Another Amara Skill Tree Idea, Kineticist

Got bored and had this idea, so I wanted to try and make another skill tree for Amara, this time its the Kineticist tree. The Kineticist has a focus on damage reduction, gun damage, and crits. And while it takes things slow during normal gunplay, the Phase Charge Action Skill is where it puts the “force” in “Kinetic Force” by charging headfirst into enemies. My previous skill trees: Phase Fighter and Shock Op

Phase Charge(Action Skill): Amara focuses her Siren energy around herself and propels herself towards an enemy. The primary target of Phase Charge takes a large amount of damage and is sent flying backwards, while other enemies around the point of impact take less damage and are knocked down.

Tier 1 Skills

Hardened Soul, 3 ranks - While nearby enemies, you take X% less damage from their guns and Y% less damage from melee attacks

Pure Body, 3 ranks - You take X% less elemental damage and elemental status effects are less effective against you with each rank of Pure Body.

Battle Focus, 3 ranks - While standing still gain -X% shield regeneration delay and +Y% shield regeneration speed.

Tier 2 Skills

Stare Down, 3 ranks - While aiming down sights at an enemy, their movement speed is increasingly slowed over time and they eventually suffer from your Action Skill Element’s status effect. The speed at which this happens increases with rank, as does the damage the status effect does.

Unstoppable, 5 ranks - While moving slowly, you gain X% damage reduction and Y% chance to absorb bullets fired at you and add them to your gun’s ammo pool.

Armor Crack, 5 ranks - Whenever you score a critical hit on an enemy, there is an X% chance that you will leave that weak point exposed, further hits against that enemy’s weak point deal Y% more damage for 5 seconds.

Tundra Essence(Action Skill Element) - Convert your Action Skill Element to Cryogenic damage.

Tier 3 Skills

Blowback, 1 rank - Melee Override, Press melee while aiming at an enemy to blast all enemies in a short cone in front of you with siren energy, sending them flying backwards and knocking them down. Effected enemies are slowed for 5 seconds after getting back up.

Priming Charge(Action Skill) - Amara focuses her Siren energy around herself and propels herself towards an enemy. The primary target of Priming Charge and all other enemies caught in its explosion are briefly stunned and primed with your Action Skill Element. Primed enemies take X% more damage and explode in your Action Skill Element when killed, damaging nearby enemies with your Action Skill Element and applying its status effect. No initial damage to primary target, longer cooldown than Phase Charge.

Elemental Wreathe(Action Skill Augment) - After using your Action Skill, you receive one of the following effects based on your Action Skill Element for X seconds.
Cryogenic: You gain increased damage reduction and a chance to reflect all projectiles fired at you back at your attacker.
Fire: You gain increased fire rate, reload speed, charge speed, repair time, mode switch speed, and weapon swap speed.
Shock: You gain increased movement speed, shield recharge speed, reduced shield recharge delay, and become resistant to Shock damage.
Corrosive: You gain increased Elemental damage, status chance, and radiate a damaging corrosive aura.

Tier 4 Skills

Rapid Target Acquisition, 5 ranks - Build stacks of Rapid Target Acquisition by shooting a new target in a chain and end a chain by shooting the same target twice or not shooting a new target for 3 seconds. Each stack of Rapid Target Acquisition increases your gun damage, reload speed, fire rate, handling, and accuracy by an amount that increases with rank.

Hand Loaded, 5 ranks - Reloading a weapon’s magazine before it is empty gives the next magazine Hand Loaded shots based on the number of shots missing from the reloaded magazine. Hand loaded shots have increased accuracy, range, and reduced recoil. The effects of hand loaded ammo increase with rank.

No Time to Bleed, 1 rank - When you drop below 20% health your health begins to regenerate and will do so until your health is full. Once your health is full or you enter Fight For Your Life, this skill goes on a long cooldown.

Fastball(Action Skill) - Amara focuses her Siren energy around herself and propels herself towards an enemy. Fastball has three charges per action skill cooldown, increased range, but only hits a single enemy and doesn’t knock them back. Higher initial damage than Phase Charge, longer cooldown than Phase Charge.

