NEW COM is scary! Maliwan Takedown M4 / TVHM in 13:15:15

Yep, many of you already know that the new COM for Amara is crazy good! But I have no idea HOW good it is combined with Recursion gun! Hated by many, looming in shadows bellow current META :rofl:
This is a recording of my current best speed run of MT on M4 / TVHM.
If you are interested in more in-depth guide I will gladly make it :smiley:


Recursion isn’t looming in the shadows below META. It’s always been top gear for Amara.

You also miss so many shots it’s painful to watch.


Dude the hype for that COM… Farm yesterday sylestro for 3 hours and nothing

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Yeah, depends on luck. I had a drop within 2 Hours. Sadly i tried it a few Hours befor i realise that i have to farm it in M4 and not in M3 XDDDD

I feel ya man, I totally don’t feel the momentum and bullet travel time of that gun yet :v
Normally I shoot pretty well but this speed… This SPEED!
Dunno why but with recent patch I lost like 40fps on average too :confused:

I got lucky and got mine from Wotan.

Playing like this seems reminiscing of Unreal Tournament. I can barely aim going normal speed; I’m guessing the pay off is so high because it’s so hard to aim while going Mach 4.

I’ve been so focused on seeing how hard I could ram things I didn’t really try testing the damage potential with a gun you barely have to aim xD.

The com is absolutely bonkers. So much fun. Mine has crap secondaries, and is shredding everything

Charm of this gun is that if you gonna hot something ONCE and there is something nearby so projectiles can bounce, just RUN! Running with this mod scales up DOT damage too :wink:
But yeah, I will be downgrading some visuals to get that stable 80 fps at least.

So, to extend that train of thought, what weapons would be good utilizing this build that would make it less stressful to hit enemies while going 60mph. There’s got to be a better balance between strafing/jump running and spraying slower projectile weapons.

I’ll do some testing, but maybe you’ve got some in mind.

Anything that can apply crazy DoT would do for sure. Cutsman, kill o whisp, trevonator ect.
If you can apply 5k DoT on enemy and than run away ramping speed that dot will scale over 500% up.

The Hive! Omg! I got to test it with the Hive!
All those slow projectile weapons… Tediore mirv reloads… Damn! So much potential!

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I used the Spark Plug Artifact to abuse Traunt. It’s super impractical because it’s not a lot of places to ground pound from, but it’s fun when you can actually set it up.

Yes I’m sure I’d miss everything. I want to try some Atlas guns.

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Atlas guns can be pretty fun to use with it! Just drop tracker and slide away shooting :smiley:

Finally a tactical use for the bloody Bangarang. And as if Tediore homing MIRV shotguns weren’t already the new meta…

Whoops double post,

OP, could you upload that savegame file or that com so we can mess around with a build for that com,


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good run.

Great run!

I was wondering though, how are you stacking mindfulness with shock as your element while using the transformer? Because when I try to replicate it, I get the animation of being shocked but don’t take any damage and get no stacks.

Thanks in advance

You are second person that has this issue, Sadly I couldn’t check it out yesterday :confused:
Im pretty sure when I was attuned into lightning damage damage was going through Transformer UNLESS, because I have +50% Cryo / Corrosive damage after skill usage, maybe it proc’s those on myself with self dot?
Gotta check it after work without those anointments.

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