High status effect weapons

I’m looking for very high status effect weapons for a build i’m running. Anyone know of anything i may have missed/not seen yet??

Preferably similar to this Cutsman

Any weapon, but if it doesn’t have over 1500 DoTs not interested.

Any element. Especially Fire and Radiation would be nice.

But not these shotguns either, they are really bad. Look nice carded, but suck to use.

Recursion, a Maliwan shotgun with ~ 6000 status dmg/sec
It’s great and can drop as any elemental combination.

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Cool thanks. still haven’t seen one so hopefully one day RNG will bring this to me.

Kill-o-the-Wisp Legendary Maliwan Shotty. I think it’s always shock, but i have one with 10453Dmg/s on 14%.

cool cheers, will farm one see how it goes.

@schmu666 - i had one drop just now, how weird huh. It’s not got the combo i wanted, but now i can see how it works. Bit slow on firing, so would prefer a Fire or Radiation mix.

I’ve been testing what (I think) you are trying to do. The Recursion is the best. But mostly because of the chain-bouncing, not so much the DoTs.

The Kill-o-wisp has the highest I’ve seen, but for some reason it doesn’t seem to do squat.

But the Cutsman will outperform them all on single enemies, regardless of DoT’s or build on single enemies.
Try that thing on for example The Agonizer. It takes like a magazine to kill him. Its ridiculous, same with ball.

Try this build:

And use the recursion. I use it with a Cryo version and a Ice breaker relic with extra Cryo damage/chance, but you can achieve good results with any element.

I soloed Slaughter circle all rounds on MH3 with a similar build, and a recursion. It absolutely deletes rooms with single shots sometimes. I just found that my Cryo version worked best with the relics I had availible, and its pretty nice to freeze everyone so you don’t take as much damage.

Edit: You need to take Ties that bind, and stillness of mind as well. Forgot to mention.

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Yeah, it’s quite powerful. High DOT + extremely high direct damage that is applied multiple times (as long as the enemy’s hitbox is in range of the beam). The bigger the enemy the more damage you can get out of this gun.

I feel like indiscriminate doesn’t work on a lot of Maliwan weapons. I don’t notice any targets hit by the cutsman.

An Incendiary Devil’s Foursum may be suited to what you’re looking for. Mine has a 20% chance to proc and deals 1,460 DoT. It deals very high damage and has a big splash radius, seriously this thing is a massively underrated mobbing gun that nobody’s talked about yet, it doesn’t care about negative modifiers or shields. I’ve had one since I hit level 50 on my first Amara, it’s truly disgusting.

IDK what other elements it can come in aside from explosive. A rad one would be, well, rad.

Cutsman doesn’t work because it doesn’t have the usual projectiles. Even if it would bounce around the low projectile speed would prevent it from hitting other targets most of the time. Most other Maliwan weapons do work, though. Cutsman, Superball, Kill-o’-the-Wisp and ASMD are exceptions.
There are also some Maliwan guns that are extremely good in combination with Indiscriminate like the Hellshock. I got some great results while dealing Fire and Shock damage at the same time.

Why don’t you like the Hyperion Shotty? I had one carry me from level 25 to 50, was still good at 50 despite being a level 25 weapon, only replaced it when I got a level 45 version. They’re fantastic in general but even better if you have one with Radiation (due to the constant explosions from the dying) and imho the most OP weapons in the game, including legendaries. Sure I occasionally killed myself with it (well maybe more than occasionally) until I got Guardian Angel, but that was a small price to pay :slight_smile:

So since your experience is so different from mine, I’m curious what led to your point of view? What do you perceive as their downside, other than the complex firing arc and ease of suicide?

Torgue Lasersploder is pretty fantastic.

I’m currently running that, an itchy flacker and a corrosive and fire binary cutsman as my main 4 weapons

just that. i found it really hard to hit the target and if anything is in your face your dead. in mayhem 3 it’s not so easy to facetank and i found myself backing off a lot. accuracy is pretty important and that shoty is not a hoty :grinning:

Not seen that yet either, will put it on the list thnx.

i have one of those and was using it with a Maliwan SMG i picked up. was freezing stuff in literally 3 shots as it already had Cryo Efficiency of about 215%. Gonna use it with my melee build, friggin dope!

Does the Cutsman come in other elements? I assume it does, and hope so. anything phasegrasped or locked gets melted, good for grouped enemy too.

only seen fire and corrosive ones so far. may just be rng though.

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I’ve seen fire, corrosive and shock.

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I’ve found this doc to be reliable so far, though I can’t vouch for everything on it. If it’s to be believed, the Cutsman can also come in fire and shock, and the Devil’s Foursum - Which is the greatest name for a gun ever, especially when you see what it does - can come in any element.


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Good to see some old names back here still. Heya Dank :slight_smile: Not sure if you remember this name since I’ve barely been here since the “old” forums.

Really? I’ve had a couple of those, I still have a double penetrating one in my bank. I couldn’t get it to perform at all, but maybe I should give it another try.

Edit: I still can’t figure out how to use this forum lol, I’m not trying to double post i swear!

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yeh was using this yesterday actually. but so much small text and i have poopy eyes for reading off screens. but like with most gear, knowing that people have used them and say they are good is worth more. i’ve picked up stuff thinking it would be good only to toss it 20secs later :rofl:

Yeh it awesome, but better close up cause of the range issue. i’ve been using a Storm from distance which is pretty neat for stripping shields and adding damage to the fray along with my Longbow Stromfront.

Currently using the Night Hawkin (Ice) - Cutsman (Corrosive) - Storm (Shock)
Fire weapons i’m trying various. The Hellfire is garbage in M3
With an Electric Banjo relic and Stromfront

Shield I’ve been changing, and class mods i change and respec regularly trying different things.

So far i’ve been unlucky with Anointed gear, but my Night Flyer has the 300% boost after Phaseslam. Really want the Phasecast one though.