A mod that interacts with slam relics (Maybe an update to give phaseslam interactions)

Okay so after playing with slam relics for so much time and making so many fun builds with. I can’t help but fantasize hat it would of been like if Phaseslam actually activates the effects of our slam relics.

I have hoped that we would see Amara’s action skill phaseslam as well as her other varients of it would someday be updated to interact with our slam relics but it seems we will never see that. It would of been amazing though I mean slam relics do so much as it is.

Pair it with jab cross you can slam to light up enemies with hot drop or to get health back with sustainment as well as a number of other ways. You can also use to activate the melee terror effect anoints and there’s just so much more. (Just think this is all I’ve done on Amara. It’s crazy on my other two characters as well but Amara being main is the most time I spent playing with these slam builds) Did I mention slam relics also activate Groundbreaker?

The strengths and benefits of these slam relics are just phenomenal. BRILLIANT! Had they actually worked with phaseslam there would be so much more synergy with these and Amara could be the best go to character for slam relics.

So why do I bring a mod alternative it up? For the sake of balancing lets say that used a mod to utilize that instead of just letting out an update where they work on it by phaseslam by default. The mod could apply action skill damage to the relic ONLY when it’s activated with the action skill maybe? Sounds too broken? Understandable.

However something like this would make for a pretty good powerful unique mod. Activate phaseslam to activate a relic like hot drop just activating jab cross on the action skill itself!? Oh my…

What if as a bonus after activation the number of targets hit grants melee damage?

Haven’t thought this fully but I still somewhat hope that gearbox will make a mod that actually interacts with relics even if it isn’t how I set it up to be. We have a mod for Flak who can use grenade mod during Rakk attack and that seems very powerful and unique so why not try something different for Amara? Then again it isn’t like slam relics are in a bad spot or useless (THEY’RE FREAKING AMAZING) and my idea could very well be still game breaking.

Tell me what are your thoughts on this? Has anyone else been playing with any slam related relics? That radiation one that creates aura (forgot the name) has been really fun with my brawler builds that’s for sure.