Solo Wotan on Mayhem 4 + new anointments might me OP!

I managed to down Wotan solo on Mayhem 4, sadly they didn’t fixed that’s wierd glitch when you get stacked projectiles on terror, for sure it made it little easier BUT the new anointments made it even easier!
I got granade mod with 50% more shock damage after skill use for 10 sec AND shield with 50% more rad damage for 10 after skill use… Those might me my new fav anointments!
Here is Wotan getting downed!


Wait there are new anointments besides the Terror ones?

Yeah! Maliwan Take down introduces new ones like stacking damage per kill, or damage on consecutive hits ect :smiley:

I was thinking in how to deal with wotan and maybe Kill-o’-the-Wisp/ nimbus can be a great combo, at least for the shielded fases. :thinking: