Amara's 4th tree and Kensei formula

Amara’s Formula used in this document is based off “All VH Formulas” which is maintained by SSpyR#7851 and Prismatic#9001 from the Official Borderlands Discord. Big thanks for their and many others’ work in the BL3 community.

In this post I attempt adding Amara’s 4th tree and the Kensei Class Mod to the existing damage formula with some additional notes. Please leave a message in case of any errors, any form of feedback, questions, whatever it may be.


  • Base Damage
  • Gun Damage
  • V1
  • V2
  • Splash
  • Elemental
  • Crit
  • Melee
  • Action Skill Damage
  • Misc

Amara Formula

[( Gun Card Damage ) * ( 1 + Wrath + Dread + Samsara + Go With The Flow + Driver Damage + Jab Cross + Phazeserker + Com Generic Wep Boost + GunDmgAnoint ) * ( 1 + C-C-Combo Bonus + Victory Rush ) * ( 1 + Laid Bare + Harmageddon ) * ( 1 + Personal Space + Com Type Boost + Artifact Type Boost + 25% on Grenade Throw + 300/90 Anoint + Ice Breaker ) * ( 1 + Arms Deal + Heavy Rain + Class Mod Splash Damage + Artifact AOE Damage + Splash Damage Anointment ) * ( 1 + While-Sliding Damage Anoint + While-Airborne Damage Anoint ) * ( 1 + Tempest + Tempest Shock + Artifact Elemental + Elemental Projector + Guardian Rank Elemental Damage + Burn Both Ends )] * 2 * [ (1 + SniperBonus) * (1 + WeaponCritBonus) * (1 + ManufacturerBonus) * (1 + Transcend + ClassMod + GuardRank + Anointment) ] * [(1 + Guardian Rank Gun Damage)] * (1+ Amp)

Bonus Element (do this for each bonus element)

[( %BonusElement ) * ( 1 + Wrath + Dread + Samsara + Go With The Flow + Driver Base + Driver Scaled + Jab Cross + Phazeserker + Com Generic Wep Boost + GunDmgAnoint ) * ( 1 + C-C-Combo Bonus + Victory Rush ) * ( 1 + Laid Bare + Harmageddon ) * ( 1 + Personal Space + 25% on Grenade Throw + 300/90 Anoint ) * ( 1 + While-Sliding Damage Anoint + While-Airborne Damage Anoint ) * ( 1 + Tempest + Tempest Shock + Artifact Elemental + Elemental Projector + Guardian Rank Elemental Damage + Burn Both Ends )] * 2 * [ (1 + SniperBonus) * (1 + WeaponCritBonus) * (1 + ManufacturerBonus) * (1 + Transcend + ClassMod + GuardRank + Anointment)] * [(1 + Guardian Rank Gun Damage)]

Unweave The Rainbow (UTR)

[ Card Damage * (0.11 * skillpoints into UTR) * %Mayhemscaling Action Skill Damage ] * ( 1 + Wrath + Dread + Samsara + Go With The Flow + Driver Base + Driver Scaled + Jab Cross + Phazeserker + Com Generic Wep Boost + GunDmgAnoint ) * ( 1 + C-C-Combo Bonus + Victory Rush ) * ( 1 + Laid Bare + Harmageddon ) * ( 1 + 25% on Grenade Throw + 300/90 Anoint + Ice Breaker ) * ( 1 + Tempest + Tempest Shock + Artifact Elemental + Elemental Projector + Guardian Rank Elemental Damage + Burn Both Ends ) * ( 1 + Jab Cross + Atman + Do Harm + Com AS Damage ) * 2 * [ (1 + SniperBonus) * (1 + WeaponCritBonus) * (1 + ManufacturerBonus) * (1 + Transcend + ClassMod + GuardRank + Anointment) ] * (1+ Amp)

Unweave The Rainbow Notes:

  • Above formula was made based on splash (Guns, Grenades and Action Skill).
  • For melee:
    -replace Card Damage with Base Melee Damage (no Melee Mayhemscaling applied).
    -remove Gun Damage from the formula.
    -melee bonuses do not boost UTR
    -just like with regular bonus elements, melee can crit via UTR.

Body And Mind (BAM)

( BAM Card Damage * %Mayhemscaling Action Skill Damage ) * ( 1 + Victory Rush ) * ( 1 + 25% on Grenade Throw + 300/90 Anoint + Ice Breaker ) * ( 1 + Splash Damage ) * ( 1 + Laid Bare) * ( 1 + Elemental Damage ) * ( 1 + Action Skill Damage )

  • BAM can proc UTR since it’s splash. Replace Card Damage in the UTR formula with BAM Card Damage .
  • This means UTR procs twice with every melee. (Melee + UTR & BaM + UTR).
  • UTR that procs off BaM cannot crit.

