I’ve been playing around with some builds using Amara’s 4th skill tree that don’t involve melee damage but so far I haven’t been able to get any to work incredibly well. My goal is to make a build that can utilize the trees capstone but so far the only build I’ve got to work has been a TTB build and I feel like it gets outclassed by my other Blue/red TTB build. I also don’t want to be stuck using TTB, I want to use Phaseflare but it’s difficult to pull off with how long its cooldown is without melee kills. Anyone else having similar luck or is everyone going crazy with the melee right now?
I’ve started using a Kensei/Plasma Coil/IBVR/Madcap with Amp build and it does work. Purple to capstone, Red to 1pt in sustain, 6 points in Blue, Green to Arms Deal. I’ve been using TTB with it of course, but once anoints are procced, anything shreds even without.
You can also use Light Fantastic as the action skill, that thing does ludicrous damage and works great for mobbing or pretty well for bossing.
That sounds similar to my current build except I don’t yet have any of the gear XD I’ll give it a go when I do!
Use it as a frost build and couple it with ice breaker and get the bonus splash/melee on frozen targets ability. If you freeze someone. They basically explode. She makes Zanes ice affinity look like garbage to be honest
I’ll give that a go!
Freeze everything with frozen heart or frozen snowshoe or with just plain cryo effecncy. Then use a splash maliwan gun. Trevanator is best gun for it now but their are others
What’s the best anointment for the frozen heart? Is it ASS?
It is indeed. Triggers the cryo nova every AS
so what you’re saying is that ASS is always the way to go
And, yes, yes it is
Ps, if you are speccing the new com, a stinger would do some downright nasty things too.
A cryo stinger would even be a bit better, coupled with a Muse com. Damage is ludicrous.