Will "Fakegrasp" be removed?

I see more and more people using it now with the new M4 com. I was surprised when it wasn’t something they addressed with the previous patch. I’m wondering if this is one of those times were GBX sees this as “clever use of game mechanics” rather then an exploit.

I play a ton of MMOs so I tend to avoid coming close to that very thin line. I just want to have a clear understanding if it’s staying or going? If it’s staying then heck ya I’m going to get a build that take advantage of it going but if not I would rather not waste my time gathering the items.


If you’re referring to the fact that the phasegrasp cooldown resets should a player miss, that was deliberately introduced in one of the first patches as a QoL fix for Amara mains. I have no idea whether the fact that this left certain skills activated effectively for free was considered by the devs at that time or not. It seems to me like they should reset as well with the cooldown, but I don’t know what the official stance on this is.


They should remove the activation of passive skills. Maya would miss and get her action skill back, but no skills were activated. I see this as 100% an exploit and it’s ballooning the effects of the new COM. Not to mention it was broken with Phazeserker.


Thank you for the response! I guess for now I will continue to avoid it for a few more patches. See what they do with the next big round of changes. It’s not like I have a shortage of viable builds and playstyles on Amara so avoiding one should be an issue XD.

If they activate on successful grasp, that would solve one problem. But it would also mean there would be a very slight delay in activation (1 game tick?) - would that affect any additional features on phasegrasp? Not sure of the details with this as I’m still learning Amara, but something like supplemental damage no longer registering on first hit of the phasegrasp - it there such a thing?

I wish it was removed. But at the same time i’m using it aswell for things like terror after AS end, +125%, +100%, +50% dmg bonuses on weapons after AS end and now also the new COM. If this “feature” gets removed Fl4k with Rakks will have the most convenience with these anointments and Moze will be on the opposite side of the spectrum.
IMO the bonuses should be applied based on your base skill cooldown. The higher the cooldown, the higher the bonus damage values.

See I feel as If the ability to do this dose kind of kill one of Phasecast’s benefits. Phasecast has control over action skill triggers because it is a press and done line Rakk attack. You use the skill and action skill start and end. If you can use Phasegrasp for this then also grasp and enemy your up time on anoints and other skills that trigger from this gose through the roof.

I never saw the need to fakegrasp with Phasezerker, the huge bonus to cooldown in tandem with Avatar made it always available for the most part. For Driver though, they do need to make it so that the effects only proc when actually grasping a target, whether the enemy can be successfully grasped or not. Having a focus on cooldown should be something relegated to the kit for more frequent use, not intentionally whiffing the use of the skill to prolong the damage bonus infinitely.

Also they really need to adjust how a lot of these Action Skill based Anointments work overall. Amara and Fl4k’s Rakks are the only ones that actively benefit from any meaningful up-time on them, Moze can cancel her use of Iron Bear but its still a bit haphazard to use with gameplay, and Zane’s whole gameplay focus is on keeping his skills up near perpetually, so you have to actively let his skills lapse to get any use out of them.

Making them proc as “On Action Skill use” would work better in that regard.


People use it simply because they can get max rush stacks without even engaging an enemy. Yeah, I think it’s flat out broken but I am also guilty of using it when farming bosses and just wanted them dead ASAP. Some of us are lazy :wink: It is for OP. I remember the cooldown reset on miss being a good fix but they should implement something where (especially phasegrasp) must contact an enemy somehow. No idea how easy or difficult of a fix that would OR if it would even balance things out.

Will Fakegrasp be removed?


I mean the ability to trigger annointments and skills literally at will is far more powerful than lessor things that have been nerfed and there is no way that this could be considered as an intended game effect.

It would be similar to Moze being able to trigger skills and annointments on grenade toss. It’s just too powerful.

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It needs to be removed if your just spamming for stacks. Hit an enemy or it goes on cooldown. Simple as that.

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Guys. We’re talking about Amara here. Not zane. It will stay in the game


I think it will eventually work like Maya’s Phaselock. You get it back if you miss, but it won’t apply Skill and Gear Bonuses upon missing.


For some reason, this conjured up an image of a Gearbox developer meeting as they discuss the topic, and immediately all begin laughing together in acknowledgement of the truth.

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Is this done only with the Phazezerker mod equipped?

In defence of Fakegrasp… yeah it’s very powerful, but I mean, it also comes with disadvantages. You can’t use your action skill against enemies. You don’t get the action skill bonuses from Indiscriminate or Wrath. Samsara does nothing (it doesn’t do anything with actual Phasegrasp/TTB either, but that’s the real problem with it – would make sense to me if it was triggered on hurting a phasegrasped target, but not by Fakegrasp). Dread, Laid Bare, augments (and consequently, Ascendant) do nothing either. There’s a lot of great skills in this list that become worse or useless.

And of course, no +300% damage after Phaseslam, no +250% after Phasecast. Sure, Fakegrasping will keep those +50% bonus elemental damage from shields and grenades going all the time – but those Phaseslam/Phasecast damage bonuses also apply to them, so after Phaseslam with a +300% weapon they now do +200% each instead of +50%. Can’t do that with Fakegrasp either, max. is +100% with +100% on ASE.

And perhaps most importantly… once the Guardian rewards work again, with Topped Off you can get a cooldown of 10 seconds or less. That’s going to change everything. I’m really looking forward to trying my Phasecast Amara then again.

Another vote here for Fakegrasp to be removed. Make it just like Phaselock in 2, if you miss your target there’s like a .5 second cooldown but you don’t get any bonuses for activating your action skill because that would be silly

It definitely should be removed but if people haven’t figured out a driver build that doesn’t need to fakecast by now they’re not even getting the most out of the class mod.

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I don’t fakegrasp and can run through any content post nerf with ease. It’s just a crutch that needs to be removed.

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I bet it’s still all the fad to raid with.