Laid bare and melee

Does someone ever verified the following:

  • Is phaseslam correctly applying laid bare
  • Is melee damage affected by laid bare

I have a hard time testing it as the dummy is not affected by debuffs ( devs if you are reading please make it like in bl2) and in live environment there are so much crap going on plus I have weird things happening when I unequip relics ( shock damage out of nowhere)

Illuminated Fist perhaps?

illuminated fist is allocated except that soulfire is equipped. On the dummy damage is alway fire,now for some weird reason hitting a shielded psycho sometimes causes shock damage to pop up.But well secondary concern… Do you know about laybare and phaseslam and melee?

IDK then. I’ve never went so far into blue tree with melee build to test it.

ok thanks anyway, and if you feel so inclined, here is a recording of my test
Where does the shock damage come from? is that Blitz doing that? I dont get it

It’s Blitz. It’s shock on default when you load up the game, check your hands. Use AS to override element to fire.



on topic I was able to do my test properly taking into account the info you gave me
test without grenade, artifact and shield for simplicity, on the lone shielded psycho before Borman.
tested with no phaseslam and just after phaseslam (not being hit with phaseslam)
blitz 12 k inciendary
normal melee 7972 incendiary

after being hit by phaseslam with 6 points in laybare (50 % dmg)
blitz 19k
nornal 12k

it works and is consistant with the theoretical calculation ( approx 8000 + 50% = 4000 = 12k)
ok this is going somewhere