Action Skill Element:
- Amara is able to equip a primary element and a secondary element. Hold [action-skill] to toggle the element primary and secondary (Just like Maliwan). The initial Action Skill Elements are Shock and Radiation.
Action Skill:
Phasecast: Amara sends forward an Astral Projection of herself, dealing Splash Damage to everything in its path.
Deliverance: The Astral Projection constantly releases homing elemental projectiles. Each projectile deals 15% action skill damage. The speed of Astral Projection will be slower.
Elemental Projectiles/second: 4
Tandava: (Tandava deals increased damage for every enemy in the radius of the explosion. )
Bonus damage /enemy: +15%
Phaseslam: (If Amara kills an enemy with Action Skill, reduce the cooldown by 5s. )
Facture: (Increase the radius of the fists. If Amara kills an enemy with Action Skill, reduce the cooldown by 5s. )
Downfall:( While Amara is shooting the elemental beam, she takes reduced damage(-80%) and increases movement speed(+50%). If Amara kills an enemy with Action Skill, reduce the cooldown by 5s.
Cooldown: 40s )
Action Skill Augment:
Revelation: Increase the radius of Amara’s action skill(+30%; Ascendant: +50%).
Increase the duration of Phasegrasp (+1.5s; Ascendant: +3s).
Action Skill Cooldown: +20%
Glamour: (Enemies affected by glamour gain more damage: ×1.2×Skill Mayhem Scale. )
Allure: Amara’s Action Skill creates a singularity that pulls in enemies, then it triggers a nova dealing primary action skill elemental damage to all nearby enemies.
Nova damage: 35×1.09^level (Ascendant: 50×1.09^level)
Cooldown: +15%
Soul Sap: (Action Skill can trigger Soul Sap multiple times instead of once. Reduce Action Skill Cooldown: -10%)
Stillness of Mind: (1s delay; Ascendant: 2s delay)
Passive Ability:
Restless: Amara gains increased cooldown rate after consuming Rush stacks until she activate her action skill again.
+0.6%/stack (it can be boosted by Awakening)
Max Point:5
From Rest: Amara gains increased fire rate and charge speed for every stack of Rush. After consuming Rush, this bonus lasts for a few second.
Fire rate: +0.4%/stack (it can be boosted by Awakening)
Charge speed:+2%/stack (it can be boosted by Awakening)
Duration: 6s
Max point: 3
Awakening: Amara’s Rush stacks gain increased effectiveness. Increase Amara’s max Rush stacks.
Effectiveness: +10%
Max Rush stacks: +2
Max point: 3
Avator: While Amara’s action skill is ready, Amara gains a Rush stack per 2 seconds. Whenever Amara gains a Rush stack, she has a chance to gain 1 ammo. If Amara’s action skill kills a enemy, Amara’s shots gain chance to cost 0 ammo for 8s. Additionally, increase Amara’s max Rush stacks.
Chance to gain ammo: +25%
Chance to cost 0 ammo: +25%
Max Rush stacks: +4
Anima: Amara’s Status Effects deal increased damage over time and have increased duration or frozen time. Her Primary Action Skill Element Status Effect deals further increased damage or frozen time.
DoT damage: +4%
Primary DoT damage: +8%
DoT duration: +20%
Frozen time: +0.5s
Primary frozen time: +1s
Max points: 5
Infusion: There is a chance to completely convert damage dealt by Amara’s weapons into her primary AS element. If the element of her weapon is the same as her primary AS element, it gains bonus secondary AS element damage.
Convert chance: +8%
Bonus damage: +4%
Max Points: 5
Tempest: Amara deals increased Elemental Damage. Primary AS Elemental damage is further increased.
Wildfire: Whenever Amara applies a Status Effect to an enemy, it has a chance to spread to 2 nearby enemies (this effect has 1s cooldown). Whenever Amara applies a Status Effect, she restores a portion of her missing health (this effect has no cooldown).
Spread chance: 8%
Missing health restored: 3%
Max Points: 5
Catharsis: (Damage: 4.2×1.09^level → 10×1.09^level; Cooldown: 8s → 3s)
Conflux: Whenever Amara applies a status effect to an enemy, she gains a chance to randomly Electrocute, Ignite, Melt, Radiation or Freeze that enemy. The increased skill damage and mayhem scale can reinforce the extra effect damage.
Damage: 7×1.09^level×SkillMult×SkillScale per second
Extra effect chance: +7%
Max Points: 5
Forceful Expression: Amara deals bonus elemental damage, base on her primary AS element and secondary element. Amara gains immunity from status effect of primary AS element (including freeze).
Primary bonus damage: +15%
Secondary bonus damage: +10%
Clarity: (Increase the duration of double bonus from 5s to 12s)
Samsara: (Increase gun damage → Increase all damage)
Helping Hand(s): For a few seconds after using her Action Skill, Amara’s arms remain active and grant her Damage Reduction and Chance to Reflect the Damage.
Chance to reflect: +7%
Max points: 5
Vigor: (Duration: 8s → 12s. Speed: +3.33% → +4%)
One With Nature: (Skill-element resistance → primary and secondary AS element resistance)
Do unto Others: Whenever an enemy damages Amara, she automatically throws an energy orb back at them, dealing primary AS elemental Damage. Enemies take increased damage from all sources for a few seconds after being damaged by the orb. This skill has a short cooldown.
Damage increase: +20%
Duration: 8s
Cooldown: 8s
Guardian Angel: At the End of Fight For Your Life , Amara immediately gains a Second Wind and immune from damage for 5s. This skill has a long cooldown. Whenever Amara gains a second wind, her next shot deals bonus damage.
Cooldown: 120s
Bonus damage: +100% Max Health
Blitz: Press [melee] while aiming at an enemy to make Amara dash a short distance forward and perform a Blitz melee strike, dealing Primary Elemental Melee Damage. Enemy attacked by Blitz deals less melee damage for a few second. If Amara kills an enemy with melee attack, Blitz’s cooldown is immediately reset.
Melee damage reduce: -50%
Duration: 8s
Blitz Cooldown: 8s
Melee Damage: +100%
No Mistake in Nature: Whenever Amara inflicts a Status Effect on an enemy, she gains a chance to score a critical hit with melee for a short time.
Critical chance: +10%
Duration: 12s
Max points: 5
Go with the Flow: (Max stack: 2; Additional slide speed: +5%)
Unweave the Rainbow: Amara deals bonus damage of Primary AS Element whenever she deals splash damage or melee damage to frozen enemies. If Amara is frozen, all her splash damage and melee damage deals bonus damage of Secondary AS Element.
Bonus Damage: +10%
Max Points: 3
Ebb and Flow: Whenever Amara kills an enemy with a melee attack , she gains a portion of the damage dealt back as health. Amara’s melee attack gains bonus damage, the lower her health, the more bonus she gains.
Melee kill lifesteal: +33.3% Melee Damage
Bonus melee damage: up to +70%
Max points: 3
Combo Breaker: Killing an enemy with melee has 25% chance to gain “Combo”. Amara’s action skill can be activated while it is cooling down by consuming “Combo”.
Joyful freedom: (Both killing an enemy and activating action skill are able to gain stacks. Duration: 12s → 8s. Max stacks: 5. )
Free the Soul: (Splinters can home the same target now. Enemy that damaged by
2 splinters will be frozen immediately. )
Atman: Whenever Amara kills an enemy, she gains a chance to be immune from damage. Increase Amara’s critical damage and skill damage.
Immune chance: +9%
Critical damage: +7%
Skill damage: +7%
Max Points: 3