How bad is the movement speed nerf to Amara

Don’t have time to play atm. So how bad was this?

The one that frustrates me even more is that the Spititual Driver doesnt buff all damage anymore. I know it wasnt designed that way, but maybe it should have been?

Something tthat gives buffs that way is not a bad thing because it gives more options which is a good thing.
It’s nice having the Hex do good damage because of it. Still need to reverse the stupid damage and duration buff on it Gearbox! It’s stupid that it basically tickles enemies on M4 without buffs like the Spiritual Driver was doing.

I haven’t felt a huge change other than now I can use my ase end elementals without one shotting myself now. That was a welcome change. I still do 40k plus on my anointed Maggie with full ase elemental gear. I do have a +3 mindfulness driver though with op stats… and I still run circles (literally) around my other vault hunters. Even without the damage the projector takes well care of it.

But what about the movement speed? How does that feel now?

Saw this post in the hotfix announcement thread fwiw:

I’ll let you know when the hotfix applies if there is any difference…


Hotfix applied for me. Movespeed from Mindfulness has been reduced. Went from 8.4% (pretty sure it was 8.4) per stack at 6/3 to 6% per stack for 6/3 in Mindfulness.

The damage appears to no longer be multiplicative as well.

Neither one is making a huge difference for regular gameplay for me, but I did switch my com with additive SMG damage to a splash damage one, and am getting fantastic results with it


The buff isn’t multiplicative anymore, or doesn’t affect anything other than gun damage now, or both?

The former would be a big deal if they didn’t mention this and did that.

not sure yet. I dont think it is multiplicative anymore as a whole, but it may have just been reduced amount, and no longer affecting dots, ect. Still testing everything out

the gun damage does appear to be additive now

I really dislike it not affecting grenades and dots. That was really useful. Hate that fix.

■■■■, that I imagine is a big loss of damage. Ugh

Dots I can understand, but yeah it shouldn’t have effected grenades

It should only affect guns now as described in the com. The reduction in both movespeed and damage is a little rough. Looks like multiplicative secondaries are now more ideal than general damage

Well, looks like another hot fix I’ll be ignoring for awhile. Until I either find a good way to play with the nerfs or quit the game again.

I really hate to have to accept nerfs and adjust. I know that’s the expectation but I really dislike it. That’s why nerfs annoy me so much.

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This is my own opinion, and it’s subjective, and it’s only a test of 1 person…

But I noticed a significant lose in momentum and speed, and it now feels more like the other VH’s…

I preferred the movement speed before the patch, and in the above post was asking for movement buffs to all characters…

The insane damage I can live without…but obviously wouldn’t mind one OP character for farming, or just better loot tables…Or a compromise between these two variables.

I am interested to see if any others noticed the change in speed that I did?

It also was borderline overpowered. Amara could gain up to 500% bonus damage from all sources. In some cases you could kill an enemy that was hit with a dot just by starting to run.

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Mindful went from 8.4% a stack to 6% a stack with a 6/3 in mindfulness
Damage was updated to additive gun (which it should have been from com description)
Damage appears to have been reduced as well, which may have been overkill with the combo of everything.

I don’t think the maths themselves have changed, they seem to work the same as before to me. I think only the movement speed is reduced.

When trying to figure out the formula at walking speed, it’s always been × 1.2 without Mindfulness and with Mindfulness iirc it’s been × 1.2 × (1 + MindfulnessPercent/2 × stacks). I have a +2 Mindfulness Driver, so MindfulnessPercent/2 was 0.7%, 1.4%, 2.1%, 2.8% but on 5/3 it made a sudden jump to 5%. Now it’s 0.5%, 1%, 1.5%, 2%, 3%. Since the value is irregular at 5/3, I have no idea how this scales to 6/3.

Trying to maximise damage by running and jumping, I got about × 4 damage before and now it’s about × 3.

Movement speed felt over the top to me before, kinda feels more reasonable now to be honest. It’s still a fantastic mod.


I do agree with this. I can more consistently hit crtits now, but mindfulness really didnt need the nerf, as it was really just the com, but I do like the reduced speed a bit for play comfortability

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I didn’t notice a huge difference to be honest.

I’d rather they fix the sfx on it. With 25 stacks from a couple of elements it’s like your character is being punched in the side of the head and I have to turn my volume right down.