Builds are broken down by their primary function. However, this does not mean that a build under the “Gun DPS” tag ONLY uses guns. The tags are set up so that we can organize builds based on what their biggest strength is. This should make it easier for people to find a build archetype that they want to play with.
Table of Contents
- Gun DPS
- Melee DPS
- Boss DPS
- Survival / Support
- Hybrid / Misc
- Manufacturer Allegiance
- Get your build added (guide)
Name and Link: Always Be Casting
Description: Elemental action skill-based caster
Action Skill: Phasecast
Skill Trees: Mystical Assault and Fist of the Elements
Build Level: 50
Specific Gear: No
Difficulty Level: Medium
Video: No
Name and Link: Elemental Amara
Description: Elemental mass crowd controller
Action Skill: Phasegrasp
Skill Trees: Mystical Assault and Fist of the Elements
Build Level: 50
Specific Gear: Yes
Difficulty Level: Low
Video: No
Name and Link: Haunted Maggie
Description: Mobbing setup, utilizing Terror anointments
Action Skill: Phasegrasp
Skill Trees: Mystical Assault and Fist of the Elements
Build Level: 50
Specific Gear: Yes
Difficulty Level: Low
Video: Yes
Name and Link: Indiscriminate Binder
Description: Elemental mass crowd controller
Action Skill: Phasegrasp
Skill Trees: Fist of the Elements, Brawl and Mystical Assault
Build Level: 50
Specific Gear: Yes
Difficulty Level: Low
Video: Yes
Name and Link: Mystical Overkill
Description: Creating massive overkill orbs
Action Skill: Phasecast
Skill Trees: Mystical Assault, Brawl and Fist of the Elements
Build Level: 50
Specific Gear: Yes
Difficulty Level: Medium
Video: No
Name and Link: Phasezerker Phaseslam
Description: Making use of anointment bonuses
Action Skill: Phaseslam
Skill Trees: Mystical Assault, Brawl and Fist of the Elements
Level of Build: 50
Specific Gear: Yes
Difficulty Level: Low
Video: No
Name and Link: Racing Nucular Warhead - A face-tanking gun build
Description: Fast-paced and tanky radiation build with lots of synergies
Action Skill: Phasegrasp
Skill Trees: Fist of the Elements and Brawl
Level of Build: 50
Specific Gear: Yes
Difficulty Level: Low
Video: Yes
Name and Link: Stacking Spider Amara
Description: Build for dominating all content at M10 using TTB and double-dipping
Action Skill: Ties That Bind
Skill Trees: Mystical Assault and Fist of the Elements with a side of Personal Space
Build Level: 57
Specific Gear: Yes
Difficulty Level: Low
Video: No
Melee DPS
Name and Link: Flame of the Dragon
Description: Applying high incendiary DOTs via melee and Facepuncher
Action Skill: Phasegrasp
Skill Trees: Brawl and Fist of the Elements
Build Level: 50
Specific Gear: Yes
Difficulty Level: Low
Video: Yes
Name and Link: Melee Amara
Description: -
Action Skill: Phaseslam
Skill Trees: Brawl, Mystical Assault and Fist of the Elements
Build Level: 50
Specific Gear: Yes
Difficulty Level: Medium
Video: Yes
Boss DPS
Survival / Support
Name and Link: Multi-Purpose
Description: Multi-purpose template, primarily CC
Action Skill: Phasegrasp
Skill Trees: Mystical Assault, Brawl and Fist of the Elements
Build Level: 50
Specific Gear: No
Difficulty Level: Low
Video: No
Hybrid / Misc
Name and Link: Break the Frozen Heart
Description: Insta-freeze everything around you, melee and explosive damage
Action Skill: Phasegrasp
Skill Trees: Fist of the Elements, Brawl and Mystical Assault
Build Level: 50
Specific Gear: Yes
Difficulty Level: Low
Video: Yes
Name and Link: Stinging Smasher Amara
Description: Use the Stinger to blow up everything. It’s literally that easy.
Action Skill: TTB with a sprinkling of Phasecast
Skill Trees: Mystical Assault to cap, followed by Fist and Brawl
Build Level: 60
Specific Gear: Yes - it positively requires the Stinger shield
Difficulty Level: Low
Video: No
Name and Link: The Dragon Of Partali and The Soul Fire Tsunami
Description: Melee and gun gameplay with the Dragon class mod and Tsunami SMG
Action Skill: Phasegrasp
Skill Trees: Fist of the Elements, Brawl and Mystical Assault
Build Level: 50
Specific Gear: Yes
Difficulty Level: Medium
Video: Yes
Name and Link: The Shocking Vampire
Description: Focused on shock damage, paired with both gun and melee gameplay
Action Skill: Phasegrasp
Skill Trees: Fist of the Elements and Brawl
Build Level: 50
Specific Gear: Yes
Difficulty Level: Low
Video: No
Name and Link: White Elephant Unforgiven
Description: Facepuncher + White Elephant + Unforgiven (crit swapping)
Action Skill: Phaseslam
Skill Trees: Brawl, Mystical Assault and Fist of the Elements
Build Level: 50
Specific Gear: Yes
Difficulty Level: Medium
Video: Yes
Manufacturer Allegiance
Name and Link: Hellwalkin’ Deputy
Description: The Hellwalker accompanied with a Jakobs arsenal
Action Skill: Phasegrasp
Skill Trees: Mystical Assault and Fist of the Elements
Build Level: 50
Specific Gear: Yes
Difficulty Level: Medium
Video: Yes
Name and Link: Siren Sheriff: A One Shot Build
Description: Revolves around massive crits with Jakobs guns and overkill damage
Action Skill: Phasegrasp
Skill Trees: Mystical Assault, Fist of the Elements and Brawl
Level of Build: 50
Specific Gear: Yes
Difficulty Level: Medium
Video: Yes
Name and Link: Terror Tediore Amara
Description: Throw Tediore guns for massive damage
Action Skill: Phaseslam
Skill Trees: Mystical Assault, Brawl and Fist of the Elements
Level of Build: 50
Specific Gear: Yes
Difficulty Level: High
Video: Yes
Get your Build added!
If you have a build you wish to have added to the OP please list the following when submitting your build:
Category: (pick one) Gun DPS, Melee DPS, Boss DPS, Survival/Support, Hybrid/Misc, Manufacturer Allegiance
Name and Link: Placeholder
Description: whatever summarizes your build best in one sentence
Action Skill: Phaseslam, Phasecast or Phasegrasp
Skill Trees: Brawl, Mystical Assault and/or Fist of the Elements (primary one first, then the rest)
Build Level: 50
Specific Gear: Yes or No
Difficulty Level: Low, Medium or High
Video: Yes or No
You MUST have a thread or cloud document dedicated to your build. Just a video showcasing it isn’t enough.
Tips and Tricks for an AWESOME build write up
Here are a few key things to have on your dedicated page, thread or document for your build.
- Have either a screenshot or a link to a skill calculator with the build set up
- Describe what the build is intended for
- If your build requires or is dependent on a certain gear set up, list needed gear items, and if you can how to acquire said items.
- Be descriptive. The more information you provide about your build, the better. Describe why you’ve chosen the skills you have, why the gear or weapons you have listed are a ‘Must Have’, even videos of the build in action. Anything helps people make a better-informed decision on your build and if it’s something they might like to try.
- Sljm created an excellent guide on how to format a build guide: [Guide] Color Codes for Build Builders