Seeking advice to progress with Amara

Hi all, wall of text incoming :wink:

I’m playing Amara on PS4 and I’m stuck. Playing on M4 I can make it in the Slaughterstar until the final round solo, but when the robots start coming in wave 2 I’m done. The Maliwan takedown I can’t get passed Wotan on TVHM with no mayhem (not solo) so that’s how strong/weak I currently am.
My main issue is probably the lack of anointments and an artifact or two. I’ve been farming A LOT, either on M3 or M4 (depends how fast I can get it done), but either the spawn rate is very low for me (Sloth only appears like 5-6 times an hour) and the drop rate of specific items is almost Borderlands 2 Infinity (pre-patch) low and I even managed to get those back then. In days of farming Sloth hasn’t dropped a single artifact (looking for an elemental projector victory rush), only a couple of It’s Piss 'nades. Same with the Sky Bullies: mostly they don’t drop anything, but when I finally get a Hex, it’s never the recurring or mirv.
Then there are the anointments, I either get useless ones or good ones on useless weapons.

Anyone got tips on how to improve on this?

I’m running a phasegrasp build, spec’d all the way down the blue tree for the extra activation and the red one until sustainment. Using a Brainstormer mainly, a couple of cutsmen and whatever weapon seems handy for the fight at hand. I did farm and obtain a Spiritual Driver COM but the sprinting around to deal more dmg and pretty much spray and pray isn’t really my playstyle, but I do need to up my damage and survivability so I have been farming to get (close to) an elemental rainbow build, but for that to happen I need stuff I simply seem unable to get.
Got a few purple 'nades with different on ASE elements ready, but for this build to be viable I’d need at least a good shield with that anointment (using the transformer now and would like to keep using it but then with the ASE element), an elemental projector artifact (with decent roll, 40% extra mag is very handy, don’t even care too much about the other rolls) and anointed weapons, but again, after days or farming for the brainstormer I got one with accuracy while phasegrasping (and a bunch without anointments), but I would need one with extra element on ASE. So yeah, there’s a recurring theme here lol.

So, I’m looking for tips to optimize farming for this build playing on PS4, because right now I’ve spend close to 100 hours on farming for this build alone without anything to show for it (spent many more hours on general farming of the vault bosses, loot tinks etc) and I’m losing the will to keep on going since at this rate the whole meta will have changed by the time I get what I need. I’m willing to put in the time (got plenty of it being disabled), I think I spend close to 1000h on BL2 and got every legendary at lvl 50, 61, 72 and all the good ones on OP8.

TL;DR: Anointments arent dropping and neither are artifacts (got about 10-15 total at lvl 50 and most are useless for me) and it’s those things that keep me from progressing. Need tips!, especially since the lack of decent drops also means I don’t have the trades people are looking for, but that would be a last resort anyway, it’s more fun to do the legwork myself and be happy when it finally drops.