Is it or the class mod breaker just garbage

I feel it might have a issue and isn’t working like it supposed to. I’m not getting the 29% dmg reduce like I’m supposed to get.

It works for me and I regularly run the takedown.

I haven’t seen it fail. Maybe something was creating a bug for it. I checked my damage. Were you able to reproduce is restarting the game and reentering the zone?

Also… when i’m using this mod it’s generally for the find your center on it. It’s never a large enough damage reduction to make a huge difference I always felt.

maybe before. Until they fixed the issue with stone, every class mod that had damage reduction as the bonus, actually increased the amount of damage you would take.

And since breaker is mostly for melee amara, i can see how that aspect of it would slip through the cracks for a majority of players.

They didn’t mention it in the patch notes but when they fixed stone, they fixed all the others.

Breaker never added damage. I can guarantee you that. I’ve been using the Breaker since launch. When M3 was the highest I made tank builds just for fun.

Well you need to play really close to the enemies to get the damage reduction

well you can also test by shooting yourself with splash guns.

“Damage reduction based on the distance to the enemy”

Shooting yourself does nothing with the breaker.

a lot of times even if a skill says “to the enemy” it doesn’t actually differentiate that way.
Like with one of fl4ks skills it says when fl4k shoots an enemy, but the skill also activates when fl4k shoots themselves.

But I’m speaking more about the bonuses that come with class mods. For example I have a phasezerker with -20% damage reduction.

To test if it worked I shot myself and switched mods.

I wasn’t even shooting my self… :joy::joy::joy: the breaker is broken cuz I read the txt and the closer I’m to the enemy I get no 29% damage reduction cuz it seems you have no clue what that means.

I was 1 feet from the mobs not enemy’s they are called mobs. Anyways I get no 29% damage reduction… I have played so many Tanks in my years it MMORPGs/RPG games.

The skill helping Hand can be changed to a kill skill and have like a 10-15 second cool down time… would help the builds and stuff. Just saying

The other poster said they shot themselves, that is why they received a notification and then replied.

As for your claim, the COM does work and has worked since launch. Do a little testing with actual numbers. Use a skag to test. Not hard.