This goes out to high lvl Amara players, does Conflux proc with Radiation/Cryo? If so, how strong are the Conflux dots (in general?).
i just went to google this if anyone else has any information, doesn’t look like it, came across this post
this is absolutely infuriating trying to test these things with no training dummy
i really can’t believe they didn’t add one in this game
but, aside from being completely frustrated dying over and over again waiting for RNG procs at the Slaughterstar 3000;
from what i gather, it doesn’t seem absolutely"terrible"
early game, it’s fine, and honestly it’s actually really good, i used it leveling up to 50, myself
but 50+, it’ll be “questionable” if they don’t… tweak… something… whether it’s DoT caps or conflux’s damage, itself
unless i’m doing something wrong;
my Conflux procs seem to deal 130ish shock procs to flesh, and about 300ish from burn procs
this was both on a sniper with 1k damage and 1k/s procs, and a pistol with 500 damage and 800/s procs
so it doesn’t seem like weapon damage does… anything to it, really, and neither does the status effect damage of the weapon
this would mean high fire rates with a high chance would be ideal, just to stack multiple instances of a variety of them
overall, if 300/s is base for all 3 elements for their respective weaknesses, and 100/s for non-weakness, it isn’t terrible for earlier content, as i said it’s actually pretty great, at least it was for me, but for late game it seems… severely underwhelming to even bother picking it
assuming you get 5 stacks of “each”, you’d be, at best, dealing 2,500/s for free from this talent
end game, you’re dealing not only tens of thousands, but hundreds of thousands, to millions per shot…
(and that’s only if all of what i did was correct, it’s 3am so i’m on the iffy side of… braining atm, plus the lack of a static environment to test)
as for radiation, yes, it definitely does trigger off of radiation damage, that’s what i was using to do this quick test for both weapons
as for cryo… it seems to work, but hilariously low status chance no matter what weapon i used, otherwise i was getting strange wildfire procs, or maybe even barrels i didn’t notice
again, i seriously can’t believe we don’t have training dummies in this game…
all of this was with a 8/5 conflux for 56% chance, and avoiding ricochet and infusion
basically testing it as quickly and least-efficiently as i could because i didn’t care enough to try too hard getting too much information out of it without a dummy to make it easier, so, unless someone can come by with better information, that’s the best i have
Agreed. I was really excited to play an elemental Amara since Conflux and Wildfire seemed to be so much fun, but the dots feel so incredibly weak that they just don’t seem worth all the points. I have spent pretty much half of my points on improving my dots, but the return feels so insignificant. With 5 points in Violent Tapestry, Anima, Wildfire and Conflux plus a class mod with +4 to Conflux, I have 24 points invested into improving my dots and it just feels meh. I even have a point in Infusion so it’s actually 25 points total. Infusion, by the way, doesn’t seem to work with Sustainment, so any converted damage which is in fact elemental damage dealt with your gun, won’t leech life.
I don’t know if it’ll scale better late game, but I’m running Mayhem mode now at lvl 50 and I’m considering abandoning my elemental spec altogether.
to be fair, if this is a bug, it’s basically fine, since it should (hopefully) get fixed
the scaling being poor is another issue, i think all the previous borderlands games have always had something that just… didn’t scale well, like, at all
so, that’s what sounds concerning to me, things that they don’t intend or care about enough to fix just because “lolatleastwealreadyhaveyourmoney”
about the +4 to Conflux
this is more of an opinion rant;
i REALLY like having bonuses in Anima, instead, even when i was leveling, and Conflux was actually strong
having a big DoT that continues to chunk health while i can loot/run/weapon swap to another element or non element/etc is pretty amazing
plus, technically, an increased duration on low chances should be stronger overall, regardless of whether or not Conflux gets… fixed, i mean, we’re talking about something like 60% duration compared to just an extra 15% chance to trigger another DoT, that we’d already apply, anyway, without that +15% chance (or whatever the mod adds)
“all” procs being 60% (or… whatever) longer just… sounds too good
Conflux could deal anywhere between like 25, 50, or even 75% of your current DoT’s damage or something, and i’m pretty sure an Anima mod would still be better… well, at least, so long as the enemy doesn’t die instantly, which, i would hope UVHM and further levels in the DLC will end up doing, as scaling damage into the millions so things die in 1-2 shots isn’t exactly fun… outside of some cooldowns, like the wacky Ties that Bind interaction with Do Harm, but… yea
this is also implying you’d ignore the red text and what other benefits the mod has, however…