An Amara build? (Help needed)

First of all, I’ve already looked at that google doc: and I didn’t find what I want.

I think Amara has trouble to deal damages in Mayhem 10. The only viable build I’ve found is a build based on the Face-puncher. The problem of this one, is it’s boring as hell. I’m pissed to constantly change the element of my artifact and Action Skill to be able to deal enough damages on Armors/Shields. Also, I easily run out of shotgun ammo.

I’m searching a build viable in M10, without any DLC (no DLC gears, no 4th skill tree). I want to do DLC with it before droping the game so having a build with DLC content will be useless for me.

  • M10 viable, with a guardian rank of 250.
  • No DLC content needed
  • Deals enough damage with various weapons (SMG, Sniper, AssRifle, Shotgun, etc.)

Here is the build I modified from anther build (probably in that google doc). I’ve been having a lot of fun with it and it’s based on using splash weapons and a Golden Rule class mod that give +1 to Laid Bare (blue tree) and +4 to Helping Hand(s) (green tree).

I’m with you on the face-puncher build being boring. Yeah it does a lot of damage, but it’s based around just 1 weapon. If there were more weapons that were like the face-puncher (and not a shotgun), then it could be more fun.

I’ve modified a bit as I don’t have the 4th tree. I’ve done a mixed one which works with the face-puncher and others weapons too.
Thanks for your help

Ahh with 3 skill trees I had it with Arms Deal (green tree) maxed out then 1 point in Helping Hand(s) to get 5/5 with class mod.

Here the build I’m using now. With the classmod Golden Rule (I’ve only the +3 Laid Bare). A chance I’ve did the Casino DLC and got this COM.

I still can use the face-puncher for some badass enemies and I deals enough damage with other weapons. My main is an Artic Kaos.

A +3 Laid Bare is pretty damn good.
I used a similar build when going from 60-65 and starting early mayhem levels. Eventually I got rid of Conflux because the dots weren’t scaling that great with Mayhem and went for 5/5 Infusion.

The trick I’ve found with dealing with badass enemies is to grab a regular mob with Ties That Bind and making sure the badass is tied to the regular mob. Once the mob dies it should kill or severely hurt the badass.

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I would suggest my Deputy Build if you like Jakobs. It was shredding M10 already before all the weapons got major buffs, but now without modifiers it should be even easier. It doesn’t use the 4th tree yet because I didn’t get it yet (too buggy and was waiting for fixes). Just a suggestion.

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What gear are you using with this build? Working on a build for my g/f and since ASE got sorta demonlished not sure what to look for.

Here is what I mainly use:
Main weapon of choice: Plasma Coil
Corrosive weapon: Gargoyle
Shield: Madcap
Class Mod: Golden Rule
Alt Class Mod: Elementalist

My other 2 weapons I change it up, but mainly stick to the Plasma Coil and Gargoyle. Then grenade and relic can be anything you like (that’s what I do).
I’m thinking of trying some sort of Atom Balm relic to compliment the radiation on the plasma coil.

Been using a ties that bind / phasezerker build since mayhem 1.0. Still clearing rooms in seconds and I barely ever use the Facepuncher

Perhaps I’ll test it if I can find others weapons. I’ve only the shotgun.
But I’m not a big fan of phasecast tbh.

I’ve never seen that gear.
Excepted the Golden Rule class mod.

The Plasma Coil and Madcap come from Arms Race and the Gargoyle is from DLC3.

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Oh right, that explains why I’ve never seen them.