Nimbus Class Mod

I don’t know if anyone has used the Nimbus class mod or not, but I feel like it should be working with Ties that Bind. Ties that Bind states, “All Damage is Shared…” This implies all gun damage, action skill damage, grenade damage, and Melee damage, but why not the Nimbus Damage? Just playing about with the Nimbus COM I was able to get a 8-10k fire DOT on flesh. This is pretty decent and while not game breaking can be nice when you factor in the total damage from a DOT when mobbing a large group.

Highest I’ve see a DOT from a gun be is 15k and that’s with a crit on a charged Maliwan shotgun without Rush Stacks. Currently most of Amara’s COMs are either not working or just weak. Nimbus is could be pretty good with Ties that Bind. Considering the skills also favor the FotE tree.

Anyone done any playing about with it? Or tied a different Action skills with it?

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I have been using it bc I haven’t found a Phasezerker mod. Without much details to my build on hand, I can attest that it does not work with ties that bind. I have Phasegrasped enemies and watched them die (without me shooting them) but not others linked.

This is also recent too as I’m thinking something changed with the damage it has been putting out with just the cloud. The cloud it produced before didn’t do much damage but now it’s ripping enemies.

Again, just noticed last night and haven’t looked at numbers or what changed.

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Nimbus cloud damage scales with elemental, status effect and gun damage. It also is affected by the status damage of the active gun so you can actually get some huge dot numbers with a gun that has high status per sec damage (e.g. recursion, kill-o-wisp).

Unfortunately, the cloud has some weird interaction with ties that bind damage sharing so it not such a great pack melter compared to other setups.

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It’s cool but just work with some high dot damage guns, ties that bind dont proc, allure just throw the mobs for one side to the other, don’t work with eternal fists too

The class mod have potential but gearbox need to rework some mechanics behind skills/augments

Anyone tried it with Projectile Recursion?I have a good feeling.Maybe I will later , have one good nimbus in stash just for these ninja buffs.Was expected really.

PS.Sadly atm too focused on Anointed Messy Breakup.

This wasn’t a ninja buff tho…: when I tried it out last week I noticed my nimbus dot did a lot more when I had the cutsman out opposed to my Rowan’s someone just realized what was going on and tried it with a really high dot gun in kill o the wisp. I could be pretty good with recursion as mentioned but rng messing with bonuses you get and your roll is extremely frustrating. One with +5 in tempest and weap damage, shotgun damage and weapon charge speed would be god like but we will never get one most likely until the hacking tools. (I did manage to see someone get lucky enough to get one with 5 in tempest atleast

@Prodigy @DP_Unkemptharold I used it with the Projectile Recursion which could be why the DOT was large. A x1 Projectile Recursion does less total damage than a x2, but the DOT is almost twice as big. I mostly ignore DOTs but it is funny when trying new things to watch a Badass with still a pretty good amount of health die on top of my body after I died. Amara is no joke with DOTs.

The purpose of the thread, which may have been poorly worded, was has anyone tested the Nimbus with different builds. It doesn’t work with Ties that Bind, for whatever reason the damage isn’t shared. That would be nice though.

Sick that were my thoughts exactly , I played with that shotty a bit and was waiting patiently.Glad to see now its gonna be used more since it really reminds of a game called Ricochet.

Go to the Top Gear thread. It’s listed there with a link to a video I made showing the mechanics. Just ignore my terrible mic that was apparently too close.

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Thanks for the time I will def give it a look.

PS @13igTyme dissapointed didn’t see Nimbus in action.
PS2 Still not worth compared to phasezerker.

It was just a gun showcase to show the mechanics I thought that’s what you wanted. I’ll put together an actual run later in the week, but I don’t know if I’ll use nimbus.

So I did a bit more testing with the Nimbus and this thing has some crazy mechanics. Not “This is awesome” mechanics more of a “This is weird and maybe glitchy” mechanics. Possibly a long read ahead.

So let me start by saying I was going to do some real game testing with Nimbus in the Cistern of Slaughter. Mostly because I forgot it was a thing and is super easy. My initial thought was the test if the damage is based on the DOT damage of the gun. Basically if it’s a higher incendiary damage on the card is Nimbus stronger. I can answer yes, but in my live test things got weird.

I had on me a Projectile Recursion, because of a high DOT damage, Rowan’s, an Alchemist I was wanting to test out, and a Breath of the Dying for fun. But also to see if element of weapon mattered. The numbers I would get are all over the place. It was really, really weird. So I decided to respec, reload the game, and do some root cause analysis.

So, when using Phasegrasp on Kevin with nothing equipped and no skill point spent I don’t do any damage. This is normal. When I equip the Nimbus class mod I do 16 points of shock damage per second on Kevin. This number doesn’t scale well. To put it into perspective it does 56-57 incendiary damage on Kevin with my full build, but that will be another test.

