change make phasecast feel more like an actual astral projection instead of a weird human-shaped piercing bullet that needs very lucky enemy positioning
-Do Harm: See Above, effect stays the same, increases to AS dmg and scaling should more than compensante for the loss of the possible 99 do harm stacks
-Fast Hand(s): No Changes
-Violent Tapestry: See above, effect stays the same
-Alacrity: See Above, effect stays the same except the doubling occurs on AS use, not on stack consumption
-Transcend: No Change
-Restless: No Change
-Ascendant: See above, no other changes
-From Rest: No Change
-Laid Bare: duration increased to 12 seconds
-Wrath: No Change
-Remnant: One of the strongest skills in the game, dont even know why it has 3 ranks and have often thought it was a more fitting capstone for Fist of the Elements but thats another story, anyways, despite its power it does need some fixing:
-It should proc from melee kills, this is the punch sire after all
-it should lose the weird hidden cooldown it has(bloodsplosion didnt have one, why should this? specially since none is listed), it is very common, specially when using TTB or explosion weapons or explosive action skills(in lower mayhem) to kill multiple enemies in the span of a second and only spawn a single remnant orb and this orb often struggles with another issue:
-The fact that it tracks only one target that seems to be defined at time of death for the enemy it came from and cant switch them mid flight, very common to accidentally kill the orb’s target and it just keeps trying to hit the ground or flies into the air until it dissipates even when there are other possible targets a couple meters away
-Awakening: No Change
-Avatar: See above, add visible second charge instead of ADDING a status that gives a free second cast IF POSSIBLE, otherwise, no extra changes
Fist Of The Elements:
–Inherent AS Changes: GREATLY increased base damage and scaling for grasps on enemies that cant be CC’d, i do mean GREATLY increased; cooldowns should start as soon as a successful grasp attempt(including against CC-immune enemies) is registered; remove augment negative effects
–Eternal Fist Changes: see above + Rework-> Eternal Fist grabs the main target and up to 4 other nearby targets AT THE SAME TIME akin to stillness of mind, killing a grasped enemy increases grasp duration on remaining grasped enemies by 3 seconds
–Ties That Bind: No Change, this is strong enough as is
–Fist of Matter: See above + faster slam speed and GREATLY increased slam base dmg and scaling, maybe slightly increase AoE size
-Anima: make ability not apply to environmental hazard DoTs, barrels are a death sentence for amara with Anima
-Steady Hands: no changes
-Infusion: no changes
-Tempest: no changes
-Illuminated Fist: either no changes or rework to be 75% of TOTAL melee dmg(after every other melee bonus and anointment) added back as bonus elemental dmg to melee attacks
-Wildfire: no changes or slightly increased % chance
-Dread: make the reload give ammo instead of taking from reserves, halved effect on heavies(i.e, only up to 50% of mag returned to to the heavy weapon’s magazine as free ammo, 100% for other weapon types)
-Indiscriminate: no changes
-Deep Well: no changes
-Catharsis: increased AoE size, reduced cooldown, increased base dmg and scaling per status
-Sustainment: make it universal elemental life steal, including melee, tho i THINK it already works as universal elemental life steal despite the “weapon” part of its description
-Conflux: no change or slightly increased % chance
-Forceful Expression: make it also add an extra flat 50% chance to apply a status effect of the attuned element with melee attacks and increase status chance of action skills by a flat 50%