Hey everyone! Just been trying out a new build using an underrated class mod and found some wierd synergy going on and thought it deserved a post.
Also be gentle. It’s my first ever post. Any criticism or suggestions are more than welcome.
Notable gear;
Facepuncher shotgun: every pellet counts as melee and gets bonuses from melee damage
Brawler ward: 300% extra melee damage when depleted, 20% extra gun damage when depleted.
Unleash the dragon relic: 100% chance to ignite an enemy for 20% melee damage per tick.
Dragon class mod: killing an enemy with melee activates Amaras action skill augment, boosts restless, do harm, and remnant.
Its piss grenade: enemies take 20% additional damage from all sources.
Brawler tree
0-3/3 personal space: increases damage the closer you are.
EDIT: Upon further testing this skill does not increase melee damage and therefore doesn’t work with the facepuncher. Your choice- invest 3 points here or invest in root to rise.
5/5 clarity: health regen, doubles after using action skill
3/3 Samsara: stacking bonuses to gun damage and health regen
3/5 helping hands: helping hands has diminishing returns on damage reduction so we only put 3 here
1/1 find your center: we are here for the 100% extra melee damage
3-5/5 one with nature: extra health and elemental resist, also has diminishing returns so you could substitute/split these points with root to rise for more max health, your choice.
5/5 Jab cross: melee hits increase our gun damage and action skill damage for a few seconds.
1/1 blitz: we are here for the increased melee damage again.
Mystical assault tree:
5/5 do harm: killing an enemy gives us rush stacks and increase our action skill damage when consumed.
1/5 violent tapestry: we just have 1 point here so that any dots we land also grant us additional rush stacks. This pairs well with the relic we are using.
5/5 restless: this gives us more uptime for our action skill, always nice to have since we are using samsara for damage and survivability
4/5 Alacrity: we want to reload fast to increase our DPS, alternatively you can leave 1 point here and dump 3 points into transcend instead.
1/1 Ascendant: increases the duration of our augment, giving us a bit more time to kill enemies off before they can react.
3/3 Laid bare: increases damage after we use our action skill
3/3 wrath: increases gun damage, doubles after action skill.
We will be using the Downfall action skill and augmenting it with stillness of mind.
So far I know this looks kinda strange atm but hopefully I can explain how this works.
I noticed that the facepuncher seems to get additional damage from gun damage buffs aswell as converting that damage into melee. So what we are doing here is trying to loop our gun damage and melee damage together and buffing our action skill damage in the process.
- Toss grenade to make enemy take 20% extra damage.
- Blitz debuffed enemy, this will do good damage but also procs jab cross
- Use Downfall action skill. Downfalls laser procs multiple stacks of samsara. Also the enemies will be phase locked thanks to stillness of mind rendering them helpless, they are also still debuffed from “its piss” and now take extra damage from laid bare, and more from wrath.
- Shoot the face puncher, the face puncher should now be buffed from all your passive melee skills, samsara, and laid bare.
- the enemies light on fire thanks to the unleash the dragon relic. Gaining us stacks of rush. The ignite damage is also based off our melee damage.
Any enemy you kill using the facepuncher will proc stillness of mind on the surrounding enemies. repeat this process until everyone is dead.
That’s the build in a nutshell, it’s pretty good at battlefield control and clearing mobs. I’m not confident in its ability to take down any bosses though. Mostly I wanted to use a class mod that wasnt the phasezerker or the Breaker and thought the dragon was really cool with its added ability of using your augment on a melee kill.
Anyway please feel free to let me know what you think, what you would change, or if you think this build is bad lol.
Edit: I have another variation of this build. Instead of going for the brawler capstone I’ve also tried going all the way down the mystical assault tree and getting Avatar. I’m still testing to see which one works best.
All tests were done on normal mode, mayhem 3.