This is probably outdated and some of the skills mentioned below might work as intended now. So, take everything with a grain of salt, or even better, test it yourself.
Here I want to list all the passive and active skills/perks that either aren’t working as stated in their descriptions or don’t work at all. Feel free to contribute to this topic so we can get as much information as possible for reference. Maybe GBX can make use of it. At least we can do.
The same effect described in the Fist Over Matter section seems to apply to Phaseslam as well. Only the targets you can see when the AS damage is applied will actually suffer from that damage and in consequence grant a stack of Samsara. The other ones outside of your field of view don’t.
Fist Over Matter
Helping Hand(s)
When this skill is already active and you cast your action skill another time it doesn’t reset its duration. Instead, it has to run out before you can activate it again with your AS.
Find Your Center
Phasezerker class mod allows for 99 Do Harm stacks
With the Phasezerker class mod equipped one can target the sky or ground (anything that isn’t an enemy) while activating Phasegrasp (or a variant of it). The cooldown will immediately be reset but you’ll still get stacks for it. Due to the cooldown reset this procedure can be repeated until one has 99 stacks.
Snapshotting skills and their bonuses
Anointed perks
Did I miss any? Comment below, preferably link a thread describing this issue.
Yeah I saw some people mentioned it on YouTube under a build in comments so I tried it and confirmed doesn’t work.
Idk what to think anymore. If it was one or two problems then I’d understand mistakes happen but it feels like her entire skill trees don’t work they did not testing or anything I don’t understand how this is even possible.
I hope this gets to them ASAP
(May this forum rest in peace - Davin Dittrich)
A question regarding “Arms Deal”: Does it increase your Action Skill Damage or is “Do Harm” the only skill that increases her Action Skill Damage (I heard that her Slams all were splash damage)?
And if only the initial part of an action skill counts as it’s damage for “Laid Bare”, is it working on enemies that were damaged by “Fracture”, “Tandavas” blast or “Downfall” and its beam? How many stacks of “Samsara” could I expect with those skills? And what happens if I have “Glamour” as an augment?
And on the topic of “Glamour”: Does it work with “The eternal Fist” or does it only proc on the initially grasped enemy and not on enemy 2-5?
Edit: Phasegrasp is also terribly sluggish when it comes to aim. You can have a crosshair over an enemy and the grasp takes the enemy 5 meters behind it instead. And “The eternal Fist” is horrible in its target destination, it takes any enemy and it feels completely random. It should just grasp the enemy closest to the player instead.
I think Phasezerker allowing 99 stacks is working as intended…rather, the Weapon Damage and % Cooldown provided by it may not be. Re: Awakening not affecting Rush stacks/consumption–is this confirmed? Ability damage doesn’t go up with Do Harm + Awakening vs Do Harm without Awakening?
It’s still relevant. I tested it myself several times. Sometimes it procs as it should up to 5 times, other times I only get 1 stack with one AS activation. It’s inconsistent as so many other of her skills. And even if it procs all 5 stacks the healing is still way less than stated in the description.