[TL:DR version - I don’t like the Spiritual Driver class mod or the slow firing Recursion shotgun and I’m struggling to find a build outside of those things.]
To preface this, Maya was my favorite in BL2. I loved phaselocking enemies and doing a bunch of elemental damage to everything around my target.
When I first got my Amara to level 50 I found a build on Youtube (because I’m awful at making up my own) that was similar to Maya’s playstyle of grabbing one enemy and using the Brainstormer to destroy everything on screen. It just seemed like I started to struggle with it on Mayhem 3+.
I’ve tried Moxsy’s Ricochet/Bullet Witch builds using the Recursion/Carrier but I’m not a big fan. The Recursion fires way too slowly for me and I’m just generally not enjoying the Spiritual Driver class mod at all.
I’ve been trying to research builds myself (because again, I’m awful at making my own) but I can’t really find anything that isn’t either older than the last few patches or something that doesn’t use the gear I don’t want to use. I’m open to any of the action skills.
Any suggestions (or links) for something that sounds like it might be up my alley? I’d appreciate it a lot. Sirens have usually been my favorite VH’s in these games and it pains me to be so conflicted about Amara.
Not that I’m against a melee build but just to offer an alternative - a gun build with phasezerker COM can cope easily with M3.
Can be played with phasecast or w/ Ties that Bind. I like using Allure for Maya-like Converge pulls. Since it’s a gun build, for points you basically just completely ignore the melee (green) tree.
You can use whatever guns you want with this - if you prefer high FR guns may I suggest the Trevonator, Dahl ARs, and Maliwan SMGs.
Or you can be Sheriff Amara and use Jakobs guns.
Shield: the Frozen Heart is fun, it provides healing and crowd-control.
This combines well with an Ice-Breaker artifact so I recommend an Ice-Breaker Victory Rush.
Grenade: whatever you want that fits your play style.
Not that this is necessarily god-tier of course. May struggle with M4 if you try to push it that far. But it’s definitely fun.
I’ll second what JR Hicks said. I think Phasezerker is a great com and I also enjoy phasegrasping. Check out LazyData’s Hellzerker build on YT. His first MH4 video was out a couple months ago and he just updated it for lvl 53. It wrecks, even on MH4, and is a lot of fun.
I actually just respecced to try this while I was awaiting responses! I haven’t done a whole lot with it so far, except I mobbed my way up to Agonizer 9000 using a Brainstormer and an unannointed Maggie, on Mayhem 4.
Farmed Agonizer for a bit and mostly got Phasecast annointed stuff so that’s what I’ve been using. I enjoy that the build is versatile enough for whatever skills/guns I wanna use. I had never tried Phasecast before so this was definitely a surprise.
I believe in my farming Agonizer 9000 it may have dropped one of those Ice Breaker Victory Rush artifacts, so I’ll farm up that Frozen Heart shield and see how that goes for me. I’ve been just using an unannointed Transformer so I could use an upgrade anyway. Thanks for the gun suggestions too!