Video: Mayhem 10 Astral Projection Build that Shreds (Uses new skill tree)

Wanted to post a build for you guys to play with that doesn’t use ties that bind and you can use some of the lesser used class mods with. First I’ll post the build and the must haves.


UPDATED Skill Tree (Click Here)
NEW: VS True Take Down Mode (Maliwan Takedown)

VS Graveward:

VS Mobs in Konrad’s Hold (It’s Piss Farm):

VS Maliwan Takedown (Sloppy run but you get the idea)

The build (click here)

How it works: This build mostly revolves around building Groundbreaker damage. Your Astral Projections will hit really hard, one-shotting plenty of mobs especially when lined up. The build almost always has an Astral Projection ready due to Avatar (2 per cooldown), Combo Breaker (chance to reset cooldown), and the cooldown reduction from the build. You will be an Astral Projection Machine and between this and Sticky Bombs, your Groundbreaker & Remnant damage will be insane. How insane? You will see 1 billion+ hits.

Ground Breaker:

Core Gear:
(Artifact) Cryo Stone White Elephant:
This is probably the most important piece of gear paired with the Face-puncher. The sticky bombs contribute to Groundbreaker damage and the cryo-damage aspect that is added to your shots will freeze enemies increasing sticky-bomb damage greatly.

(GUN) The Face-puncher:
Weapon 1
You’ll need the phasecast anoint to boss with this build. The 300/90 anoint is amazing for mobbing and one-tapping anything that’s not a boss. The Face-puncher is required for Groundbreaker Triggering

(Shield) Frozen Heart:
You’ll need the anoint that triggers shield break/fill effects. This allows you to freeze enemies AND heal at will. This is pretty important for this build because blowing up frozen enemies with White-Elephant explosions significantly increases Groundbreaker Damage.

(Class Mod) Dragon:
Class Mod
This is the best mod for this build. Coupled with the Face-puncher and leveraging Expedite as your Action Skill Augment, your Astral Projection CD will be lowered significantly.

(Grenade Mod) It’s Piss:

More damage! You really won’t need to throw this but it’s nice to weave in.

Will be updating with thoughts on how to play this build and nice to have or replacement gear soon if you need to fill in holes because you don’t have some of these pieces.

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Do punches with this freeze enemies? I figured it would just add some cryo damage to the strike (depending on how much health they have left, I suppose).

Yes punches will freeze and will leave a sticky bomb. A good alternative shield is Ward (perfect ward is the +300% melee damage on shield break and 100% melee damage on Action Skill End) however Frozenheart def out performs it. Also, you can grab a Psycho Stabber for Punch LOLZ with this build :).

I have rules about sharing gear, and these are my four melee builds:

  • Hyperion Amara/Facepuncher: Ward (her focus is melee, and this shield delivers)
  • CoV FL4K/Psycho Stabber: Stinger (he mains crowd control with the Eridian Skag, Gravity Snare, and singularity grenades, and tries to catch them in the novas)
  • Jakobs FL4K/Buttplug: Roid Rough Rider (during Fade Away, it’s easy to get behind enemies and he can pull the Rough Rider off easier than others when they can’t see him)
  • Dahl Zane/Ripper: Unpaler (when he decides to main the Ripper, he uses this shield… melee is not his forte, but he doesn’t suck at it either).

As I type this, I haven’t used the Ripper since MNTIS became a thing… I do believe I’ll play this tonight, and see what that’s like while I keep my eye out for a cryo stone (I swear these things drop like flies, but now I wont’ see one for a month). :laughing:

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Posted video and updated skill tree. Updates were just for survivability in True Takedown Mode.