Need a solid solo Amara build

I’ve been away since blacksite dropped letting balances and dlcs work out. My build wasn’t cutting it at mayhem 3 so I’m looking to shake it up.

Needs to handle high mayhem solo, doesn’t have to be easy just possible. Preferred gear for the build would be great too! I love up close and personal but if the build is good I can adapt. Any advice is greatly appreciated and links work great too!

Thanks for reading and helping out a fellow vault hunter!

Moxsy’s ricochet witch build is my solo amara jam. I solo both regular and true takedown with it. Projectile recursion is the best with it i like a radiation damage one. Anoints i like 300%-90% but with the recusion i use a rad dmg one with bonus shock dmg ase. Opq system, the insider shotgun, anarchy shotgun, i like cutsman too (sometimes) also if you have dlc2 the pearl of ineffable knowledge arifact if not elemental projector artifact

I really like my Amara build - it’s effective and I find it very fun to play. I’m chewing through M6 solo at the moment (it’s a bit too easy so would probably go up to 7-8, but have stayed at 6 as I’ve read the drop rates are suspect at higher levels). I don’t know how I’d fare against True Takedown Wotan, but everything else has been very doable so far.

My build is centred around Phasegrasp+Ties that Bind+Allure. That’s all you really need to know, as those three 3 skills do most of the heavy lifting - gear and everything else are mostly up to personal taste.

Ties that Bind connects all nearby enemies to the phasegrasped enemy, so you can essentially shoot 10 enemies for the price of 1 - pretty useful at with bullet spongey mayhem enemies! Ricochet adds to the multi-carnage nicely.

Allure adds a singularity to the phasegrasp, which brings more enemies into the mix, as well as keeping them off you. You can supplement this with a quasar or other singularity grenade.

Ignore the green tree and max out the brown and blue ones, for lots of elemental damage (brown tree) and near-constant phasegrasping ability (blue tree). Melee and status effects are both largely useless in M2.0, so mostly ignore those skills (though the new rightmost capstone guardian perk keeps status effects relevant).

Shield and Guns are up to your personal preference, though good luck getting any bang for your buck with any non-cartel weapons. Pack some corrosive or cryo weapons as you won’t have access to the corrosive element from the green tree.

Relics and mods are up to you, though I recommend a Rush-based mod like Phasezerker or Stone. Combine one of those with Alacrity and you’ll have superfast reload speeds, even with COV weapons (which you’ll probably be using since at least 2 of the high-powered Cartel ones are COV).

I like the ties that bind builds too phasezerker builds are fun but man i love the speed and close up power of this one i been running. I was mh4 before update i shot straight to mh10 and have now replaced all my loot with mh10 loot and its easy mode! Lol

Only real downside is all the fakegrasping

Before M2.0 I was using a Ties that Bind+Stillness of Mind melee build with the ‘Fatality’ mod that applied Still of Mind on melee kills, and a face-puncher. So I’d basically have like 5-10 enemies floating in the air most of the time, using the extra-reach melee skills to zip around punching them all, or just shooting them with the Face Puncher (melee dmg shotgun)

Man, it was fun :smiley: . But melee is dead now, so I’ve had to adjust the build and start using guns again :wink:

The fact that they added a melee damage grenade on the same day that they killed the viability of melee builds is a real kick in the privates :frowning:

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Lol… Yes i know i loved melee! Kreig was my boy. I thought amara was going to be similar in melee power untill i started getting up into mh2 it was a struggle but i really enjoy up close stuff and i tried phasezerker builds they are strong! But i like running around at the speed of light and running up on a group of dummies with a recusion i get that melee satisfaction i guess lol.

I recommend checking out Lazydata’s Hellzerker build (it’s Ties That Bind + Phasezerker): Lvl 57 Hellzerker update and Mayhem 10 update. This build has only gotten better with the updates because the 7 extra levels have been very very nice to it.

I’m spreading my points a little differently (mostly in blue’s upper half) to suit my personal preferences but the principle is the same. It carpet bombs the battlefield and gives you great gear flexibility, so you have much freedom in what you want to use.

Ties That Bind is extremely powerful and scales very well to M10, it mass murders mobs and because of that the Cartel event has moved things even more in its favour. You often have 8 or more enemies in one spot now and what TTB does to them is ridiculous.

+1 to hellzerker. Just replaced my old guns (which I preferred :frowning:) with the new cartel ones and was good to go again.

I’d say it actually outperforms driver builds now tho obviously you lose the movement speed. Losing the unbearable sound and visual effects of self dot all the time more than makes up for it tho.

Speed Demon mayhem modifier is great fun :slight_smile:

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Here’s one of mine, it’s a Phasezerker build. If you have the patience to read it, it explains how to simply delete anything in front of you. I can easily solo Slaughter Shaft and TTD on M10 with it.!Aogmc0QYl3v9j3U7uIVWya2MVYmU?e=08as4G