Legendary Dragon class mod potentially bugged?

I have been experimenting with melee builds on Amara and I was trying out the Dragon classmod and I started noticing that the action skill augment did not trigger after a melee kill. Has anyone else experienced this?

Are the enemies dying to the melee or a DoT? ( such as El Dragon beefy DoT)

Well that sucks if the DoT applied via a melee element doesn’t count and that’s how it’s designed to be. Makes that Legendary mod not very good IMO.

I started playing around with it and the El Dragon and the dot did not seem to trigger the COM. Then I switched to a relic with imbued incendiary melee and that also did not seem to trigger the COM. Am I missing something with how it functions or is it bugged?

What action skill Augment are you using that isn’t being triggered? I’ve tried them all and have no had any issue with them triggering on a Melee Kill.

I’ve tried it with soul sap, Allure, revelation and glamour and have not noticed any of the augments effects take place

That’s interesting because I was just playing around with it last night and I tried all that you’ve listed.

I did notice it would only tend to affect one enemy out of a crowd. I think what happens is the range is drastically reduced compared to when you use a skill.

When I tested it myself the el dragonndidnt work because the dots killing didn’t count but when I removed it to a random relic the mod worked fine. Stillness of mind phaselocked all nearby enemies, soul sap regererated health. I didn’t try the other augments.