Tier 5 Skills

Anticipation, 5 ranks - Having your action skill ready to use and not using it gives you stacking benefits over time that increase their effects at higher ranks.
After 30 seconds: increased reload Speed
After 60 seconds: passive health regeneration
After 90 seconds: decreased shield recharge speed and increased shield regen speed
After 120 seconds: increased gun and melee damage
After 150 seconds: increased action skill damage.

Critical Pillager, 3 ranks - Critical hits have an X% chance to have a transfusion effect, restoring Y% of shields if the target is currently shielded, Z% of health if they have health, or giving you an N% damage reduction bonus if they have armor.

Uplift(Action Skill) - Amara focuses her Siren energy around herself and propels herself towards an enemy. The primary target of Uplift takes a large amount of damage. The Primary target and all other enemies caught in the explosion are lifted helplessly up into the air where any amount of damage will cause them to fall back to the ground. The first shot to hit them while they are floating has drastically increased damage, especially if it is a critical hit. Lower initial damage than Phase Charge, slightly longer cooldown than Phase Charge.

Tier 6 Skill

Phoenix Rising, 1 rank - When you enter Fight For Your Life you can stand and walk at an incredibly reduced speed, aim down sights to slightly reduce your aim and accuracy penalties, and when Fight For Your Life ends you explode, dealing Cryo, Shock, Fire, and Corrosive damage to all nearby enemies and reviving if you kill one. The damage of the explosion is increased from any damage you sustain from enemy attacks while in Fight For Your Life.


Very imaginative. I like the idea for this tree’s action skill and it syncs nicely with her melee stuff. I wonder, might it be worthwhile putting some things in here which especially benefit melee or shotguns?



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I had tried to stay away from melee stuff because that was entirely what the other amara tree I made was(but possible I veered too hard away from it) and her in game trees already give her three flat melee boosts and bonus elemental damage; there is the melee boost from Anticipation though and Elemental Wreathe could boost it if you have Illuminated Fist. Shotguns, I would think, could benefit from it just as much as other guns; the only difference is to make sure you’re going for crits instead of just body shots(and there’s also the flat gun damage increase with Anticipation). Shotguns would also get the benefits of Rapid Target Acquisition for shooting different enemies and Hand Loaded for reloading before they’re empty(and that extra accuracy and range would help with getting crits and hitting further targets for RTA). They’d also pair pretty well with Uplift(along with most jakobs weapons and snipers).

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I’d like a skill that added a small animation to her melee combat. Even if it was mostly aesthetic with just some small bonus it would increase my enjoyability of this game ten food.

Being the only class with a “legit”(loose termed) melee build it would make me so happy.bu love melee and have played it nearly exclusively in each game.

Brick in BL1 had the ole one-two combo of left hook/right jab. Athena had a ■■■■■■■ energy sword and shield. Ohh, and my favorite all time vault Hunter, Krieg out weapons up altogether and pulled out a fabulous Buzzaxe!

I mean, I woulda been happy with just a couple additional animations that her melee attack cycled through…maybe a left/right or if Jab Cross added a “jab cross”. The Blitz melee charge is cool but man that woulda been opportune time to introduce a foot/kick to melee!

Sorry man. There is no way to top THE SHINIEST MEAT BICYCLE!!!

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I love the idea, especially the skills that boost crits and such. Just putting it out there, at least to me amara is not viable with snipers. In my 2 plays with her I’ve toyed around but never consistently used them. Maya always had one and at later stages especially in OP levels the pimp is what i carried.

To get to my point, maybe include a skill for distance like personal space but the opposite the further you are away deals more damage.

I love the creative things like new skill trees/leg/unique weapon ideas, I’ve even posted a couple myself keep it up maybe we’ll get some of your ideas added like my casino idea to bl3. Never know. For the record I did come up with the casino idea i even posted it on here, where’s my royalties?!

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That is a pretty cool skill tree idea.

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Gear box don’t censor me but I gave you the idea don’t play me😉

The only reasons I didn’t put in a reverse personal space is because I thought that was already a Flak skill, and I try not to copy already existing skills even if they’re from a different VH, when I do these.

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Wow thanks for the spoiler man, fl4k was going to be my next toon…jk jk. You made me more excited now to start him lol. I get what you’re saying though, “why choose fl4k when you can choose this amara character with crit hits and a bonus she has elemental damage,” touche my dude.