Violent Tapestry 2020: yay or nay?

So I have to admit I don’t completely understand or get this skill. I have read about it here and there (including the skill analysis thread that is sticky in this forum) but still don’t completely get it or even know if that info is still relevant/accurate anymore.

My basic understanding up to now is basically to just put 1 point in it and that’s it because added points is a waste. However, I’m starting to question whether even 1 point is valuable for this skill but again…I don’t quite understand the point of it.

It says for every stack of Rush consumed the status effect chance is increased…but don’t most elemental weapons that you might use with Amara already have a high enough chance to apply a status effect? And beyond that this buff only applies a very small chance on top of that so is this skill worth even 1 point? Conversely, do I have this all wrong and should I be maxing it out at 5/5 because it will interact with my elemental weapons and Old God shield in some amazing way? lol.

I mostly notice this when I get a lot of stacks with cryo because you can tell that they freeze WAY earlier. If your not running cryo and have high firerate weapons I would say it’s probably not worth maxing out. But I love cryo so i always max this out and can freeze people better than Zane in some cases.

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Yeah 1 point gives you an easy way to make rush stacks.

I guess if you were running slow firing low dot chance weapons it might help but as Joe said it’s best for cryo weapons. Before M10 I was running a cryo hyperfocus with 5 VT and an ice breaker artifact - it was crazy good.

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