Free The Soul (FTS)

( FTS Card Damage * %Mayhemscaling Action Skill Damage ) * ( 1 + Victory Rush ) * ( 1 + 25% on Grenade Throw + 300/90 Anoint + Ice Breaker ) * ( 1 + Splash Damage ) * ( 1 + Laid Bare) * ( 1 + Elemental Damage ) * ( 1 + Action Skill Damage )

  • If a FTS projectile does not kill an enemy, damage dealt will be equal to 2 FTS projectiles of which only 1 gets splash bonuses.
  • FTS can proc UTR since it’s splash. Replace Card Damage in the UTR formula with FTS Card Damage .
  • FTS projectiles do not spawn off varkids (possibly other enemy types as well).


( Gun Card Damage * %Mayhemscaling Melee * 0.1) * ( 1 + Wrath + Dread + Samsara + Go With The Flow + Jab Cross + Com Generic Wep Boost + GunDmgAnoint * ( 1 + C-C-Combo Bonus + Victory Rush ) * ( 1 + Laid Bare + Harmageddon ) * ( 1 + 300/90 Anoint + Ice Breaker ) * ( 1 + While-Sliding Damage Anoint + While-Airborne Damage Anoint ) * ( 1 + Tempest + Tempest Shock + Artifact Elemental + Elemental Projector + Guardian Rank Elemental Damage + Burn Both Ends ) * ( 1 + Find Your Center + Blitz100% + Illuminated Fist + Joyful Freedom + No Mistakes In Nature + Weapon Blade + Shield Melee Bonus + Class Mod Melee Bonus + Artifact Melee Bonus + 100% MeleeAnoint + 200% MeleeAnoint + Guardian Rank Melee Damage ) * ( 1+psychostabber/buttplug ) * ( 1+ Frozen Enemy MeleeBonus 200% ) * (1+ Amp)

Kensei notes:

  • Kensei can proc Ebb and Flow (only when Kensei damage gets the kill).
  • Kensei can proc Combo Breaker (only when Kensei damage gets the kill).
  • Kensei only works on weapon damage (Hunter seekers included), so no melee or Facepuncher.
  • Stinger at full does not provide any bonuses.
  • Cancelling your Action Skill procs Kensei.
  • Crits don’t boost Kensei damage at all.
  • Kensei benefits from Overkill (thanks prismatic).
  • ‘Unweave the Rainbow’ and Kensei are separate instances and don’t boost or interact with each other. (They’ll show as 1 number since they’re the same element though.)
  • Shield effects don’t seem to be boosted by Kensei.
  • Melee artifacts don’t boost Kensei damage (melee passives do), nor does Kensei proc their special effect if applicable (ie cutpurse, white elephant etc.).


Initial cast:

-Impact: ( Card Damage * %Mayhemscaling Action Skill Damage ) * ( 1 + Splash Damage ) * ( 1 + Action Skill Damage ) * ( 1 + Elemental Damage ) * ( 1 + Victory Rush ) * ( 1 + Phaseflare Anoint + 300/90 + 25% OGT + Ice Breaker ) * ( 1 + Laid Bare )

-Area Damage: ( Card Damage * %Mayhemscaling Action Skill Damage ) * ( 1 + Splash Damage ) * ( 1 + Action Skill Damage ) * ( 1 + Elemental Damage ) * ( 1 + Victory Rush ) * ( 1 + Phaseflare Anoint + 300/90 + 25% OGT + Ice Breaker ) * ( 1 + Laid Bare )

After n hits:

-Impact: initial impact + n * ( [Card Damage * 0.15 ] * %AS-Scaling * %MeleeScaling ) * ( 1 + Action Skill Damage ) * ( 1 + Splash Damage ) * ( 1 + Elemental Damage ) * ( 1 + Victory Rush ) * ( 1 + Phaseflare Anoint + 300/90 + 25% OGT + Ice Breaker ) * ( 1 + Laid Bare ) * ( 1 + Melee ) * ( 1+psychostabber/buttplug )

-Area Damage: initial area damage + n * ( [ Card Damage * 0.15 ] * %AS-Scaling * %MeleeScaling ) * ( 1 + Action Skill Damage ) * ( 1 + Splash Damage ) * ( 1 + Elemental Damage ) * ( 1 + Victory Rush ) * ( 1 + 300/90 + Phaseflare Anoint + 25% OGT + Ice Breaker ) * ( 1 + Laid Bare ) * ( 1 + Melee ) * ( 1+psychostabber/buttplug )

Phaseflare notes:

  • For Light Fantastic, replace the Phaseflare Impact multiplier with 1255.2 and Area Damage multiplier with 20% of 1255.2 . Damage increases with every kill instead of melee hit, melee bonuses also do not increase its damage.
  • For Glow Up, Card Damage is actually 50% of the Impact Damage noted in the skill tree. This also means that after hitting the ball, the damage is based off of half of 15% of the Card Damage . This version of Phaseflare deals no area damage.
  • Glow up’s healing increases with each melee hit (its multiplier is 20% of the “Impact multiplier”). The only way to increase healing is through meleebonuses, no other bonuses.
  • All Phaseflare and variants explode on Action Skill End; damage dealt is +100% accumulated impact damage.
  • Phaseflare doesn’t have a health bar, instead there’s a max amount of 5 melee hits before it explodes or whenever its duration ends. Light Fantastic’s max is undetermined if there is one at all.
  • Static Charge, Commander Planetoid and Elemental Stones reduce the total of 5 max hits to 3, but instead doubles the damage with each hit. Wearing an Artifact with both a prefix and suffix of the aformentioned kind, gives you 1 less melee hit for the same damage as 2 melee hits only.
  • Knowing this, we can exploit the explosion on Action Skill End to be a bit higher than just double total damage after 5 regular hits. Instead you can deal damage equivalent to 6 melee hits and thus getting x12 total damage.
  • Projectiles from Shooting Star:
    -can crit
    -can proc AS augments
    -cannot apply laid bare
    -don’t receive splash bonuses
  • Each variation of the Action Skill deals self damage in water.
  • All of the area damage/healing seems to be ticking at x3/s (like dots) and not x1/s .

Burn Both Ends (BBE)

  • Part of the Elemental Damage multiplier, however it boosts all damage (even non-elemental).
  • Once activated (Action Skill Start), the skill is always “active” and stacks can be gained, even after death or changing maps.
  • Stacks last 8 seconds.
  • Max stacks: 15
  • Self damage/‘Floor is lava’ does not stack BBE.
  • Going into FFYL makes you lose all stacks; taking damage in FFYL does not stack BBE
  • BBE applies to the following damage sources (possibly more/all):
    -action skill
    -vehicles (enter after being hit)
    -shield effects (spike/nova)
  • Ways to gain BBE stacks:
    -enemies dealing damage to you in any way
    -Spiritual Driver only when you have your shield/nade ASE element active
    -Boundary Issues (max stacks in 2-3s)
    -Pool Party
    -Chain Gang
    -Laser Fare

Clear the Mind (capstone)

  • Pretty straightforward, you will no longer be punished for mismatching your elements. (100% of damage dealt vs any healthbar type when mismatching.)
  • Matching your elements will still be better as you still get bonuses for doing so. (175% fire vs flesh etc.)
  • This skill does not work in FFYL.

Special thanks to @Stone_Swan with help with AS specific anoints.



For some reason, killing someone while Kensei is active counts as a meleekill. On kill you gain % health back.

Going to test again this night, i desperate need something to play besides phasezerker and melee is meh

I should add to that, the bonus melee when Kensei is active needs to get the kill. Otherwise it does not proc the skill.

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One question about anointmets, what’s is better for Kensei?

Depends on your build and gear, however gundamage anoints like consecutive hits, 250% phasecast etc would do well if you spec into a few of her melee skills. 300/90 would do better ofc for low pellet (single pellet preferably) high basedamage weapons.

Kensei pairs well with the Frozen Heart since it gets an additional bonus against frozen targets like regular melee does. So an on Action Skill Start Frozen Heart and then a grenade with a bonus element should be great.

Does kensei proc combo breaker ?

If you mean groundbreaker, I don’t think it does, I haven’t been able to proc it through Kensei. If you meant CCCombo, it’s in the formula yea.

Oh I just realised that’s the skill that has a chance to reset action skill, my bad. At this time I don’t know if it does or not.

Just tested it, yes it can, however it’s not really reliable as Kensei damage has got to be the finishing blow and on top of that, according to the card it only triggers 20% of the times.

Thx, that’s what I was thinking after playing with it. Kensei seems very inconsistant. They should buff it a bit imo.

So… Amara’s “glow up” orb regeneration/sec depends on 50% of base impact damage too? How this thing scale at all?

The healingvalue is separate from the damage numbers. The number you see in game (I believe 1593 at lvl 65) is correct, only it ticks 3 times per second iirc.
The damage it deals however (supposedly 7963 at base lvl 65) is actually only 50% of what it says (so 3982).
So when you are fully specced and geared up, you’ll still only be dealing 50% of what you should be doing.

Does Kensei interact with Slayer mayhem modifier?

Hah, great question. I tested this just now to see and it instakills anything that the Slayer modifier applies to. Nice one.

Bruh. You know how Breath of the Dying’s corrosive orb damage is based on the last killing blow’s damage? I am wondering if Kensei kill triggers orb with even more massive damage due to Slayer modifier. I wanna know. And also Kaos…

Most likely no, the orbs won’t spawn if the kill is from something else than gun itself.

My position as well. However, things in this game tend not to work the way we think they should do. So I don’t want to jump to the conclusion. Eg; Who would have thought Ionic Dirusptor debuff can be trigger by Stinger melee nova but not by Fish Slap? Even more absurdly, the resultant dot from the Banjo chain (caused by Stinger) somehow count as “Bullet” and thus triggers Artifact bullet effect like Banjo electric chain. And yet somehow “Bullets” from Blue/Purple rarity artillery grenade do not count as “bullets”. You get the point.