Then comes the part about weapons. So this is were it gets weird and possible worrisome. So that 16 shock damage is ALWAYS there. It doesn’t matter what weapon you have it is always constant. BUT, this is a big BUT, there is sometimes a second proc of shock damage on Kevin. This number is dependent on the elemental damage on the gun card. My Kill-o’-the-Wisp has a card element of 9050. When this procs it does around 2200 to just under 2500 (It’s hard to get the full four digit number on PS4). Compare this with my Crossroad the card says 456 elemental damage and I get 110-130 when it procs.

So we get a regular dot from the “Cloud” that does a constant, weak DOT and that can proc a DOT for a gun with a strong, or weak, DOT.

Cool, right? Not quite. The chance for that to even proc depends entirely on the chance on the gun. An AAA with 83% chance will always proc, while a Breath of the Dying with 0% chance will never proc. And Yes, I spent way too much time before I realized the gun had elemental damage with 0% chance.

Interestingly though, a gun with no element will still, very rarely, proc a second DOT. I used a non elemental Lyuda, Non Elemental Butcher, and Non Elemental Face Puncher. The Lyuda had the strongest DOT and the Face Puncher had the weakest. I assume because it scales with melee damage.

Which lead to my next test. Is it based of the bullet damage and not the Elemental Damage. Previously the gun with higher bullet damage would have a higher DOT. That’s typically how most guns are. First I found a version of a gun I had with a higher and lower elemental damage. The gun with higher did more. But then it got me thinking, the gun with lower elemental damage also has lower bullet damage but a (x2), so maybe it is only looking at the damage for one bullet.

I bought from the vending machine two snipers a Maliwan with 1736 bullet damage and 962 elemental damage and a stronger jacobs with 2347 bullet damage and no element. The Jacobs produced the stronger DOT, but not by much. 250ish vs 350ish. I then compared these numbers to Cutsman with 1469 bullet damage and 3795 elemental damage. This gave a DOT around 980.

It might be hard to write out everything or make sure I articulate my point, but it seems to me that the second proc of damage from the “Cloud” is based on some combination of bullet damage and elemental Damage. This is why non elemental guns still give some sort of DOT.

Another thing I tested was snapshotting. For anyone who doesn’t know, snapshotting means when the damage at the time of activation is static and will not change. Answer is no. If you switch weapons the DOT will change. Not right away, as the old DOT still has a few ticks, but when the new weapon procs it will change. So an AAA with 83% chance is almost an immediate change, while a shotgun with 8% chance will take a few seconds.

So Yea, this class mod is weird. Also I started to test it in the slaughter but Ties that Bind always shares the weak “cloud” DOT, but it is then up the the proc to trigger on each individual. Like I said I didn’t test this part much, before breaking it down and getting help from KEVIN!

EDIT: Forgot to mention I tested a cryo gun, which only has “% efficiency” and got a lower number than from a similar weapon of a different element.


Good to know the DOTs based on the gun

I would like to dedicate this video to the three guns I dropped on the floor and forgot to pick back up. They’re in a better place now. And also @nat_zero_six for sending me a replacement in my time of need… and sending an “lol”

Rosien’s Thorns with bonus cryo anointment
x4 incendiary Moar Linoage with Handling and Accuracy while grasped
x3 Corrosive Moar Linoage


I saw a video where the guy ran through all of Athenas without firing a single bullet. Just had Nimbus and ran around with his Will o the Wisp gun. The action skill just melted everything. That gun is unique in its high gun damage and high DoT damage. It’s balanced because of its super slow projectile speed. Nimbus takes all those gun and DoT bonuses and applies them to your action skill.

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I’m aware of it. I also know he was using the cool down glitch and you can never switch weapons. Near the end of the video it takes him quite a few seconds to kill a level 49 regular mob.

You absolutely can make a build around it. But you are limited to one gun and when your action skill is on cool down you can switch, but the damage is low. Put a phasezerker COM on and suddenly you can just use what ever gun and kill faster.

I guess the only real question with the nimbus com at this point is assuming you can get 5 out of 5 in tempest is there anyway it will out damage a phasezerker mod considering the tempest boost is multiplicative compared to all the additive damage from the phasezerker?

Basically both coms having + 25% weapon damage and + 31% AR damage can it be more dps for a Rowan’s call?:

  1. Phasezerker with 15 stacks vs +5 Tempest Nimbus

  2. phasezerker with 25 stacks vs +5 Tempest

At that point it’s the only reason I can see using Nimbus and if they fix the shock damage (but my gut tells me that’s no where at the top of the list and wouldn’t surprise me if that never gets adjusted properly)

Maybe. But my main issue is not only the constantly changing DOT, but that the DOT is dependent on the chance on the gun (Which a non elemental gun will proc more than a gun with 0% chance is weird) and the constant pitiful DOT from the actual class mod itself. If this was beefed up a little then I think a +5 Tempest would be good with most guns.

IMO the 2nd DOT should be just bonus damage because you have a high elemental DOT gun. Which to me is balanced because those tend to have a very low rate of fire. With no skill points the weak DOT from the class mod does 16 shock damage to Kevin. With my full build and using fire on flesh I can see the DOT get really close to 100 damage. That needs to be much more for it to compare to the Phasezerker.

Lol and he is saying cooldown glitch is unintentional.