First run through as Amara. Red tree build.
At ~40, or thereabouts, I’ve hit a wall that I can do nothing about. Any status effect applied to the player never wears off, and is always lethal.
So I can kill a few bandits, clear out a complete room or area, then notice my shields ticking down, then notice my health ticking down, then die (because there’s nothing alive to shoot at).
The frustrating thing is it never happened at lower levels. I’m actually thinking that Amara’s skills/perks, like the one that makes status effects last 2x as long, are applying to status effect ON Amara.
Is that the way these perks work? Is it a double-edged sword? Do the bandits status effects get the bonuses from Amara’s elemental tree?
I can’t explain it otherwise. Earlier in the game status effects would last a couple seconds and would often not even put a dent in your shields.
At level 41 now, ever status effect on Amara is a death sentence. It’s so frustrating to konw that she’s going to die (in about 10 seconds) and be able to do nothing about it.
Why is this happening? A lot of the time it’s fire or acid status effects. At level 40 it doesn’t seem to matter what element it is. They appear to burn through shields as if they were electric, then burn through health as if they were fire.
My Amara has the health regen perks and even they can’t do jack about the status effects.
It seems to be really, really overpowered against the player. She has a legendary shield even with +Fire resist. It makes no difference at all.
There is nothing more frustrating in this game than all the enemies being long dead, and just waiting to die from a status effect.
I have to say, BL2 was a great game, BL3 is not nearly as fun. I’ve stopped playing it now due to this status effect problem in every… single… encounter.
Why even bother having shields if any status effect rips right through them. You may as well just say the player is cursed and will die in ~10 seconds, and (“haha”) you can’t do jack about it. It completely spoils the game.
Sorry for this rant but I can’t continue playing this game because of this issue. Every status effect is a death sentence and it just makes me too angry to continue. I feel there’s absolutely nothing I can do about it.