Is the Wedding Invitation still the best sniper for Amara?

One of the best things about the Wedding Invitation on Amara is health restoration through Sustainment. As great as the Skullmasher and Unseen Threat are, they don’t have that same effect? So is there now a better sniper for Amara?

Of course, we can look to the Krakatoa but I don’t like charge time on weapons or rapid consumption of ammo on snipers. Has anybody tried the Cocky Bastard? I understand critical hits give double damage with half of that damage as shock.

Unless you find a ×300% phase slam purple trick muckamuck. Yes

It’s technically bonus elemental damage, so this gun can’t heal you with Sustainment since its main damage is kinetic.

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Also relevant for the Oldridian, iirc. Sustainment and Deep Well don’t work if it’s not base elemental.

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This caught my interest so just ran a few tests. Deep Well indeed doesn’t work with “kinetic” Oldridians, but Sustainment does. Any Oldridian heals you, no matter the element stated on the card.


I’m seriously doubting that a level 53 Wedding Invitation is better than a level 57 Krakatoa, Firestorm, or Storm.

Edit: I could be wrong seeing as I haven’t played with Amara in a while!

100% team krakatoa :v::100: for a main weapon for all 4 vhs, its op af


Krakatoa is better overall, at least in terms of DPS, especially against bosses. Also missing a shot is no issue so you can just fire away. Body shots deal great damage too.

The Wedding relies on consistently critting, but if used right still does monstrous single shot damage (killing two enemies). Also, no ammo issues ever. Still my main sniper mostly because it’s so satisfying.

It’s fantastic with Ties That Bind. One shot can kill a whole group and you don’t even lose a bullet. Also, no charge up! It’s so efficient on ammo you can get through the Slaughter Shaft without ever running low.

Amara has has a skill that reduces charge time … so that helps the Krakatoa

I’m no expert on Amara, but how about the Tankman’s Shield? It can come in elements, and with a Phasezerker/TTB build it would much easier to stack it’s damage.

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Haven’t gotten one yet with 300% for my ps build, but i could imagine the clairvoyance full auto would shred on Amara, with the right build and or annoint

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I like your thinking. Can it come with a scope? With 50% elements ASE you’d get plenty of extra projectiles.

If you use TTB, you can basically heal even without elemental weapons since the bonded targets take elemental damage. So you can…basically get that same health restoration most of the time.

But for an elemental Amara without TTB, the Krakatoa is the only comparable alternative I guess. Storm and Firestorm are excellent but not on the same level.

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If you’re relying on Sustainment to heal you, then probably not. But I roll with an Unseen Threat on my Phasezerker build and it’s a killer sniper. Best, for me, since you can’t get a level 57 Wedding Invitation.

The Unseen Threat can roll with a very large range of stats. I use a Dastardly Unseen Threat with the following stats:

With TTB, a Pearl artifact, and all my other gear, I can one shot groups of phaselocked enemies fairly easily. Hell, I’ve just completed my PR for killing Graveward at 9.23 seconds using this sniper.

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Sweet build. In terms of longer play, where does your life restoration come from?

I usually play with my sniper for long distance kills, of course, and a Clairvoyance for more up close stuff. I also use a Hellfire or elemental Hyperfocus and then the Dastardly Seventh Sense. So, definitely Sustainment and Soul Sap. Plus the one point from my COM put towards health regen.

This is my TTD run with this build… The video is long, but you can just ffw through it… Lol